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Identifying the Signs of Stress in

You can usually tell when a student is experiencing
significant stress by the way they look and act in class.

Here are some common signs and symptoms of stress:
BODY tense muscles, headaches, stomachaches, rapid
heartbeat, being cold or hot, skin rash, shakiness,
disturbed sleep, fatigue, illness
MIND poor concentration, forgetfulness, difficulty problem
solving, being easily distracted, confusion, being
Identifying the Signs of Stress in
EMOTIONS fear, anxiety, frustration, sadness, worry,
anger, panic, being hypersensitive, irritable, or feeling
helpless or hopeless, withdrawing and difficulty
regulating emotions
BEHAVIOURS whining, crying, nail-biting, daydreaming,
fighting with others, being overly cautious, performing
poorly in school, eating more or less than usual,
bullying, having difficulty calming down, not listening,
participating or cooperating, remaining quiet, or
becoming detached or withdrawn.
Identifying the Signs of Stress in
Students stress response may
go beyond actions that attract
Youth of all ages, but especially
younger children, may find it
difficult to recognize and
verbalize when they are
experiencing stress.
Tuning into emotional, physical,
mental and behavioral cues is
important in identifying potential
problems and providing

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