Just My Type - List of Fonts

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Just My Type.

A book about fonts

By Simon Garfeld
Gotham Books
2011 ISBN 978-1-594-052-4
Just My Type a list of (almost) all in
the book
Page Font & other
2 !imes Ne" #oman
2 $el%eti&a
2 'hi&a(o
2 !oronto
2 )eni&e
2 *os +n(eles
2 'enta,r
2 -ranklin Gothi&
2 -r,ti(er
2 Garamond
. Bem/o
. Bodoni
. 0idot
. Book +nti1,a
. Br,sh S&ri2t
. $er&,lan,m
. Bra((ado&io
. *ondon
. Gene%a
. Ne" 3ork
. San -ran&is&o
. 4alatino
4 Gill Sans
4 Bem/o
4 Basker%ille
4 'aslon
4 Bodoni
4 0idot
4 Book +nti1,a
4 Br,sh S&ri2t
4 'ali/ri
4 )erdana
4 Geor(ia
4 Gotham
5 'ali/ri
5 Garamond
5 !rattoria
5 'ent,ry
5 'enta,r
5 -ranklin Gothi&
7 5yomin(
7 G,ten/er(
7 6nder(ro,nd
9 'omi& Sans
15 'larendon
18 0o"
18 #etina
19 !re/,&het
19 7le&tra
20 *,&inda
20 !ahoma
2. +rial
2. !ra8an 'a2itals
2. +rial
2. !ra8an
24 0idot
24 +m/roise *i(ht
24 Bem/o Book
25 +r1,ite&t,ra
25 'enta,r
25 I!' Brioso 4ro $all
25 'olossalis
.0 !e9t,ra
.0 Bastarda
. -,t,ra
. $el%eti&a
. Gill Sans
. 'aslon
. 7(y2tian
. +k:iden: Grotesk
40 Gill Sans
41 !em2late Gothi&
41 'ani&o2,l,s
4. 4er2et,a
4. ;oanna
45 $el%eti&a
45 'oo2er Bla&k
45 4a/st 79tra Bold
48 +!- 'oo2er $ilite
50 6ni%ers
52 Bem/o
52 Bodoni
52 Garamond
-onts listed in Just My Type 1
5 !otally Gothi&
57 Basker%ille
57 Go,dy <ld Style
57 Sa/on
57 Ne" #oman
. +l/ert,s
Snell ro,ndhand Bold
I!' Ben(,iat
Bode(a Sans
7 $el%eti&a 'om2ressed
8 Bookman
8 4alatino
8 )erdana
8 Geor(ia
8 Snell #o,ndhand
8 Bell 'entenial
8 I!' Galliard
8 !ahoma
7. -,t,ra
7. )erdana
77 =onoty2e Bem/o
80 Bem/o
84 0o%es
90 Garamond
90 I!' 540 'aslon Itali&
97 Basker%ille
10 =rs 7a%es
10 =r 7a%es
109 ;ohnston Sans
109 6nder(ro,nd
112 7r/ar
112 -,t,ra
112 >a/el
112 Gill Sans
117 Ne" ;ohnston
121 +l2ha/et =etro
122 +k:iden: Grotesk
122 $el%eti&a
124 $el%eti&a
124 6ni%ers
129 +k:iden: Grotesk
1.2 $el%eti&a Ne,e
1.9 -r,ti(er
14. +k:iden: Grotesk
14. 0e,ts&he Ind,strie Norm
14. !rans2ort
14. 'la%ert
14. Interstate
14. 'lear%ie"
14. 5interstate
1. 0ymo #oman
17 4alatino
17 <2tima
17 +a2fno
17 0iotima
17 Aa2B 0in(/ats
17 7ros
17 -a&t
18 $arle1,in
19 IB= 4resti(e 4i&a 72
19 <rator
19 0ele(ate
19 'o,rier 12 Itali&
174 -ranklin Gothi&
174 Go,dy <ld Style
174 ;ensen
174 'ent,ry S&hool/ook
174 Bem/o
174 'ent,ry <ld Style
182 -- =eta
182 I!' <C&ina Sans
182 I!' <C&ina SeriB
182 -- InBo
187 !e9t,ra
189 -rakt,r
189 0e,ts&he S&hriBt
190 -,t,ra
192 Ban&o
192 =istral
192 +nti1,e <li%e
19. -,t,ra
19 'aslon
19 !imes #oman
19 Bookman
197 =onti&ello
197 S&ot&h #oman
198 'heltenham
198 >im/all
200 -ranklin Gothi&
201 Go,dy <ld Style
201 Go,dy !e9t
204 Bodoni
-onts listed in Just My Type 2
205 5al/a,m
205 -airfeld
205 -eni&e
205 0e)inne
205 !horo"(ood
205 -alstaD
205 -i((ins +nti1,e
207 Gotham
21. Ne" Basker%ille Bold
21. <2tima
21 Bem/o
21 'aslon
21 !imes Ne" #oman
21 Basker%ille Go,dy
21 4er2et,a
21 Bodoni
217 Neo Sans 4ro
217 $el%eti&a
217 Gotham
218 )itesse
218 !,n(sten
218 0idot
229 Se(oe
229 -r,ti(er
229 Geor(ia
2.1 Bien%en,e
2.2 Bliss
2.. <2tima
2.. 4alatino
2.. =elior
2.. Sa2hir
2.. Aa2fno
2.. <2tima
2.. +l/ert,s
2.8 Ste2henson Blake 'aslon
244 7hrhardt
244 6ni%ers
244 'ent,ry S&hool/ook
249 =onoty2e $aarlemoner
249 =onoty2e 0ante
251 Sa/on
259 !imes Ne" #oman
259 Geor(ia
259 )erdana
25 Insi(nia
25 Bl,r
25 Ne%ille Brody
25 B,Dalo
25 4ro2a(anda
270 ;im/o
270 Bal/oa
270 =o8o
270 =odesto
270 4arkinson
284 )endome
29 7&oBont
29 So,%enir
29 Gill Sans *i(ht Shado"ed
29 Br,sh S&ri2t
29 4a2yr,s
29 Ne,land Inline
29 !he 2012 <lym2i& -ont
29 #ansom Note
-onts listed in Just My Type 3

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