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Lakeview Elementary School

This weeks news...

Next week we will contnue on our leter expert share.
Thanks to all of you who have made learning leters/
sounds so fun! Be sure to check the calendar to see when
your childs share day is. Dont forget to go on a scaven-
ger hunt for a show-n-tell item to ft in the baggie as well
as a snack beginning with your leter. Remember to prac-
tce their leter periodically, they are the EXPERT on that
leter. Next week we will be getng buggy about our In-
sect Unit! In Math we will contnue
working on countng, shapes and positon

*blue *see
red I a
***Beginning next week, you will fnd a popcorn word ring in the
pocket of your childs backpack. We will add the new words each
week. Practce them ofen at home, but be sure to put them back in
the their backpacks so we can use them at school as well. Thanks!!!
Thanks to all of you who made it out for Open House.
They love to be tour guides. I always enjoy meetng fam-
ilies. Thanks also for contnuing to sign and inital Orange
folders each day. I do check for notes on the back each
morning. Occasionally I will write a note on the back
of the communicaton card. Most of you are read-
ing, responding and checking of that youve read
them. I encourage you to read to your child each
night. Please record the number of minutes read each
day. Beginning in October, Pizza Hut provides free pizza
certfcates for students who meet the reading goal (60
min./ week).
Each Friday, I will send our class newsleter - Foxs Friday
Facts. I hope you are reading and saving them in a folder
at home for future reference. Hopefully I can keep you
up to date on all upcoming events as well as keeping you
informed of what your children have been learning in
Kindergarten. Please check for notes and graded work.
If its on the keep at home side, especially if it has a
stamp, there is no need to return. However, if its in the
return to school side, please fll out, or do the assign-
Last week, we played I Spy and made a cool class
book called I Spy a Red This week we played a
similar game called Riddle-e Riddle - e - Ree, I see
something you dont see! Our Blue book will be
ttled Riddle--e Riddle e Ree...I see a
blue_____. Each student illustrates their page and
helps write a sentence. We bind them into a class
book for the reading center.
We are talking about how leters make words and
words make sentences. This week we learned two
new popcorn wordsblue & see.
Also, be sure to fnd and read their Blue booklet.
Practce popcorn words see and blue. Have
them sing the song for you. Remind them to use
their pointer fnger and point to the words as they
read. Make sure they are startng at the lef and
hopping over the spaces. I am encouraging them
to read it to 3 diferent people, get signatures and
return it on Monday for Daily 5 tme. Wow! Can
you believe they are reading??

Next week

Aug. 22, 2014
Popcorn Words
In folders today, look for the sheets stamped
HOMEWORK. Practce recognizing and writng all
5 leters from this week for review. Be sure they
learn the leter of the day. On the back side,
please fnd the popcorn word sheet see. Ask
them the chant for s-e-e.
Also, look for their BLUE BOOKLET. Have them
read it to at least 3 people. We will store them in
their Literacy Tub. We will get quite a collecton
of litle booklets this year! Contnue to work on
words that pop up everywhere as you are read-
Remind them they will get a tcket for returning
their work on Monday, or at the latest, Tuesday.
Five tckets are worth a trip to the TREASURE

Upcoming Events
No school on and Monday, Sep-
tember 1st - Labor Day!
Picture Day - September 25th.
Field Trip to Peden Farm - Tuesday,
September 30th. More to come :)
Chaperones needed!!!
6 sheets of white poster board
Approsimately 80 - 1/2 prickly pom-
poms (assorted colors)

Wish List
Thanks to all who have already ordered
from the September book order. Please
make every efort to order. They are
ofering lots of bonus points this month.
That means lots of free books for the
class library. They will only accept checks
and money orders. You can go online
Book Orders

If you havent already helped your child make your
house to hang on the bulletn board, please do so BY
MONDAY. We have been ataching mailboxes and
phones when they learn addresses and phone num-
bers.. I think most know their phone number, work on
those addresses!!!! If you need constructon paper,
please let me know.
Special Thanks
Thanks for sharing your children
with me! It was a great week.
Enjoy the weekend!

Mrs. Fox
House Project
Thank you again to all of my parent volunteers. I
couldnt do it without you. We made a few ad-
justments to the calendar after Open House. If I
have forgotten someone, please let me know!
You are always welcome in my classroom. I will
be utilizing my home helpers more, soon. Shop-
pers keep watch in the Wish List
section of the newsletters each
week. Save and send receipts so
I can reimburse you. Thanks so

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