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Sahil *Jiddu type, TAG,


1. Shove range 10,10.
2. Doesnt usually fold to TURN RASIES
3. Calling station against me
4. Raising range is even 22 , 55 etc
5. Bets out his sets
Aarjay high variance player

1. Wants to double up .
2. Just goes all in if u raise .
3. AK, K9o, Q10s,77 shove ranges
Masid Loose-aggressive

1. Shoves with any one face card
2. Good to call with 10-10s or better to avoid
Elenagilbert TAG super cautious ,

Dangerprone TAG , doesnt fold

1. Doesnt fold , will never fold
2. Check raises r solid
3. He cashes in your mistakes
4. Be patient against him
Harshadsup TAG

1. Doesnt go crazy
2. Knows what hes doing

Mohan98 Very cautious .

Naidu_521 TAG, NIT , Timewaste

1. Tight as fuck ,
2. Only plays premiums or ace
3. Can slowplay
4. Just time
Ajain236 TAG

1. doesnt C-bet3bets with AK
2. Range is small pairs and good cards.
3. bets veryyveryy low when he flops it.
4. called a huge bet oop with a gut shot and
checked it to me
5. donks if top pair sometimes


Ishekharsingh hyper-agg

1. Will not fold to any bets ,

1. Likes seeing flop , so bet big preflop
2. Doesnt fold one pair on flush/straight
boards to raises
3. Steals less , so fold to his bets .

1. Calls with bottom pair and Ace kick

1. Min checkraises oop with bottom pair ,
calls my re-reraise , checks turn , checks
river, instead of river bluff

1. Shoves on me with QJs when I open to 3x
with AA

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