Oliver Bulloss CV 2014

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Oliver Mark Bulloss

Mobile Game Product Manager who loves games

Nationality: British
Languages: English (native)
Mandarin (intermediate working fuency)
Swedish (basic)
Date of Birth: 9-!-9"#
ontact Details! email: oliver$bulloss%com
"ele#hone: &"' ()-''"-*!
$ky#e: olib)(
Strong Game Design, Deep Free to Play Knowledge and Efective
Product Management
+ have a ,roven track record o- develo,ing new mobile game ideas. bringing them to
market and then growing a worldwide user audience that reaches millions o- ,layers%
/ith -our years o- game industry e0,erience -ocused on global ,roduct management.
develo,ing innovative new game ideas and leading large diverse teams% By using agile
so-tware develo,ment methodologies + am able to -ocus on 1uick iterative releases that
im,rove the game. reach key -ree to ,lay game metric targets and gain ,aying users all
around the world%
- 2ro3ect ,lanning and management
- 4arge diverse multinational and
multilingual team develo,ment
- 2ro3ect recovery
- Evaluating goals. risks and
,rogress against internal and
e0ternal matrices
- 2itch ,re,aration and ,resentation
abilities. combined with strong
,ersonal communication and ,ublic
s,eaking abilities
Mobile Game %ndustry
- +terative ,lanning and develo,ment
- 5gile so-tware develo,ment
- Mobile market analysis
- 6ew game idea develo,ment.
evaluation and ,lanning
- 7ree to ,lay metrics and design
I want people to say ow, t!at"s awesome# every time t!ey play
one o$ our games%
"he Numbers
8 9 :he download rank ;igh 6oon reached on i:unes <S5 May )!
) 9 6ew games develo,ed and shi,,ed -or ;a,,ylatte as 2roduct 4ead
)! 9 Minimum hours each week ,laying games outside o- work
(" 9 :eam members managed simultaneously
#" 9 6ew game ideas generated
'.!!!.!!!& 6umber o- downloads -or ;igh 6oon. ;igh 6oon ) and =ays o- >rime
>on?dential 9 2art o- a team that secured investment -rom +nde0 @entures
(+nvestors in Aing. Su,ercell. Sky,e and many other market
leading technology com,anies)
areer (istory
$enior Product Manager
(a##ylatte 9 re,orting to the >BB and Board o- =irectors
5ugust )!) 9 Se,tember )!C Bei3ing. >hina
Product: Days of rime
Background: Danuary )!( - generated and ,itched the idea -or leveraging technology
in ;igh 6oon ) to create a new +2 that would a,,eal to males "-(* audience% +
evaluated multi,le themes and game,lay changes be-ore deciding on a gangster theme%
hallenges: 4imited engineering and design resources and simultaneously ,re,aring to
launch ;igh 6oon )%
)esults: 4aunched a =ays o- >rime version ,ublicly on 5ndroid within -our month o-
starting to code% 2ost launch we delivered regular u,dates that continued to im,rove
core metrics and ,layer engagement% =ays o- >rime saw ,articular organic growth on
5ndroid in develo,ing markets. es,ecially South 5merica% 2ocketEamer%com awarded
=ays o- >rime "F! and a Silver 5ward
Product: (igh Noon *
Background: Senior management and the Board o- =irectors a,,ointed me 2roduct
Manager a-ter ;igh 6oon ) had s,ent ( months in ,roduction without a ,ublic
release under a diGerent ,roduct lead%
hallenges: 5 demotivated team. ,oor tech choice and unusable art combined with
ra,idly growing costs% ;igh 6oon ) was ;a,,ylatteHs ?rst (= game. ?rst 5ndroid game
and ?rst to be built in the <nity engine%
)esults: Shi,,ed within ) months o- my involvement and consistently met milestone
deadlines% 2ost launch metrics guided us to make -urther im,rovements and when + le-t
the ,ro3ect it has =F#F(! retention. user engagement and 5I2=5< that was viable -or
continued develo,ment% + also laid out a ' month ,reliminary ,lan -or my successor to
-ollow i- they chose% + also grew the core ,roduct team by C!!J in this ,eriod and
re,resented ;a,,ylatte at con-erences such as E=> San 7rancisco and EM+> Bei3ing%
Products: Multi#le unannounced #ro+ects
Background: ;a,,ylatte has -ocused heavily on the 72S genre -or a number o- years
and we decided ,ort-olio diversi?cation was needed%
hallenges: +ndecisive -ounders and long ,eriods o- time between key decisions being
)esults: =uring )!(FC + worked to bring a number o- new game ideas to ;a,,ylatte%
:his included an initial ,hase where the Senior Eame =esigner and + worked to create a
roadma, -or new game ideation and shortlisting% /e then created *! new game ideas
in (! days broken down by genre. market ,otential and estimated develo,ment siKe%
7urther develo,ment o- some ideas resulted in ) games that were ,rototy,ed and that
com,leted ,re,roduction and was ready -or develo,ment. with mysel- as >reative
=irector and 2roduct Manager%
$enior Producer
(a##ylatte 9 re,orting to the >EB
May )!) 9 Se,tember )!) Bei3ing. >hina
Product: (igh Noon
Background: /ith ;igh 6oon running success-ully + was asked to begin develo,ing the
,roduct team in ,re,aration -or new game and take on the long term vision -or ;igh
hallenges: 5 game that had been around -or two years and a team that was ready -or
a new challenge
)esults: Summer )!) was ;igh 6oonHs most success-ul time and continued to be
success-ul into late )!( due to the -oundation laid in )!F)% + was ,art o- a team that
secured signi?cant investment -rom +nde0 @entures (investors in Aing. Su,ercell. Sky,e
and more)% +n this ,osition + was ,resenting regularly to the Board o- =irectors and
talking one on one with the investor%
(a##ylatte 9 re,orting to the >EB
Dune )! 9 May )!) Bei3ing. >hina
Product: (igh Noon
Background: :he >EB. ,revious ;igh 6oon ,roducer. asked me to lead the day to day
running and -eature design o- ;igh 6oon with the goal o- maintaining user retention
while increasing s,ending in key markets%
hallenges: :he game was in a cycle o- sim,le in game events that ,layers were bored
with and a lack o- new -eatures meant retention was declining%
)esults: /orking closely with the -eature develo,ers. server engineers. art team.
marketing de,artment and ,layer community + was able ensure that ;igh 6oon gained
-ar more varied in game events and new content% + also began the ,rocess o-
establishing analytics as a core ,art o- our ,roduct strategy% >onsistently high revenue
during this ,eriod allowed us to invest heavily in mobile digital marketing%
ommunity Manager
(a##ylatte 9 re,orting to the >EB
7ebruary )! 9 Dune )! Bei3ing. >hina
Product: (igh Noon
5s the >ommunity Manager it was my role to re,resent the ,layers to the com,any% :his
involved collecting and analyKing ,layer -eedback in order to hel, the game designers
im,rove the game% +t was also my role to ,lan. write and monitor all in game events%
,ey -chievements:
- +m,lemented a new customer service system that reduced the average re,ly time
-rom ( days to
- Setu, and managed new :witter and 7acebook ,ages -or ;igh 6oon and increased
,ublic engagement by *!!J. resulting in a much ha,,ier ,layer base
&ve Online full time #layer
Se,tember )!! 9 7ebruary )! Bei3ing. >hina
=uring this ,eriod + committed -ully to ,laying the MMB Eve Bnline% 5s a ?ve& year
veteran o- the game at that time + wanted to see what could be achieved by committing
eight hours a day to the game% :hrough trade. wars and alliance + was able to grow our
small band o- ?ghters into a signi?cant -orce in the Eve Bnline universe%
,ey -chievements:
- Managed an "!!& ,erson >or, (guild) in the game
- Built and distributed hundreds o- s,readsheets to track trade ,ro?ts. mining
resources and inventory
- =econstructed multi,le in game systems to gain an advantage over our o,,onents
and mani,ulate the ,rices o- key in game resources
Marketing "eam
Powerhouse Gyms . re,orting to the >hina EM
Danuary )!!9 9 Se,tember )!! Bei3ing. >hina
2owerhouse had (C gyms in )! diGerent cities in >hina% 5s ,art o- a ) ,erson marketing
team + was res,onsible -or develo,ing and ada,t diGerent marketing strategies
de,ending on local needs% :his included in gym events. ,ress ads. s,ecial oGers. national
com,etitions and in house staG marketing%
,ey -chievements:
- +ncreased walk ins by )!J year on year
- +ncreased gym numbers -rom )C to (C

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