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Robert A.

Smith III
704 West Miller Road
Alexandria, Kentucky 41001
(859) 9540!!4
#ort$ern Kentucky %ni&ersity 01'!01!
o (urrently enrolled in t$e )usiness Ad*inistration +ro,ra*
-ate.ay (o**unity and /ec$nical (olle,e 01'!009
o Was on t$e 0ean1s 2ist and carried a 347! -5A
o -raduated6 7all !011 Wit$ Associates in A++lied 8cience
o 9a&e (erti:icates in "lectrical Motor (ontrol 2e&el 1 and !, "lectrical /ec$nolo,y,
Residential "lectricity 1 and !, "lectrician /rainee 2e&el 1 and !
(a*+;ell (ounty 9i,$ 8c$ool 05'!008
Work "x+erience6
o WalMart 5osition6 5art ti*e (as$ier 10'!007 < 0=''!010
Accurate and e::icient c$eckout o: custo*er +urc$ases
9el+ed train additional cas$iers
o WalMart 5osition6 5art ti*e (usto*er 8er&ice Mana,er 07'!010 < 5resent
9andle +rocessin, o: custo*er returns
8atis:actory resolution o: custo*er co*+laints
9el+ed train additional (8M18
Areas o: 0e*onstrated 8tren,t$s and "::ecti&eness
o 5ro:essional +resence, a++earance and de*eanor
o >dea oriented and ,oal directed
o "ner,etic and ent$usiastic? @uick t$inkin, and creati&e
o 9i,$ly +roducti&e in a tea* en&iron*ent, $o.e&er enAoy and .ork e::ecti&ely
o Moti&ated to ,ain ne. ex+erience
o A;ility to co+e .it$ stress and *aintain a +leasant and coo+erati&e te*+era*ent
.it$ internal and external custo*ers
o 5ro:icient in all Microso:t B::ice +ro,ra*s
o -lenn 9artke < WalMart Assistant Mana,er
(859) =358800
o -onCalo 8anc$eC < :or*er co.orker
(859) !!9!!4=
o More u+on re@uest

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