TEMA 5. Contaminantes Orgánicos Más Importantes

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1. lnLroduccln: rlnclplos de Loxlcologla medloamblenLal.

2. Pldrocarburos. Pldrocarburos aromucos pollnucleares (APs).

3. esucldas.

4. uloxlnas, furanos y blfenllos pollclorados (C8s).

3. ulsolvenLes. CCvs. CompuesLos clorouorocarbonados (ClCs).

6. CLros compuesLos orgnlcos Lxlcos y/o per[udlclales para el

- u. W. Connell, 8aslc ConcepLs of LnvlronmenLal ChemlsLry", 2
Ld., C8C ress, 2003.
- C. 8alrd and M. Cann, LnvlronmenLal chemlsLry", 3
Ld., W. P. lreeman & Co. 2012.
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8ouLes of LoxlcanLs ln organlsms.
CuanuLauve Loxlcology
Puman healLh rlsk assessmenL
LcoLoxlcology and ecologlcal rlsk assessmenL
Environmental toxicology is the study of the toxic
or poisonous effects that chemicals (or other agents)
in the environment exert when individual organisms
or relatively small numbers of individuals are
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!e right dose
di#eren$a%s a
&oison and a
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low doses <----> long exposure ! sublethal effects
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Genotoxicity: The action of environmental
chemicals on genetic material
"*;.1)*-/*+,8 )/0+1)2/*0: Lhe mosL sLudled of all endocrlne dlsrupLors

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