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Lisa J. Lehmberg
Associate Professor of Music
Coordinator of Music Education
Coordinator of Student Teaching
University of Massachusetts
Department of Music & Dance
FAC 273 E., 151 Presidents Drive
Amherst, MA 01003
Office phone: (413) 545-0612
Email address:

Academic Qualifications
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) (2008) University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida
Major: Music Education
Cognate Area: Music Education Technology
Doctoral Dissertation: Perceptions of effective teaching and pre-service teacher preparation
for urban elementary general music classrooms: A study of teachers of different cultural
backgrounds in various cultural settings. (2008). ProQuest: UMI Number 3326036.

Orff-Schulwerk Certification
Level 3 (2010) Anna Maria College, Worcester, Massachusetts
Level 2 (2008) Stetson University, Deland, Florida
Level 1 (2006) Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida

Real Colors Facilitator Certification (2010) Colorado State University, Boulder, Colorado

PBworks Wiki Educator Certification (2010) Online certification course

National Board Certification in Early/Middle Childhood Music (2003)

Iowa Professional K-12 Music Educator License (1986)

Master of Music (1980) University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois
Major: Piano Performance

Bachelor of Music (1978) University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois
Major: Piano Performance
Minor: Voice Performance

Academic Positions
University of Massachusetts, Amherst: Associate Professor of Music (2014-present), Assistant Professor
of Music (2008-2014)
Coordinator of Music Education (Fall 2012-present)
Coordinator of Student Teaching (Spring 2010-present)
Instructor of the following undergraduate music education courses:
1. Music-Ed 323: Elementary Classroom Methods*
2. Music-Ed 500K: Student Teaching Section N-9 (elementary level)*
3. Music-Ed 500U: Student Teaching Special Subjects 5-12 (secondary level)*
4. Music-Ed 191A: Introduction to Music Education
Instructor of the following online graduate music education courses:
1. Music-Ed 590M: New Trends, Techniques and Research in Music Education
2. Music-Ed 621: Research in Music Education*
3. Music-Ed 691T: Techniques and Research in Alternate Music Education Methods*
4. Music-Ed 691M: Diversity in Music Education*
* denotes courses currently taught
Supervisor of student teachers
Supervisor of graduate research and dissertations
Advisor for junior and senior undergraduate music education majors, graduate music
education majors, and students enrolled in post-baccalaureate music teacher licensure
Co-advisor, collegiate chapter of NAfME (National Association for Music Education)
Co-advisor, collegiate chapter of Sigma Alpha Iota (international womens professional music
Chancellors Junior Faculty Fellow (2008-2012)
University Committee Membership:
1. Education Licensure Advisory Committee (ELAC)*
2. ELAC Evaluation Subcommittee*
3. Mellon Mutual Mentoring Team Grant Selection Committee
Department of Music and Dance Committee Memberships:
1. Access Committee
2. Choral Search Committee
3. Graduate Program Committee*
4. Music Education Emergency Search Committee
5. Music Education Search Committee: Choral
6. Music Education Search Committee: Instrumental
7. Personnel Committee
8. Summer Masters Program Committee
* denotes current committee membership

University of South Florida, Tampa: Graduate Teaching Assistant, Virginia Bridges Doctoral Fellow
Instructor of the following undergraduate courses:
1. K-12 General Music Methods and Practicum
2. Special Ensemble Methods in World Music
3. Techniques and Pedagogy of General Music Education
4. World Music Ensemble
Instructor of the following online masters level courses:
1. Advanced Techniques and Research in General Music Education
2. Alternative Techniques and Research in Music Education

Boston University: Online Music Education Facilitator (2006)
Facilitator for the following online graduate course:
1. Foundations of Music Education 2: Sociology and Psychology

Sioux City Community School District: Music Specialist, Sioux City, Iowa (1987-2005)
General Music Specialist, Riverside Elementary School (1988-90, 1992-2005); taught music to
grades PreK5 and directed the following ensembles:
1. Multicultural Music Company
2. Steel Drum Bands I and II
3. Jamaica Mistake? (faculty steel drum band)
4. African Drum Ensemble
5. International Chorus
6. Recorder Ensemble.
Special Education Music Instructor, Riverside School, West High School (1988-94); taught
general music to students with severe to profound intellectual and physical disabilities
Assistant Band Director, West High School (1987-94); co-directed the following ensembles:
1. Symphonic Band
2. Freshman Band
3. Marching Band
4. Jazz Ensemble
5. Jazz Combos
Assistant Orchestra Director, West High School (1991-92); co-directed the Symphonic
Choral Director, West High School (1990-1992); served as musical director for annual all-
school musicals and directed the following ensembles:
1. A Cappella Choir
2. Freshman Choir
3. Show Choir
Choral Director and General Music Specialist, West Middle School (1988-89); taught general
music to students in grade 6 and directed the 6
grade chorus
Elementary Band Director, Leeds and Irving Elementary Schools (1988-89); taught
instrumental music lessons and directed the grade 5 band
General Music Specialist, Clark Elementary School (1987-88); taught general music to grades
K-5 and directed the 5
grade chorus

Morningside College, Sioux City, Iowa: Adjunct Professor of Music (2001-2004)
Instructor of the following undergraduate courses:
1. Applied Piano
2. Applied Flute
3. Steel Drum Ensemble
Collaborative pianist for faculty and student recitals

Mount Senario College, Ladysmith, Wisconsin: Instructor of Music (1984-85)
Instructor of the following undergraduate courses:
1. Applied Flute
2. Flute and Recorder Ensemble
3. Survey of Western Music History
4. Wind Ensemble
5. Symphony Orchestra
Collaborative pianist for faculty and student recitals

Administrative Experience
University of Massachusetts, Amherst: Coordinator of Music Education (Fall 2012-present)
Responsibilities include (a) overseeing bachelors, masters, and doctoral degree programs and
post-baccalaureate music teacher licensure certificate program, (b) overseeing the budget of
the music education program, (c) academic audits of students accepted to the post-
baccalaureate music teacher licensure program, (d) collaboration with the ROTC program and
Veterans Office concerning military personnel enrolled in the music education program, (e)
recommendations to the Chair concerning music education courses, program budget, and
faculty loads, (f) music education curriculum review, (g) generation of documents for
accreditation review, (h) marketing in the form of web page content and communications with
alumni, and (i) recruiting in the form of responding to inquiries of students and parents,
meeting with prospective students and parents at audition days and throughout the year, and
representing the program at professional meetings, conferences, and festivals.

University of Massachusetts, Amherst: Coordinator of student teaching in music (Fall 2010-present)
Responsibilities include (a) advising and mentorship of students throughout the student
teaching placement process, (b) evaluation of mid-review e-portfolios for each semesters
cohort of student teachers, (c) scheduling of student teaching placements (two 7-week
placements per student teacher), (d) oversight of all student teachers, (e) instruction of the
biweekly student teacher seminar, (f) evaluation of final field experience e-portfolios for initial
MA educator licensure, and (g) final evaluation of the overall performance of student teachers
in elementary and secondary placements according to the educator licensure standards set
forth by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.

Research and Publications
1. Fung, C. V. & Lehmberg, L. J. (in press). Music for life: Senior citizens music participation and
perception of quality of life.

2. Lehmberg, L. J. (2009). The challenges and rewards of urban general music teaching: Six
elementary music teachers perceptions of effective teaching and pre-service preparation for
urban classrooms. Saarbrucken, Germany: VDM Verlag Dr. Mller.

Book Chapters
3. Lehmberg, L. J. (2012). Methods of music instruction. In Encyclopedia of the Sciences of
Learning (pp. 2404-2408). New York: Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.

4. Lehmberg, L. J. & Fung, C. V. (2012). Multicultural issues of music instruction and learning. In
Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning (pp. 2359-2362). New York: Springer
Science+Business Media, LLC. This encyclopedia is available in print version and also as an

5. Lehmberg, L. J. (2009). Make it and take it! World instruments for the general music class. In M.
Moore (Ed.), Kaleidoscope of cultures: A celebration of multicultural research and practice:
Proceedings of the MENC/University of Tennessee National Symposium on Multicultural
Music (pp. 83-88; 130-144). Latham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield in partnership with The
National Association for Music Education (MENC).

Refereed Journal Articles
6. Fung, C. V. & Lehmberg, L. J. (in press). Senior citizens' music participation and quality of life:
Two contrasting case studies. Proceedings from the Cumhuriyet University International
Research Symposium on the Arts, Sivas, Turkey (2014, May).

7. Lehmberg, L. J. (submitted). Case study of Gary Bernice: A transformative urban music

8. Lehmberg, L. J. & Fung, C. V. (2010). Benefits of music participation for senior citizens: A
review of the literature. Music Education Research International, 4, 19-30. This article may be
accessed at the following URL:

9. Lehmberg, L. J. (Arnold), & Lehmberg, H. L. (2002). Science + street percussion = smiles! Music
Education International, 1, 26-43.

Non-Refereed Journal Articles
10. Lehmberg, L. J. (2011). Senior citizens participation in music: A new direction for research.
Massachusetts Music News, 60(2), 25-26. (

11. Lehmberg, L. J. (2010). World instrument construction projects for the budget-minded
general music educator. Article and accompanying podcasts. New Hampshire Quarter Notes,
42(3), 8-10, 21, 23. (

12. Lehmberg, L. J. (2010). Why include world music? Nebraska Music Educator, 8(4), 20-23.

13. Lehmberg, L. J. Monthly technology column for music teachers (2003-2005). Iowa Music
Educator. (

Research Studies
1. Lehmberg, L. J. (in progress). The role of participatory music making in the lives of older

2. Bulut, M. H., Kaptan, Z., sgl, Y., Fung, C. V., Lehmberg, L. J., & Hernly, P. (in progress). Varied
musical experiences and college students open-mindedness in Turkey and the United States.

3. Lehmberg, L. J. (2012-13). Case study of Gary Bernice: A transformative urban music educator.

4. Lehmberg, L. J. (2011-13). General music in urban and non-urban low-income elementary
schools: Teachers perceptions of challenges present in low-income schools and strategies for
effective teaching.

5. Lehmberg, L. J. (2011-13). Temperament and preference for mode of instructor feedback in
undergraduate general music methods courses.

6. Lehmberg, L. J. (2012). The contributions of senior citizens' musical experiences and
Learning processes to quality of life: A case study of a senior citizens church choir.

7. Lehmberg, L. J. (2011). Temperament of urban and non-urban K-12 school music educators
in Massachusetts: Emergent characteristics of veteran teachers.

8. Fung, C. V. & Lehmberg, L. J. (2010). Senior citizens music participation and perception of
quality of life.

9. Lehmberg, L. J. (2008). Perceptions of effective teaching and pre-service preparation for
urban elementary general music classrooms: A study of teachers of different cultural
backgrounds in various cultural settings.

10. Lehmberg, L. J. (2007). Music teacher trainers perceptions of effective teaching and effective
urban teaching in elementary general music classrooms.

Professional Presentations (since 2000)
1. Fung, C. V. & Lehmberg, L. J. (2013). Senior citizens' music participation and quality of life:
Two contrasting case studies. Papers presented at the Cumhuriyet University International
Research Symposium on the Arts, Sivas, Turkey (2014, May).

2. Lehmberg, L. J. (2013) Case study of Gary Bernice: A transformative urban music educator.
Paper presented at the Massachusetts Music Educators Association All-State Conference,
Boston, Massachusetts (2014, March).

3. Fung, C. V. & Lehmberg, L. J. (2013). Senior citizens' music participation and quality of life:
Two contrasting case studies. Papers to be presented as a panel discussion at the College
Music Society/Association for Technology in Music Instruction National Conference,
Cambridge, Massachusetts (2013, November).

4. Lehmberg, L. J. (2013) Case study of Gary Bernice: A transformative urban music educator.
Research poster to be presented at the College Music Society/Association for Technology in
Music Instruction National Conference, Cambridge, Massachusetts (2013, November).

5. Lehmberg, L. J. (2013). Case Study of Gary Bernice: A transformative music educator in an
urban high school. Research poster to be presented at the 2013 Symposium on Music
Teacher Education, Greensboro, North Carolina (2013, September).

6. Fung, C. V. & Lehmberg, L. J. (2013). Senior citizens' music participation and quality of life:
Two contrasting case studies. Papers presented at the National Association for Music
Education Eastern Division Conference, Hartford, Connecticut (2013, April). Note: Lisa
Lehmberg presented both papers.

7. Fung, C. V. & Lehmberg, L. J. (2013). Senior citizens' music participation and quality of life:
Two contrasting case studies. Papers presented at the Massachusetts Music Educators
Association All-State Conference, Boston, Massachusetts (2013, February). Note: Lisa
Lehmberg presented both papers.

8. Lehmberg, L. J., Fung, C. V. & Won, S. (2012). New research on senior citizens participation in
music. Papers presented as a symposium at the ISME (International Society for Music
Education) World Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece (2012, July).

9. Lehmberg, L. J. (2012). Temperament of undergraduate music education students and
preference for mode of instructor feedback. Research poster presented at the ISME
(International Society for Music Education) World Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece (2012,

10. Lehmberg, L. J. and Fung, C.V. (2012). Case studies of two contrasting senior citizens musical
ensembles. Paper presented at the National Association for Music Education 2012 Biennial
Research Conference, St. Louis, Missouri (2012, March).

11. Lehmberg, L. J. (2012). Want to keep the MUSIC learning going 24/7? Try these free and low
cost NONMUSICAL Web 2.0 tools! Massachusetts Music Educators Association All-State
Conference, Boston, Massachusetts (2012, March).

12. Lehmberg, L. J. (2011). The contributions of senior citizens' musical histories and learning
processes to quality of life: A case study of a church choir comprised predominantly of senior
citizens. Chosen for a poster session presentation at the 64
Annual Scientific Meeting of the
Gerontological Society of America, Boston, Massachusetts (2011, November).

13. Lehmberg, L. J. (2011). VoiceThread: An engaging Web 2.0 tool for creative communication
and assessment in online and blended music courses. Interactive workshop presented at the
College Music Society/Association for Technology in Music Instruction National Conference,
Richmond, Virginia (2011, October).

14. Lehmberg, L. J. (2011). Web 2.0 tools for creative collaboration, communication, and
assessment in online and blended music education courses. Interactive workshop presented at
the College Music Society/Association for Technology in Music Instruction National
Conference, Richmond, Virginia (2011, October).

15. Lehmberg, L. J. (2011). Build it yourself! World instrument construction for the general music
class. Cape Cod Collaborative Center for Professional Development All-Cape Fall Professional
Development Workshop, Yarmouth, Massachusetts (2011, October).

16. Lehmberg, L. J. (2011). Exciting and engaging apps and software for student music
composition! Cape Cod Collaborative Center for Professional Development All-Cape Fall
Professional Development Workshop, Yarmouth, Massachusetts (2011, October).

17. Fung, C. V. and Lehmberg, L. J. (2011) Senior citizens participation in music and quality of life.
Paper presented at the ISME Pan-American Regional Conference, Tabasco, Mexico (2011,

18. Fung, C. V. and Lehmberg, L. J. (2011). Senior citizens participation in music and quality of life.
Paper presented at the Asia-Pacific Music Education Research Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan
(2011, July).

19. Fung, C. V. and Lehmberg, L. J. (2011). Senior citizens participation in music and quality of life.
Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, New
Orleans, Louisiana (2011, April).

20. Fung, C. V. and Lehmberg, L. J. (2011). Senior citizens participation in music and quality of life.
Paper presented at the Aging in America National Conference, San Francisco, California
(2011, April).

21. Fung, C. V. and Lehmberg, L. J. (2011). Senior citizens participation in music and quality of life.
Paper presented at the Massachusetts Music Educators Association All-State Conference,
Boston, Massachusetts (2011, March).

22. Lehmberg, L. J. & Lehmberg, H. L. (2011). Real Colors in music education. Interactive workshop
presented at the Massachusetts Music Educators All-State Conference, Boston, Massachusetts
(2011, March).

23. Lehmberg, L. J. & Lehmberg, H. L. (2011). Real Colors in music education. Interactive workshop
presented for the Worcester Massachusetts Public School District, Worcester, Massachusetts
(2011, February).

24. Fung, C. V. and Lehmberg, L. J. (2011). Senior citizens participation in music and quality of life.
Paper presented at the Florida Music Educators Association In-Service Clinic-Conference,
Tampa, Florida (2011, January).

25. Lehmberg, L. J. & Lehmberg, H. L. Make it and take it! World music instruments for the general
music classroom, part 2. Interactive workshop presented at the Massachusetts Music
Educators All-State Conference, Boston, Massachusetts (2010, March).

26. Lehmberg, L. J. (2010). Transitioning from doctoral student to professor. Presented at the
Center for Music Education Research Seminar, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida
(2010, January).

27. Lehmberg, L. J. (2009). Perceptions of effective teaching and pre-service preparation for
urban elementary general music classrooms: A study of teachers of different cultural
backgrounds in various cultural settings. Paper presented at the American Educational
Research Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, California (2009, April).

28. Lehmberg, L. J. (2009). Perceptions of effective teaching and pre-service preparation for
urban elementary general music classrooms: A study of teachers of different cultural
backgrounds in various cultural settings. Paper presented at the Massachusetts Music
Educators All-State Conference, Boston, Massachusetts (2009, March).

29. Lehmberg, L. J. & Lehmberg, H. L. Make it and take it! World music instruments for the general
music classroom, part 1. Interactive workshop presented at the Massachusetts Music
Educators All-State Conference, Boston, Massachusetts (2009, March).

30. Lehmberg, L. J. (2009). Perceptions of effective teaching and pre-service preparation for
urban elementary general music classrooms: A study of teachers of different cultural
backgrounds in various cultural settings. Paper presented at the MENC (National Association
for Music Education) Eastern Division Conference, Providence, Rhode Island (2009, March).

31. Lehmberg, L. J. & Lehmberg, H. L. (2008). Make it and take it! World music instruments for the
general music classroom, part 2. Interactive workshop presented at the Biennial National
Symposium on Multicultural Music, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee (2008,

32. Lehmberg, L. J. (2008). Podcasting in college level music courses: A contemporary avenue to
collaboration and communication. Interactive workshop presented at the College Music
Society/Association for Technology in Music Instruction Technology Pre-Conference
Workshop, Atlanta, Georgia (2008, September).

33. Lehmberg, L. J. (2008). World music quest: A cross-curricular podcast project for general
music. Interactive workshop presented at the MENC (National Association for Music
Education) National Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota (2008, April).

34. Lehmberg, L. J. (2008). Music teacher educators perceptions of effective teaching and
effective urban teaching in elementary general music classrooms. Paper presented at the
Florida Music Educators State In-Service Clinic-Conference, Tampa, Florida (2008, January).

35. Lehmberg, L. J. & Lehmberg, H. L. (2008). Make it and take it! World music instruments for the
general music classroom, part 1. Interactive workshop presented at the Florida Music
Educators State In-Service Clinic-Conference, Tampa, Florida (2008, January).

36. Lehmberg, L. J. (2007). Kaleidoscope drum jam. Four-week interactive workshop series
presented in Sun City Center, FL (2007, March). This workshop series was sponsored by a
College Music Society Community Engagement Grant. Sun City Center, Florida is a Del Webb
retirement community.

37. Lehmberg, L. J. (2007). World music quest: A collaborative, cross-curricular podcast project
for general music instruction. Poster session presented at the Symposium on 21st Century
Teaching Technologies, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida (2007, March).

38. Lehmberg, L. J. (2007). Music activities for the general education classroom. Interactive
workshop presented at the SunCoast Area Teacher Training Arts Program, University of South
Florida, Tampa, Florida (2007, February).

39. Lehmberg, L. J. & Lehmberg, H. L. (2006). Make it and take it! World music instruments for the
general music classroom, part 1. Interactive workshop presented at the Biennial National
Symposium on Multicultural Music, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee (2006,

40. Lehmberg, L. J. (2006). African storytelling and drumming. Community outreach session
presented at Collins Garden Elementary School under the sponsorship of the College Music
Society National Conference, San Antonio, Texas (2006, September).

41. Lehmberg, L. J. (2006). Teaching world music through technology. Interactive workshop
presented at the National Biennial Symposium on Multicultural Music, University of
Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee (2006, October).

42. Lehmberg, L. J. (2005). They speak Spanish and I speak English: How do we begin? Interactive
workshop presented at the Iowa Music Educators State Conference, Ames, Iowa (2005,

The Iowa Music Educators Association is a state affiliate of the National Association for Music
Education (NAfME).

43. Lehmberg, L. J. & Lehmberg, H. L. (2004). Go global! Create a multicultural music company in
your elementary general music classroom. Interactive workshop presented at the MENC
(National Association for Music Education) National Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota
(2004, April).

44. Lehmberg, L. J. & Lehmberg, H. L. (2004). Go global! Create a multicultural music company in
your elementary general music classroom. Interactive workshop presented at the ISME
(International Society for Music Education) World Conference, Tenerife, Spain (2004, July).

45. Lehmberg, L. J. & Lehmberg, H. L. (2004). Go global! Create a multicultural music company in
your elementary general music classroom. Interactive workshop presented at the Biennial
National Symposium on Multicultural Music, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee
(2004, October).

46. Lehmberg, L. J. & Lehmberg, H. L. (2003). Go global! Create a multicultural music company in
your elementary general music classroom. (2003). Interactive workshop presented at the Iowa
Music Educators State Conference, Ames, Iowa (2003, November).

47. Lehmberg, L. J. (2003). Found sounds in the general music classroom. Interactive workshop
presented at the Wayne State University Music Teacher Summer Workshop, Wayne,
Nebraska (2003, July).

48. Lehmberg, L. J. & Lehmberg, H. L. (2003). Go global! Create a multicultural music company in
your elementary general music classroom. (2003). Interactive workshop presented at the
Wayne State University Music Teacher Summer Workshop, Wayne, Nebraska (2003, July).

49. Lehmberg, L. J. & Lehmberg, H. L. (2003). Multicultural music factory. Interactive workshop
presented at the Wayne State University Music Teacher Summer Workshop, Wayne,
Nebraska (2003, July).

50. Lehmberg, L. J. & Lehmberg, H. L. (2003). Science of steel drums. Interactive workshop
presented at the Wayne State University Music Teacher Summer Workshop, Wayne,
Nebraska (2003, July).

51. Lehmberg, L. J. (2003). Found sounds in the general music classroom. Interactive workshop
presented at the World Music Jam Summer Workshop, Morningside College, Sioux City, Iowa
(2003, June).

52. Lehmberg, L. J. & Lehmberg, H. L. (2003). Go global! Create a multicultural music company in
your elementary general music classroom. Interactive workshop presented at the World Music
Jam Summer Workshop, Morningside College, Sioux City, Iowa (2003, June).

53. Lehmberg, L. J. & Lehmberg, H. L. (2003). Music as a vehicle for cross-cultural, classroom study
of major world cultures. Interactive workshop presented at the Voyage of Discovery
Education Conference, Area Education Agency 12, Sioux City, Iowa (2003, June).

54. Lehmberg, L. J. & Lehmberg, H. L. (2003). Science of steel drums. Interactive workshop
presented at the World Music Jam Summer Workshop, Morningside College, Sioux City, Iowa
(2003, June).

55. Lehmberg, L. J. & Lehmberg, H. L. (2003). Science of steel drums. Interactive workshop
presented at the Ohio Music Educators Association/North Central Division MENC (National
Association for Music Education) Conference, Cleveland, Ohio (2003, February).

The National Association for Music Education (NAfME, formerly MENC) North Central
Division Conference is one of six regional conferences held biennially in the United States.

56. Lehmberg, L. J. & Lehmberg, H. L. (2002). Multicultural music factory. Interactive workshop
presented at the Iowa Music Educators State Conference, Ames, Iowa (2002, November).

57. Lehmberg, L. J. (2002). Found sounds in the general music classroom. Interactive workshop
presented at the Wayne State University Music Teacher Summer Workshop, Wayne,
Nebraska (2002, July).

58. Lehmberg, L. J. & Lehmberg, H. L. (2002). Go global! Create a multicultural music company in
your elementary general music classroom. Interactive workshop presented at the Wayne State
University Music Teacher Summer Workshop, Wayne, Nebraska (2002, July).

59. Lehmberg, L. J. & Lehmberg, H. L. (2002). Science of steel drums. Interactive workshop
presented at the Wayne State University Music Teacher Summer Workshop, Wayne,
Nebraska (2002, July).

60. Lehmberg, L. J. & Lehmberg, H. L. (2002). Multicultural music factory. Interactive workshop
presented at the Wayne State University Music Teacher Summer Workshop, Wayne,
Nebraska (2002, July).

61. Lehmberg, L. J. & Lehmberg, H. L. (2002). Science of steel drums. Interactive workshop
presented at the Wayne State University Music Teacher Summer Workshop, Wayne,
Nebraska (2002, July).

62. Lehmberg, L. J. & Lehmberg, H. L. (2002). Science + street percussion = smiles. Interactive
workshop presented at the ISME (International Society for Music Education) World
Conference, Bergen, Norway (2002, July).

63. Lehmberg, L. J. (2002). Found sounds in the general music classroom. Interactive workshop
presented at the World Music Jam Summer Workshop, Morningside College, Sioux City, Iowa
(2002, June).

64. Lehmberg, L. J. & Lehmberg, H. L. (2002). Science of steel drums. Interactive workshop
presented at the World Music Jam Summer Workshop, Morningside College, Sioux City, Iowa
(2002, June).

65. Lehmberg, L. J. & Lehmberg, H. L. (2002). Go global! Create a multicultural music company in
your elementary general music classroom. (2002). Interactive workshop presented at the
World Music Jam Summer Workshop, Morningside College, Sioux City, Iowa (2002, June).

66. Lehmberg, L. J. & Lehmberg, H. L. (2002). Science of steel drums. Interactive workshop
presented at the MENC National Conference, Nashville, Tennessee (2002, April).

67. Lehmberg, L. J. & Lehmberg, H. L. (2002). Science of steel drums. Interactive workshop
presented at the South Dakota Music Educators State Conference, Brookings, South Dakota
(2002, March).

68. Lehmberg, L. J. (2002). Found sounds in the general music classroom. Interactive workshop
presented at the Sioux Valley Orff Association Workshop, Morningside College, Sioux City,
Iowa (2002, January).

69. Lehmberg, L. J. & Lehmberg, H. L. (2001). Science of steel drums. Interactive workshop
presented at the Iowa Music Educators State Conference, Ames, Iowa (2001, November).

70. Lehmberg, L. J. (2001). Found sounds in the general music classroom. Interactive workshop
presented at the Wayne State University Music Teacher Summer Workshop, Wayne,
Nebraska (2001, July).

71. Lehmberg, L. J. & Lehmberg, H. L. (2001). Go global! Create a multicultural music company in
your elementary general music classroom. (2003). Interactive workshop presented at the
Wayne State University Music Teacher Summer Workshop, Wayne, Nebraska (2001, July).

72. Lehmberg, L. J. & Lehmberg, H. L. (2001). Multicultural music factory. Interactive workshop
presented at the Wayne State University Music Teacher Summer Workshop, Wayne,
Nebraska (2001, July).

73. Lehmberg, L. J. (2001). Found sounds in the general music classroom. Interactive workshop
presented at the World Music Jam Summer Workshop, Morningside College, Sioux City, Iowa
(2001, June).

74. Lehmberg, L. J. & Lehmberg, H. L. (2001). Go global! Create a multicultural music company in
your elementary general music classroom. (2001). Interactive workshop presented at the
World Music Jam Summer Workshop, Morningside College, Sioux City, Iowa (2001, June).

75. Lehmberg, L. J. & Lehmberg, H. L. (2001). Science of steel drums. Interactive workshop
presented at the World Music Jam Summer Workshop, Morningside College, Sioux City, Iowa
(2001, June).

76. Lehmberg, L. J. & Lehmberg, H. L. (2001). Science of steel drums. Interactive workshop
presented at the Wayne State University Music Teacher Summer Workshop, Wayne,
Nebraska (2001, July).

77. Lehmberg, L. J. (2000). Found sounds in the general music classroom. Interactive workshop
presented at the Iowa Music Educators State Conference, Ames, Iowa (2000, November).

Service Activities
Sigma Alpha Iota (international professional womens music fraternity)
Doctoral grant committee member (2010-present)

ISME (International Society for Music Education) North American Leadership Summit Planning
Committee (2009-2010)

Urban Education
Reviewer (2010-present)

Pearson Publications
Reviewer, music teacher licensure tests and music-related portions of general educator
licensure tests (2009-present)

American Educational Research Association (AERA)
Reviewer: Music Education Special Interest Group (2011)

MENC (National Association for Music Education)
National Online General Music Mentor (2004, September; 2009, September)

Phi Delta Kappa (professional education fraternity)
Online Teacher Mentor (2006) (

Arts/Learning (2013-present)
Leadership Team member

Worcester, MA Public School District
Member, Curriculum Renewal Advisory Committee (2011-present)

Iowa Music Educators Association
Webmaster (2004-2005)
Technology Chair (2003-2005)

Sioux City, IA Community School District
New Teacher Mentor (2002-2005)
District Web Team (1999-2000)
Riverview Elementary School website designer and webmaster (1996-2000)

University of Massachusetts, Amherst
University Level Service
1. Member, Education Licensure Advisory Committee Evaluation Team (2012-present)
2. Member, Education Licensure Advisory Committee (2008-present)
3. Center for Teaching, Mellon Mutual Mentoring Team Grant Selection Committee
member, (2013, April)
4. Chancellors Junior Faculty Fellow (2008-2012)
Department Level Service: Department of Music and Dance
5. Coordinator of Music Education (2012-present)
6. Coordinator of Student Teaching in Music (2010-present)
7. Music Education Search Committees (2010-11, 2013-present)
8. Graduate Program Committee (2008-2009, 2012-present)
9. Doctoral Committee Chair (1 committee, 2012-present)
10. Doctoral Committee Member (2 committees, 2009-present)
11. Masters Committee Member (6 committees, 2009-present)
12. Advisor for students in music education degree program (2008-present)
13. Co-advisor, Collegiate Chapter of Sigma Alpha Iota (womens professional music
fraternity) (2010-present)
14. Co-advisor, Collegiate Chapter of the National Association for Music Education
15. Personnel Committee (201012)
16. Music Education Emergency Search Committee (2012)
17. Summer Program Committee (2010-11)
18. Choral Search Committee (2009-10)
19. Access Committee (2008-09)

University of South Florida, Tampa
1. Apple Computer Laptop Initiative, Facilitator (2007-08)
2. Suncoast Music Education Research Symposium (SMERS) committee member and
program designer (2007, 2009) (

Research Grants Received
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, College of Humanities and Research Project Fund Grant (2014),
awarded $2000 to conduct research on senior citizens involvement in participatory music making and
quality of life.

Massachusetts Society of Professors Research Support Fund Grant (2014), awarded $800 to support
research on senior citizens involvement in participatory music making and quality of life.

Massachusetts Society of Professors Research Support Fund Grant (2013), awarded $900 for software
for use in qualitative data analysis.

NAMM Foundation Sounds of Living Grant (2009-10), NAMM Foundation and the Sounds of Living
Initiative; awarded $27,828 in collaboration with C. Victor Fung (University of South Florida), to
support research on senior citizens music participation and perception of quality of life

Massachusetts Society of Professors Research Support Fund Grant (2010), awarded $2000 to conduct
a research study titled Temperament of urban and non-urban K-12 school music educators in
Massachusetts: Emergent characteristics of veteran teachers.
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, College of Humanities and Fine Arts Research Support Fund
Grant (2010), awarded $1000 to conduct research on Temperament of urban and non-urban K-12
school music educators in Massachusetts: Emergent characteristics of veteran teachers.
Other Grants Received (last 5 years only)
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Center for Teaching Flex Grant (2014), awarded $500 for travel
to the Circlesongs with Bobby McFerrin workshop, Rhinebeck, NY (2014, August).

University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Center for Teaching (2013), awarded $1200 for service on the
Mellon Mutual Mentoring Team Grant Selection Committee (2013, April).

Mellon Mutual Mentoring Team Grant (2012-13), in collaboration with Dr. Stephen Paparo, awarded
$10,000 in support of a mentoring network whose purposes were to: (a) examine progressive
undergraduate music education degree programs that prepare pre-service music teachers for
teaching in the 21
century, specifically those that encourage student creativity through course
offerings other than traditional musical ensembles, (b) learn more about alternate music education
methods courses that are currently implemented in music teacher education programs in the U.S. (c)
receive guidance from experts in music education regarding the rationale, development,
implementation, and instruction of undergraduate music teacher education courses that are relevant
to the 21
century, (d) learn more about extant research on alternate methods within music teacher
education programs, and to generate plans for future research on this topic, and (e) develop
relationships with leaders in the field of music education for continued collaboration and support.

Mellon Mutual Mentoring Micro Grant (2012-13), awarded $1200 in support of a mentoring
partnership whose purposes were (a) to foster the continued development of a research collaboration
that is already in its fledgling stage, and (b) to expand this collaboration into the area of teaching,
through the development of international connections and resources for similarly-focused graduate
level courses taught by each mentoring partner at his/her respective university.

University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Center for Teaching Flex Grant (2012), awarded $500 for travel
to the American Orff-Schulwerk National Conference, St. Louis, MO (2012, November).

CHFA Deans Conference Presentation Grant (2012), awarded $1200 for travel to the ISME
(International Society for Music Education) World Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece (2012, July).

CHFA Deans Conference Presentation Grant (2011), awarded $1000 for travel to the College Music
Society/Association for Technology in Music Instruction National Conference, Richmond, VA (2011,

CHFA Deans Conference Presentation Grant (2011), awarded $1200 for travel to the Asia-Pacific
Symposium on Music Education Research, Taipei, Taiwan (2011, July).

University of Massachusetts, Amherst, College of Humanities and Fine Arts Visioning Grant (2010-11),
in collaboration with Dr. Benedict Smar, awarded $20,000 for redesign of the University of
Massachusetts Master of Music Education degree program, including creation and implementation of
new online courses, and moving existing courses to online format.

University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Custom Curriculum Enrichment Program (2010), in collaboration
with Dr. Benedict Smar, awarded $5000 to design web-based micro-learning modules for the
undergraduate music education degree program.

University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Center for Teaching Flex Grant (2010), awarded $500 for
tuition for the Real Colors Facilitator Certification Workshop, University of Colorado, Boulder.

Awards and Recognition
Nominated for the UMass Amherst College of Humanities and Fine Arts Outstanding Teaching Award

Woman of the Year Award, Boston Alumnae Chapter, Sigma Alpha Iota (2011)

Chancellors Junior Faculty Fellow, University of Massachusetts, Amherst (2008-12)

University of South Florida College of Visual and Performing Arts Graduate Student Achievement
Award (2008)

University of South Florida Provosts Award for Outstanding Teaching by a Graduate Assistant (2007)

Iowa Teacher of the Year, First Alternate (2005)

Sioux City Iowa Community School District Teacher of the Year (2004)

State of Iowa Governors Certificate of Recognition (2004)

Riverside Elementary School general music program selected twice as the Iowa winner of
$10,000 in the Oscar Mayer Talent Search/Schoolhouse Jam, Sioux City, IA (2002, 2003)

Time for Kids/Chevy Malibu Teaching Award, regional winner (2002)

People-to-People Music Education Delegation to Cuba (2001)

USA Today All-USA Teacher Team #1 member (2000)

Northern Life/Reliastars Unsung Heroes of American Education Award (1999)

Musical Activities
Circlesongs workshop participant; Bobby McFerrin, instructor; Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, NY (2014,
2013, August) (

Performed on lead tenor steel drum in Glenn McClures Kyrie: A Caribbean Mass with the UMass
University Chorale, University of Massachusetts, Amherst (2013, April)

Member, Five College Early Music Program Recorder Ensemble, Smith College, Northampton
Massachusetts (2009)

Volunteer pianist, flutist, vocalist, Sun City Center United Methodist Church, Sun City Center, FL

Coordinator/Instructor, World Music Jam, Morningside College, Sioux City, IA (2001-04)

Flutist, keyboardist, Sioux City Municipal Band, Sioux City, IA (1986-2004)

Principal Keyboardist, Sioux City Symphony Orchestra, Sioux City, IA (1985-2003)

Coordinator, Reggie Schive Summer Jazz Camp, Okoboji, IA (1990-2001)

Keyboardist, Sioux City Jazz Orchestra, Sioux City, IA (1996-2001)

Professional accompanist for Michael Thompson, horn, (Sioux City, IA, 2002-05), John Margulis,
conductor, (New York City, NY 2005), Elizabeth Knighton, soprano, (Sioux City, IA 2003), Lawrence
Gwozdz, saxophone, (Ladysmith, WI (1981-85); studios of William Warfield, voice; David Hickman,
trumpet; Willis Coggins, saxophone; Robert Gray, trombone; Alexander Murray, flute; Daniel
Perantoni, tuba; Charles Delaney, flute; Ray Sasaki, trumpet; Thomas Holden, horn; Sanford Berry,
bassoon (University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 1978-80).

Professional Memberships
American Educational Research Association

American Orff-Schulwerk Association


Association for Technology in Music Instruction

College Music Society

International Society for Music Education

Massachusetts Music Educators Association

NAfME (The National Association for Music Education)

NAfME Learning Network

New England Chapter of the American Orff-Schulwerk Association

Phi Delta Kappa (professional education organization)

Phi Kappa Phi (academic honor society)

Pi Kappa Lambda (professional education organization)

Sigma Alpha Iota (international professional fraternity for women in music)

Soundtree Technology Institute for Music Education

TI:ME (Technology Institute for Music Educators)

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