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Report on the Center of the Milky Way

Date: July 6, 2014

Name: Ronald Smith T00558892

From the graph I drew, I came up with the following information:

The distance from the Earth to the center of the Milky Way is approximately 27 kLY.

The direction from the Earth to the center of the Milky Way is approximately 351 degrees.

To come up with these findings I took these steps.

I labeled each of the lines on the graph per the instructions.
I carefully plotted each point on the graph.
I drew the best circle I could encompassing the plotting points.
I marked the center point of this circle with an X.

To get the distance and direction I looked at the graph and came up with the distance and

On the graph each distance division is 10 kLY. The X was about 7/10 of the way out
between the 20 kLY and 30 kLY divisions.

On the graph each direction division is 15 degrees. The X was about just under half-way
to the 360/0 degree division from the 345 degree division.

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