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TRS By Dina acob Nuts are probably one of the healthiest foods inthe world. They fight many diseases, inchuding hear diseases and eaneet. This wonder food also doubles up asa snack ora topping, and can be eaten anywhere sine they are easy to carry around too, Peanuts for weight ‘Though nus contain fat and calories, tis a ‘misconception that nuts increase weight, The fats contained in aus are ‘good fats’ ~ monounsaturated (omega-9) fats and omega-3 fatty aids that are good for health and even reduce weight. The best examples fare peanuts, cashew nuts and walnut, ‘Nuts also contain fibee that ereates a feling of fullness, thus reducing hunger and making it an ideal snack after fats, and fut juice. One serving of nuts of different varieties (1/4 cup) is recommended by ‘many doctors Almonds keep your heart beating Protein Most nts ate high in arginine, an amino acid tha dilates blood vessels, reducing blood pressure and the risk of angina, congestive heart failure and heart attack. Fats — Nuts contain polyunsaturated omega-3 and ‘omega-6 varieties that reduce blood cholestrol levels. ‘Almonds, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, peanuts, pocans, Pistachio nats and walinats al reduce total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol in people with normal-t-high cholesterol levels, ‘Vitumins ~ Nuts like almonds contain Vitamin E, an antioxidant helps prevent the oxidation of cholesterol that leads to fatty build-up in the arteries, The B vitamin flat, found in many nuts, lovers high blood levels of homocysteine, a strong predictor of heart disease “Minerals ~Caleium, magnesium and potassium help reduce blood pressure, Phytochemicals ~The coatings ofall nuts and seeds are rch in the antioxidant polyphenols associated with reduced rsk of heart disease, Walnut in particular are high in alpha-linolenic acid an essential faty acid that protects the heart and circulation, AWalnut a Day Keeps Sugar at Bay ‘The fny acids present in nuts have the ability to enhance eell membrane structures ‘and function, which in turn reduces the risk for diabetes, Degradation in cell membrane fimetion promotes development of virtually ‘exery disease and promotes chronic inflammation. ‘An excess of saturated fats and trans-fatty Nuts About You Oe ty Coren onic CT SONIC ELE Sa) ae Ose eon a Mok een Ce eT Le SS SE) Dern Or me Cea enact i Oe oe CO oe Een y Po ae acids in the diet anda relative insuffieieney of monounsaturated and ‘omega-3 fatty acids contribute to causing Diabetes mellitus, Therefore eating nuts rich in monounsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids, such as walnuts, improves insulin efficiency. Nuts also generally have avery Tow glycemic index (GI a measure ofthe eifects of carbohydrates on blood glucose levels), and therefore are frequently recommended inthe diets of patients with insulin resistance problems Nutty, Seedy Cancer Foes . ‘The particular fats, antioxidant polyphenols and proteins that make nuts heart-healthy also help prevent cancer: Phytic acid ia natural plant antioxidant ound in peanuts, amongst others and seeds serves asa potent antioxidant to help preserve seeds and may reduce the rate of colon cancer and other inflammatary bowel diseases via the same mechanism ‘The coatings ofall nuts and seeds are rich {nthe antioxidant polyphenols associated With reduced risk of eance. (This is another reason to choose ra nuts and seods in the shel, versus processed nuts andl seeds) Beta-sistosterol and campesterol two of the phytosterols in most nuts appear to suppress breast an prostate tumors. ‘The amino acid arginine abundant in most ruts especially almonds ~ also inhibits tumor growth and boosts immunity. ‘Walnuts ace especially helpful because they contain ellagic acid ~ the cancer-fighting polyphenol antioxidant also found in pomegranates and red raspberis. Selenium, another key antioxidant factor and eancer-preventive mineral, is especially abundant in Brazil nuts,

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