1 Wilson, Jonathan - The Tulsa Times

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Teenagers save young kids from burning church!!

By Jonathan Wilson
, 1965 -
During a picnic near
the old church on Jay
Mountain in Windrixville, a
sudden fire broke out in the
old church with four to five
children about eight years of
age. Two teenagers, Ponyboy
Curtis and Johnny Cade,
managed to safely empty the
church of the children,
however, Johnny was
severely injured, with a
broken back when a piece of
timber fell on him. A
bystander, Dallas Winston,
managed to pull Johnny out
of the church, but burned his
arm in the process.

During a leisurely
school picnic near the old
church on Jay Mountain in
Windrixville, Oklahoma, the
old church suddenly burst
into flames. It was the wet
season in Windrixville, and
the old church was pretty
much worthless, mainly
because nobody used it
anymore. However, when the
church burst into flames,
several young children were
trapped inside, going against
instructions not to go into the
church. Two fallen angels,
Ponyboy Curtis, Johnny Cade,
dove right into the task of
emptying the church of the
children. Although the children
were resistant at first, the fire
grew more intense, and they
became terrified and allowed
themselves to be carried out. As
the last children were being
evacuated, a piece of timber fell
from the ceiling and landed onto
Johnny, whos back broke. The
man who apparently drove the
teens to the church, Dallas
Winston, pulled Johnny out of
the burning church through the
window and ended up burning
himself with a Second degree
burn. Johnny was in critical
condition when he was being
taken to the hospital, and the
fate of him is undecided.
Ponyboy fared much better,
however, mainly because he
was wearing a leather jacket that
protected him from the heat and

In an interview with Mr.
Jerry, as he prefers not to use
his full name, he said Those
kids are our saviors. If it
wasnt for them, I dont know
what would have happened,
as the firefighters wouldnt
have gotten there in time, and
I dont know if the other
supervisors would have been
brave enough to go inside a
burning building to rescue
some young kids. The one
who looked like he had his
hair cut and bleached, he told
me that they were part of
some sort of hood, something
like greasers. I didnt believe
him though, especially since
he told me this after he woke
up in the ambulance. Those
kids were the first kids Ive
seen that brave in a long
time. Mr. Jerry was a
supervisor for the picnic.
, 1965

Inside this issue of the Tulsa Times:
Cover Page Cover Story on Hoodlums Turned Heroes
Page 1 Local and National Announcements
Page 2 National and International News
Page 3 Business News
Page 4 Sports
Page 5 Cartoons

Vietnam - Is it worth it? As you may have heard already, the
president has already sent military and political advisors to South
Vietnam to help prevent Communism from spreading. But is it
going to be worth sending troops there to combat the threat? Vote
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Results of the vote will be posted in the next issue of the Tulsa

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