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Name: _____________________________________________

Date: _______________ Period # ______________________

Power Point
Grading Rubric
This grading rubric will be used to evaluate your power point presentation related to the
Jelly Bean Dispenser. The power point must include all o the re!uired slides. "ou will
be re!uired to ma#e an oral presentation to the class and a demonstration o the JBD.
$ll wor# must be in your own words and cannot be plagiari%ed. $ll sources o
inormation must be cited on the bibliography page. "ou must use complete sentences
and proper punctuation throughout the presentation.
Title Page
This page must include the name o the pro&ect and your class period number as well as
my name. The name's( o every person involved must be listed. There should be a
graphic image that is in the bac#ground that represents the JBD.
Contents (10 pages):
Title Page
Ask Page
Imagine Page (include any images that you considered)
Plan Page (This page will have the orthographic proection attached to it)
!tep "y !tep Page
#ill o$ %aterials Page
Create Page (state any and all tools that were used during construction)
Test results Page (state whether the &#' worked or not and why or why not)
Improvement Page ((hat did you do to improve on the proect)
#i"liography ) state all resources that you used to design and create the &#'*
Total points possi"le + 100
,ral Presentation:)ach group will present and demonstrate the JBD to the class.
"ou will need to state what you did to construct the JBD and any diiculties that you
may have encountered. Total points possi"le + -0

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