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The Metric System Web Quest

Write each answer in a COMPLETE sentence RESTATING THE QESTION in y!ur answer"
Hist!ry#s Im$!rtant %ates
Examine the following dates and timeline to find out the history behind the metric system.
1) Who originated the metric system and when?
) Which !.". president proposed a decimal#based measurement system for the !.".?
$) When was the metric system made legal in the !.".? Was this mandatory?
%) &n your own words' what did the !.". (etric "tudy conclude in 1)*1?
+) ,efore the end of --)' the !" should allow .................
/) Why is it important that we understand and are able to use the metric system?
Internati!na& S$!rts
(any of us en2oy the 3lympics and can4t help but mar0el at the athletes4 talent. 5hec1 out this website and answer
the following 6uestions.
1) What percentage of the world uses the metric system?
) 7pproximately how high is 1- meters?
$) 7pproximately how long is + 1ilometers?
%) 8ow wide is a balance beam for female gymnasts? What does this compare to?
+) 9ame one more interesting fact about international sports and its use of the metric
5ustomary to (etric
"ince we still use the English 5ustomary system in 7merica :as well as the metric)' it is important that we
understand how the two different systems compare. 7nswer the following 6uestions 1eeping in mind a 0isual of the
different measurements.
1) Which is longer# a meter or a yard? ,y how much?
) Which is longer# a 1ilometer or a mile? ,y how much?
$) Which is longer# a centimeter and an inch? ,y how much? 8int: 7n inch is about the si;e
of your thumbnail)
%) Which is hea0ier# a pound or a 1ilogram? ,y how much?
+) What is one ob2ect that weighs about one gram? 8ow about fi0e grams?
/) Which would hold more mil1# a liter or a 6uart? ,y how much?
*) Which would hold more water# a teaspoon :tsp) or a milliliter?
<) Which is hotter' $-=5 or $-=>? 8ow do you 1now?
Summary !' the Metric System
?raw the chart and finish completing the chart using the se0en base units of the metric system.
"& base unit (easures 7bbre0iation
(eter ?istance m

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