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1. About 3
2. Gift tag 4
3. Bloom In Spring Granny Square 5
4. Crochet On the Go Phone Case 8
5. Crochet Gift topper 11
6. Peacock Blue Crochet Peacock
Bracelet with Bead 13
7. Abbreviation 15
8. Back cover 16


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Round 3

Materials: (for one granny square)
Small amount of
White color (Sport yarn weight)
3.25 mm crochet hook

With yellow color
ch 7, make a ring or magic ring

Round 1: ch 3 (count as dc) 15 dc into the ring, sl st to beg
ch 3. (16 dc)

Round 2: *ch 4, sk one st, sl st to next st* repeat to end. (8
ch-4 spaces)
Bloom In Spring Granny Square Special stitch - Petal stitch:
[yarn over, insert the hook in ch-4 space, yarn
over, pull back through the ch-4 space] 4 times in
same ch-4 space, 9 loops in the hook, yarn over,
pull back through the all loops, ch 1 for close the


Round 3: sl st to ch-4 space, *ch 4, petal st (see the
instruction how to crochet petal st under special stitch) in
same ch-4 space, ch 4, sl st to same ch-4 space, ch 1, sl st to
next ch-4 space* repeat to end. (8 petals)

Round 4: join white color with ch 6 (count as dc and ch 3) sl
st to top of the petal st (there is a small space), [ch 3, 2 dc in
ch-1 space placed between 2 petals, ch 3, sl st to top of the
petal st] 7 times, ch 3, 1 dc in last ch-1 space, sl st to beg ch
3. (16 dc)
Round 5: Join green color with ch 1 (count as sc) 2 sc in ch-3
space, 2 sc in next ch-3 space again, [sc in 2 dc, 2 sc in ch-3
space, 2 sc in next ch-3 space again] 7 times, sc in last dc, sl
st to beg ch 1. (48 sc)

Round 6: Ch 3 (count as dc) dc in next 10 st, [3 dc in next st,
dc in 11 st] 3 times, 3 dc in last st, sl st to beg ch 3. (56 dc)
Round 7: ch 2 (count as sc) sc in next 11 st, 3 sc in next st,
[sc in next 13 st, 3 sc in next st] 3 times, sc in next st, sl st to
beg ch 2. (64 sc). Fasten off. Weave the ends.

Round 4
Round 6
Round 5



Finished size:
4" x 6.5"

Materials (I used)
White color (fingering
Magenta color (sport
Black color (sport yarn)
4.00 mm crochet hook
One button (black)
Sewing thread and needle to sew the button
Using two strands of sport yarn and fingering yarn type
together 20 sc x 17 rows = 4"
Crochet On the Go Phone Case
Keep in mind before start to crochet.
Be sure there are 34 sc stitches after crocheting in
each round, if not, the pattern will decrease or
increase. Because sometimes it is confusing about
the stitch counting when crocheting with single
crochet (sc) stitches. Beg ch does not count as st. 31
rows have crocheted for this phone case. Work's
going round



With black and white color together , ch 17
Round 1: sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in next 14 ch, 3 sc in
last ch. Do not turn, work in opposite side, sc in next 14 ch,
2 sc in last ch, sl st to beg ch 1.(34 sc)

Round 2: ch 1, sc in each around, sl st to beg ch 1. (34 sc)

Round 3 21 repeat round 2 with black and white colors

Round 22 32 repeat round 2 with magenta and white
colors together. Fasten off.

Button loop
Crochet ch 15 with black and white colors together. Join it
center of one side edge of the phone case. Place the button
and sew it in the center of the other side of phone case.



What you will need for this ?
I used the rest of the yarn I had collected.
Pink color and white color yarn
fingering weight (Little amount)
2.25 mm crochet hook
Sewing thread and needle.
ch 4, dc in first ch from hook, [ ch 3,turn the work, dc into
the loop that made with ch 4 and dc in previous ] repeat
until you want and sl st to first loop. I repeat 20 times.

Crochet flower ( Make 2)
With white yarn, ch 7, sl st to first ch from hook. (made a

Row 1: ch 2 hdc into ring, [ ch 8, 3 hdc into ring ] 5 times,
ch 8, hdc into the ring and sl st to ch 2 top.
Row 2: Join the pink yarn with ch 2, [ 12 hdc in ch-8 space,
sk next hdc, sl st to next ] 6 times. Fasten off. Sew the 2
flowers and band together.

Crochet Gift Topper



Materials : I used
1.50 mm crochet hook or 2.00 mm crochet hook
Anchor Embroidery thread
3 mm beads. pink, green color
Finished size = 5.75" long without tail

Insert the 44 beads on the thread. I picked out pink and
green color beads. Loaded them alternatively.
Leave 5 tail

Peacock blue crochet bracelet
with beads
Working on WS
I used 44 beads for one bracelet, If
you crochet 10 + 2 ch stitches, then
you need 10 beads.


ch 44+2 Multiple of 2+2

hdc in 3rd ch from hook. Slip 1 bead and crochet ch 1 with
the bead, sl st to next ch.

* ch 2, hdc in next ch, slip 1 bead and crochet ch 1 with the
bead, sl st to next ch* repeat to end. Do not turn.

Working on opposite side ch 2, hdc in same st, slip 1 bead
and crochet ch 1 with the bead, sl st to next st, * ch 2, hdc
in next st, slip 1 bead and crochet ch 1 with the bead, sl st
to next st* repeat to end. ch 1 for end the work and fasten
off. Leave 5 tail and cut the yarn.

1. ch 2
2. hdc in next ch
3. slip 1 bead
4. crochet ch 1 with the bead
5. sl st to the next ch
6. Working on opposite side: ch 2,
hdc in same ch

3. 4.
5. 6.



ch = chain
sl st = slip stitch
sc = single crochet
hdc = half double crochet
dc = double crochet
tr = triple crochet
dtr = double treble crochet
fpdc = front post double crochet
bpdc = back post double crochet
sk = skip
yo = yarn over
dec = decrease
inc = increase
lp = loop
bl = back loop
fl = front loop
hk = hook
sp = space
ch sp = chain pace
beg = beginning
MC = Main Color
CA = Color A
rep = repeat
RS = Right Side
WS = Wrong Side
* = repeat * t0 * the instructions.
[] = work instructions within brackets as many times
as directed


Erangi Udeshika

Im a crochet lover. Plus, I like
spending my time with drawing,
reading books, sewing and do other
hand made crafts. I love to share my
all crochet works in my blog.

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