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SECTION 05 31 23


Note to Specifier: Revise this specification section to suit project requirements. This specification section
includes the use of mechanical deck fasteners and arc spot puddle welds.
A. Section Includes:
1. The extent of steel roof deck shown on the Drawings including t!e of deck" laout
and orientation.
#. $elds and %echanical fastener t!es" si&es and !atterns.
'. Related Sections:
1. (oncrete: Section )* 1 )) +)*1)), (oncrete -or%work
#. (oncrete: Section )* *1 ) +)**1), Structural (oncrete
*. (oncrete: Section )* .1 1/ +)*.1), 0!su% (oncrete Roof Decks
1. Masonr: Section )1 ## )) +)1##), (oncrete Unit Masonr
.. Metals: Section ). 1# )) +).1#), Structural Steel
/. Metals: Section ). #1 )) +).#1), Steel 2oists
3. Ther%al and Moisture 4rotection: Section )3 .) )) +)3.)), Me%5rane Roofing
6. Ther%al and Moisture 4rotection: Section )3 61 )) +)3#.), A!!lied -ire!roofing
7. Ther%al and Moisture 4rotection: Section )3 /) )) +)3/)), -lashing and Sheet
1). -inishes: Section )7 7) )) +)77)), 4ainting and (oating
1.# R8-8R89(8S
A. A%erican Societ for Testing and Materials +ASTM,:
1. ASTM A*/ : Standard S!ecification for Structural Steel
#. ASTM A.3# : Standard S!ecification for ;igh<Strength =ow<Allo (olu%5iu%<
>anadiu% Structural Steel
*. ASTM A/.*?A /.*M : Standard S!ecification for Steel Sheet" @inc<(oated
+0alAani&ed, or @inc<Iron Allo<(oated +0alAannealed, 5 the ;ot<Di! 4rocess
1. ASTM '/** : Standard S!ecification for 8lectrode!osited (oatings of @inc on Iron
and Steel
.. ASTM (1#* : Standard Test Method for Sound A5sor!tion and Sound A5sor!tion
(oefficients 5 the ReAer5eration Roo% Method
'. A%erican Institute of Steel and Iron +AISI,:
1. 9orth A%erican S!ecification for the Design of (old<-or%ed Steel Structural
(. A%erican 9ational Standard +A9SI,
1. Safet ReBuire%ents for 4owder<Actuated -astening Sste%s +A9SI A1).*,
D. A%erican $elding Societ +A$S,:
1. Structural $elding (ode : Steel +D1.1,
#. Structural $elding (ode : Sheet Steel +D1.*,
*. Standard S%5ols for $elding" 'ra&ing and 9ondestructiAe 8xa%ination +A#.1,
8. De!art%ent of the Ar%" 9aA and the Air -orce:
1. Technical Manual : Seis%ic Design for 'uildings +TM .<6)7<1)" 9A>-A( 4<*.."
A-M 66<*" (ha!ter 1*,
ST88= RCC- D8(DI90 ).*1#* < 1
-. -actor Mutual +-M,:
1. 'uilding Materials A!!roAal Director
#. Standard (lass 9o. 11.) : (lass I Insulated Steel Roof Decks
G. International (ode (ouncil 8Aaluation SerAice +I((<8S,:
1. International 'uilding (ode +I'(,
#. Acce!tance (riteria for Steel Deck Roof and -loor Sste%s +A(1*,
*. Steel Deck Dia!hrag%s Attached with ;ilti E<;S9#1 4owder<DriAen -ra%e
-asteners +8SR<*.7#,
1. Steel Deck Dia!hrag%s Attached with ;ilti E<8D9D## T;F1#" E<8D917 T;F1# or
E<894<17 =1. 4ower<DriAen -asteners and ;ilti S<S=( )1 M ;$; and S<S=( )#
M ;$; Sidela! (onnectors +8SR<#33/,
.. 'are Steel Deck and (oncrete<-illed Steel Deck Dia!hrag%s Attached with ;ilti E<
;S9 #1" E<8D9D## T;F1#" E<8D917 T;F1# or E<894<17 =1. 4owder<DriAen
-asteners +8SR<#173,
;. Steel Deck Institute +SDI,:
1. Dia!hrag% Design Manual : Design Manual for (o%!osite Decks" -or% Decks
and Roof Decks" *
8dition and A!!endix >I" >II and >III.
#. Manual of (onstruction with Steel Deck
*. Standard 4ractice Details
1. Deck Da%age and 4enetrations
I. Steel 2oist Institute +S2I,:
1. Standard S!ecification =oad Ta5les and $eight Ta5les for Steel 2oist and 2oist
0irders" 1*
2. Underwriters =a5oratories +U=,:
1. Roofing Materials and Sste%s Director
#. -ire Resistance Director" >olu%e 1
*. U= Standard .6) : Tests for U!lift Resistance of Roof Asse%5lies
A. Design ReBuire%ents: 4roAide adeBuate dia!hrag% shear strength" u!lift resistance and
stiffness for i%!osed load co%5inations.
'. 4erfor%ance ReBuire%ents: -M classified (lass I<7) %ini%u% for u!lift resistance and
U= fire classified.
A. 0eneral: Su5%ittals shall 5e in accordance with (onditions of the (ontract and Section
)1 *) )) Su5%ittal 4rocedures.
'. Sho! Drawings Include:
1. Deck laout and orientation" su!!orting steel fra%ing and su!!orts with di%ensions
and section details.
#. Deck t!e and !rofile" di%ensions" su!!orts" !roGections" o!enings and
*. $elds and %echanical fastener t!es" si&es and !atterns.
1. Sidela! connector t!es" si&es and !atterns.
.. Accessor details.
(. Design Data Includes:
ST88= RCC- D8(DI90 ).*1#* < #
1. (alculations in accordance with I((<8S A(1* or SDI design %ethod Aerifing
allowa5le dia!hrag% shear strength and stiffness.
#. $eld and %echanical fastener !erfor%ance data including ulti%ate tension and
shear loads and flexi5ilit factors.
A. Manufacturer Fualifications:
1. Steel Roof Deck Manufacturer: Me%5er !roducer of SDI.
#. Mechanical -astener Manufacturer: Me%5er !roducer of SDI and ISC 7))1
accredited for %anufacturing Bualit control.
'. 4re<Installation Meeting:
1. Installer shall de%onstrate work%anshi! 5 conducting re!resentatiAe fastenings
and welds at !re<installation %eeting su5Gect to guidance fro% %echanical fastener
%anufacturer and a!!roAal 5 the Structural 8ngineer of Record.
1./ D8=I>8RY" STCRA08 A9D ;A9D=I90
A. Steel Roof Deck:
1. Do not rack" 5end or %ar steel roof deck sheets.
#. Store steel roof deck sheets and accessories a5oAe ground and !rotected fro%
free weathering with one end eleAated.
*. (oAer and Aentilate un!ainted or uncoated steel roof deck sheets until final
1. Architecturall ex!osed steel roof deck sheets shall 5e a!!ro!riatel !ackaged or
!rotected to !reAent da%age during deliAer" storage and handling.
'. $elding 8lectrodes and Mechanical -asteners
1. Store welding electrodes" %echanical fasteners and !owder<actuated cartridges in
original !ackages in a cool" dr location until final installation.
#. (o%!l with all !roGect and national safet regulations regarding handling of
welding eBui!%ent and !owder<actuated fastening sste%s.
(. Sidela! (onnectors
1. Store sidela! connectors in original !ackages in a cool" dr location until final
#.1 A((84TA'=8 MA9U-A(TUR8RS
A. Steel Roof Deck
1. >ulcraft ? >erco Decking
#. (ana%
*. (onsolidated Sste%s Inc. +(Si,
1. Cther a!!roAed alternatiAe
B. Mechanical -asteners +4owder Actuated and Screw -asteners,
1. ;ilti" Inc.
#. Cther a!!roAed alternatiAe
(. Sidela! (onnectors
1. ;ilti" Inc.
2. 8lco Textron
3. Cther a!!roAed alternatiAe
ST88= RCC- D8(DI90 ).*1#* < *
A. Steel Roof Deck:
1. 0alAani&ed steel: ASTM A/.* : SS Designation" 0rade ** with %ini%u% ield
strength ** ksi.
#. (old rolled steel:
a. ASTM A /11 < 0rade ( with %ini%u% ield ** ksi.
5. ASTM A 11/ 0rade A with &inc coating in accordance with ASTM A .#. 0/).
*. 4roAide deck configurations as follows:
c. De!th HHHHHHHHH in.
d. $idth HHHHHHHHH in.
e. Mo%ent of Inertia I I HHHHHHHHH in
f. Section Modulus S I HHHHHHHHH in
g. -or acoustical deck" Aertical we5s exce!t at side Goint shall 5e !erforated to
!roAide HHHH 9oise Reduction (oefficient +9R(,. 9R( of co%!leted roof
deck sste% shall 5e deter%ined 5 tests in accordance with ASTM (1#*.
'. $elds and Mechanical -asteners:
1. 4owder Actuated Mechanical -asteners:
a. Material: AISI 1)3) %odified
5. ;ardness: Mini%u% Rockwell ;ardness ( .1..
c. Strength: Mini%u% tensile strength #6. ksiJ %ini%u% shear strength 13. ksi
d. Design and Manufacture: Dnurled shank with forged 5allistic !oint.
Manufacturing !rocess shall ensure steel ductilit and !reAent deAelo!%ent
of hdrogen e%5rittle%ent.
e. $ashers:
1, -or steel 5ar Goist fra%ing: Mini%u% 1# %% +).13# in., steel washers
#, -or structural steel fra%ing: Mini%u% 1. %% +)..71 in., steel washers
f. (orrosion Resistance:
1, -or steel roof decks with water!roofing %e%5rane: . %icron &inc
electro!lated in accordance with ASTM ' /** S(1 T!e III
#, -or ex!osed steel roof decks: Mini%u% AISI *)1 stainless steel sealing
ca!s with 5onded neo!rene washer shall 5e installed oAer each
g. Design ReBuire%ents:
1, I((<8S A(1* or SDI %ethod for dia!hrag% shear strength and stiffness
#, -M wind u!lift resistance
*, U= fire classification
h. A!!roAed T!es
1, -or use with steel 5ar Goist and light structural steel fra%ing su!!orts with
to! chord or flange thickness 1?6 in. to *?6 in.:
a);ilti E<;S9#1 +1?6 in. u! to and including *?6 in.,
5,Cther a!!roAed alternatiAe
#, -or use with structural steel fra%ing su!!orts with to! flange thickness
1?1 in. or thicker:
a,;ilti E<894<17 =1. +1?1 in. or thicker,
5, Cther a!!roAed alternatiAe
#. Screw -asteners:
a. Material: (ar5on SteelJ ASTM A .1) 0rade 1)##
b. Design and Manufacture: ;ex washer head self<drilling screw
c. Design ReBuire%ents:
1, I((<8S A(1* or SDI %ethod for dia!hrag% shear strength and
#, -M wind u!lift resistance
ST88= RCC- D8(DI90 ).*1#* < 1
d. A!!roAed T!es
1, -or use with structural steel fra%ing su!!orts with to! flange thickness
).).76 in. to 1?1 in.:
a, ;ilti +Racing Ti! ., S<MD 1#<#1 x 1<.?6 M ;$;.
5, Cther a!!roAed alternatiAe
*. $elds:
a. Material: 8lectric shielded arc !rocess using %ini%u% 8/)EE electrodes in
accordance with A$S D1.* !rocedures
5. $eld Fualit: All welds unifor% si&e and a!!earance and free of !inholes"
!orosit" undercutting or other defects
c. $eld Si&e: Mini%u% .?6 in. effectiAe dia%eter
d. $eld $ashers: Use on steel roof deck thinner than ## gauge
(. Sidela! (onnectors
1. Acce!ta5le t!es of sidela! connectors:
a. To! or side sea% welds
1, 1<1?# in. long fillet welds in accordance with A$S D1.* !rocedures.
5. Mechanical sidela! connectors
1) DriAe %echanical sidela! connectors co%!letel through adGacent la!!ed
roof deck sheets to achieAe !ositiAe engage%ent of adGacent sheets
with a %ini%u% of three thread !enetration.
#, Material: ASTM A .1) 0rade 1)##
*, ;ardness: Mini%u% >ickers Surface ;ardness of 1.) ;>).*
4) Design and Manufacture: ;ex washer head undercut with reAerse
serrationsJ self<!iercing or stitch !oint at center
., Design ReBuire%ents:
a,I((<8S A(1* or SDI %ethod for dia!hrag% shear strength and
5,-M wind u!lift resistance
/, A!!roAed T!es
a,;ilti S<S=()1 M ;$; Sidela! (onnector
5,;ilti S<S=()# M ;$; Sidela! (onnector
c,;ilti S<MD 1)<1/ x *?1 ;$; K* Stainless Steel Screw
d, Cther a!!roAed alternatiAe
c. 'utton !unches
1) 'utton !unches shall 5e dee! and !ositiAel engage the %ale and
fe%ale side edges of adGacent interlocking deck sheets in accordance
with steel deck %anufacturer reco%%endations
#.* A((8SSCRI8S
Note to Specifier: Insert paragraph A if design uses welds on steel deck thinner than ga.
A. $eld $ashers: -lat washers with thickness 5etween ).). and ).)6 in. with a %ini%u%
!re<!unched hole of *?6 in. dia%eter.
#.1 -I9IS;8S
A. 4ri%e 4ainted -inish: Acrlic !ri%er a!!lied to thoroughl cleaned and etched steel.
Rust inhi5itiAe !ri%er roller a!!lied and oAen cured to thickness 1 %icron no%inal each
'. 0alAani&ed -inish: @inc coated in accordance with ASTM A .#. 0/) with factor !ri%e
!aint coat.
ST88= RCC- D8(DI90 ).*1#* < .
*.)1 I9STA==8RS
A. Fualifications:
1. All steel roof deck welders A$S certified for welding of sheet steel.
#. All %echanical fastener installers certified or licensed 5 the fastener and tool
sste% %anufacturer on the !roGect site in accordance with A9SI A1).*
reBuire%ents. (ertification or licensing includes all training necessar for !ro!er
tool o!eration" fastener selection" %aintenance and trou5leshooting.
'. (o%!liance:
1. (o%!l with all %anufacturer catalog and carton installation instructions" !roduct
data and technical 5ulletins.
*.)# 4R84ARATIC9
A. 8xa%ination: 8xa%ine condition of su!!orting steel fra%ing. (onfir% location and
eleAation of su!!orting steel fra%ing with the Drawings.
'. =aout: 4lace steel roof deck sheets as shown on the Drawings ensuring 5earing on
su!!orting steel fra%ing. Sheets shall 5e true and straight with hori&ontal deAiations less
than 1?1 in. in 1)) feet. Mini%u% endla!s # in.
(. Marking: Mark steel roof deck at the centerline of su!!orting steel %e%5ers to !reAent
weld 5urn through or %echanical fastener !unch through. Use a chalk line or indeli5le
D. 4re<Installation Meeting: ReBuired %eeting with %anufacturer" installer" contractor"
engineer" and?or ins!ector to ensure sste% selection is !er design and installer
Bualifications are reAiewed.
8. Test -astenings:
1. $elds: 4erfor% !roGect s!ecific test welds !rior to final installation !er A$S D1.*.
Test welds are considered exa%!les of re!resentatiAe work.
#. Mechanical fasteners: 0auge !owder<actuated tool sste%s to the 5ase %aterial
steel t!e" steel deck t!e and thickness !rior to final installation. (onfir%
a!!ro!riate !ower regulation and !owder<actuated cartridge t!e !rior to final
*.* I9STA==ATIC9
A. Install steel roof deck and accessories in accordance with %anufacturerLs instructions
and as shown on the Drawings.
'. Secure steel roof deck to su!!orting steel fra%ing with welds or %echanical fasteners.
Install welds or %echanical fasteners at the s!acing and !attern as shown on the
(. Secure steel roof deck sidela! connectors at the s!acing and !attern as shown on the
A. $elds: Re!air all !ortions of the steel roof deck coating da%aged due to weld heat with
co%!ati5le !aint t!e or &inc rich co%!ound. Re!air all 5urn through %arks in
accordance with SDI Deck Da%age and 4enetrations.
ST88= RCC- D8(DI90 ).*1#* < /
'. Mechanical -asteners: Re!lace or su!!le%ent under<driAen and oAer driAen fasteners
with adGacent" !ro!erl installed fasteners.
*.. -I8=D FUA=ITY (C9TRC=
A. $elds: 8xa%ination and Bualification of !uddle and fillet welds shall 5e in accordance
with A$S D1.* criteria. 8nsure steel roof deck is cla%!ed to the su!!orting steel
'. Mechanical -asteners: 8xa%ine fastener !lace%ent location and washer condition.
8nsure steel roof deck is cla%!ed to the su!!orting steel fra%ing.
*./ SA-8TY
A. Do not use steel roof deck sheets for storage or working !latfor% until !er%anentl
fastened to su!!orting steel fra%ing.
'. Do not exceed construction load carring ca!acit of steel roof deck sheets for t!e and
s!an defined in SDI (onstruction =oad Ta5les.
(. (ordon off the (ontrolled Decking @one +(D@, area and all areas 5elow steel roof deck
sheets 5eing fastened during installation.
ST88= RCC- D8(DI90 ).*1#* < 3

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