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Session Purpose: To provide information concerning the state, district and campus technology

plans and needs to the Campus Improvement Planning Committee. This purpose was chosen
because on the basis of the STaR chart data, our campus has remained at the Developing Tech
level in Teaching and Learning and Educator Development for three years consecutively. A
focus needs to be placed on professional development that supports technology integration in
the core content areas. The AEIS data also indicates that the students are performing below
the state average in 6th grade Math. Our African-American, Hispanic, Special Education,
Economically Disadvantaged, and LEP populations are the furthest below the state averages in
this area. A focus on technology enriched, learner-centered instruction will support the learning
goal set in the Campus Improvement Plan.

Learning Objective to Be Addressed: The Campus Improvement Planning Committee will

understand the purpose of the STaR chart data and move forward in implementing goals based
on providing professional development to support teachers in integrating technology into the
core content areas, especially 6th grade Math.

Approving Principal: Mr. Jose Martinez Presentation Date: January 5, 2010

Grade Level: Facilitator: Location: Start Time: End-Time:

6,7,8 Marion Hogan Watkins Middle 3:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m.

Centered Purpose Description Steps Estimated Time

KWL chart To focus on what This is a quick Committee 5 minutes

the CIP Planning and easy way for members will work
Committee participants to collaboratively to
already knows, determine their determine what
knowledge they
and wants to prior knowledge
already have and
know about the of the STaR to pose questions
STaR chart data chart and the they have about
and the district district the STaR chart
technology plan. technology plan data.

PowerPoint To provide Committee PowerPoint 20 minutes

presentation information members will presentation of
about the STaR listen and take campus STaR
chart data and notes concerning chart data and the
district technology
the district the STaR chart
technology plan data district
technology plan

Group To allow the Committee The large group 15 minutes

discussion committee members will will be divided
members to add discuss the into discussion
to the KWL and information from groups of 4
determine what the PowerPoint participants. A
action steps are to clarify their discussion guide
necessary for understanding will be provided.
our campus in and determine Groups will
response to the further actions clarify the
data. and goals the information from
committee needs the presentation
to address. and determine
goals and
actions for the

Group summary To share the To allow all Facilitator will 10 minutes

and action plan goals and committee create a master
formulation actions each members an list of all actions
small group has opportunity to and goals
agreed upon share with the needing to be
large group addressed by the
actions they CIP committee in
deem necessary the area of
to respond technology
adequately to integration
the STaR chart
data and district
technology plan.

Here’s What, So To offer Committee Teachers 5 minutes

What, Now What opportunity to members will complete the
summarize and respond to a Here’s What, So
synthesize the “Here’s What, So What, Now What
learning and look What, Now prompt and
toward What” prompt to share with the
determining determine what table group.
future action they have
steps learned
regarding the
STaR chart data
and district
technology plan,
why it is
important to the
Process and
what their future
steps need to be.

One word exit To reflect on the To determine the Teachers share 2 minutes
usefulness of feelings of the of one word that
this session in committee encapsulates
providing members as they their feelings
information process what about what they
regarding they have have learned
technology learned. and what it
needs on our means for
campus and campus
what it means in improvement
terms of campus planning.

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