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Section A : Directed Writing

[35 marks]
You are advised to spend about 45 minutes on this section.
Question 1
You are a reporter for your school magazine assigned to write an article about a person who is very
interested in sports. Write your article based on all the notes below.
Grandpa erican ! age "3 ! loves racing ! not #uitting yet
5" years of racing since $%&% ! en'oys every minute ! top of world
(rinciple of racing ! athlete faces ups and downs
)outine ! running regularly ! slopes ! wor* out
+ll!rounder ! field and trac* events ! records
,elf!funding- well wishers and sponsors
When writing the article- you should remember.
to lay out the article correctly
to use paragraphs
that the article is for the school magazine
Section B : Continuous Writing
[5/ marks]
You are advised to spend about one hour on this section.
Question 2
Write a composition of not less than 350 words on one of the following topics:
[a] 0escribe the most beautiful scene you have ever set your eyes on.
[b] Write a story with the title . + 1ic*et.
[c] y 2appiest 0ay.
[d] 31he twenty!first century is an age of materialism.4
2ow far do you support this view5
[e] 6eighbours.
Section A : Directed Writing
[35 marks]
You are advised to spend about 45 minutes on this section.
Question 1
You are a student counselor. 7ullying is a problem in your school and the ,chool 8ounselor has as*ed
you to spea* to all the students during assembly.
7ased on the notes below- write your speech.
1ell an adult you trust.
Get your friends together and say no to the bully.
,tay with groups of people- even if they are not your friends.
1here is safety in numbers.
9f possible- avoid being alone in places where bullying happens.
1ry being assertive.
Wal* #uic*ly and confidently.
9f you are in danger- wal* away. 0o not get involved in a fight.
When writing the speech- you should remember
to greet and to than* the audience.
to elaborate on the information given.
to use paragraphs.
that it is a speech to your peers.
Section B : Continuous Writing
[5/ marks]
You are advised to spend about one hour on this section.
Question 2
Write a composition of not less than 350 words on one of the following topics.
[a] 0escribe a day in the life of a ::: [nurse or doctor or firefighter or cat].
[b] Write a story based on . +n ;ne<pected ,uccess.
[c] y 2opes for the =uture.
[d] 3+ll good things must come to an end.4 0o you agree5
[e] )ain
Section B : Continuous Writing
[5/ marks]
You are advised to spend about one hour on this section.
Question 2
Write a composition of not less than 350 words on one of the following topics:
[a] 0escribe some of your early childhood memories.
[b] Write a story with the title . + 6arrow >scape.
[c] + day in the life of your great!grandmother or great!grandfather $// years ago.
[d] 31ravel broadens the mind.4 0o you agree or disagree with this view5
[e] =riends.
[35 marks]
You are advised to spend about 45 minutes on this section.
Question 1
Your cousin brother who is eight years old would li*e to have a pet dog. 7ut your aunt is not very *een
about it as she is not sure how to help him out and also fear that his interest might 'ust be a flash in the
pan. You feel that your aunt should let your cousin *eep a pet.
7ased on the notes given below- write a letter to your aunt e<plaining the benefits of *eeping pets and
what she can do to sustain his interest.
7enefits of *eeping pets
- ,ense of responsibility and empathy
- 8onsideration for others
- ?vercome his shyness
Ways to help sustain interest
! >ducate the child on pet@s habits
! 9nvolve the child in pet@s needs
! Give the child responsibility in loo*ing after the pet
Section A : Directed Writing
[35 mar*s]
You are advised to spend about 45 minutes on this section.
Question 1
Your >nglish teacher has as*ed the class to read an >nglish novel A fiction or non!fiction. You are to
write a boo* review of the novel.
7ased on the notes below- write a review of the novel.
title- author- publisher- number of pages
the synopsis
the main theme[s]
the main character[s]
the language and #uality of the writing
personal opinion of novel and comments
When writing the boo* review- you should remember
to lay out the review correctly
to add relevant additional information
to write in paragraphs
Section A : Directed Writing
[35 marks]
You are advised to spend about 45 minutes on this section.
Question 1
Your neighbour who owns a pedigree cat informed you that his cat went missing and he had a difficult
time getting his cat bac*. +s a stringer for a local newspaper- you 'otted down some notes as he related
to you about the catnapping incident.
7ased on the notes below- write a report for the newspaper.
lost valuable cat A a cat lover found it and sent it to ,(8+
another cat lover saw advertisement A contacted owner
owner phoned ,(8+ A officials denied all *nowledge of cat
owner received phone call at night A offering to return dog for reward
owner contacted finder of cat A finder insisted sent to ,(8+
owner suspicious A contacted police A police planned to trap phone caller
a trap set A police in hiding A stranger arrived A as*ed for money
another arrived with dog A both nabbed A went to address supplied by
found ,(8+ official A cleared many animal!napping cases
When writing the report- you should remember
to lay out the newspaper report format correctly A headline- by!line-
place- day
to elaborate on information given
to use paragraphs
that your report is for a newspaper
Section A : Directed Writing
[35 marks]
You are advised to spend about 45 minutes on this section.
Question 1
?ne night- you were wal*ing bac* home very late when two policemen on beat duty stopped you and
as*ed you several #uestions. 1hey then too* you to the police station where you were further
#uestioned. Your parents were called and it was a most embarrassing e<perience.
Write a letter to your pen!pal recounting your ordeal.
circumstances of your returning very late A reasons
policemen stopped you A no yBad ! #uestions
to the station A grilled thoroughly by 9nspector
parents arrived A big fuss
released at last
When writing the letter- you should remember
to lay out the letter correctly
to use paragraphs
to elaborate on the notes given
that your letter is to a friend
Section A : Directed Writing
[35 marks]
You are advised to spend about 45 minutes on this section.
Question 1
You spent a holiday at (aradise (lace after reading its promotional brochure. You discovered that from
the beginning to the end the brochure was a pac* of lies.
7ased on the notes you have made and with reference to the promotional brochure- you send a letter of
complaint to the relevant authorities pointing out the e<aggerations and blatant falsehoods in the
The Paradise Place Trul! "ut "# This World
1he (aradise (lace could not be closer to the heart and soul of the shopping and entertainment
centres. ,tep out of the main entrance and there you areC 0elu<e malls lie to your right- superb
restaurants- opulent *arao*e outlets- elegant discos and plush cinemas to your left. 1a*e your pic* A a
shopping e<travaganza- a glamorous evening out or both. 1hey are on our door step.
D5/ delu<e suitesEdouble and singleEall facilities
& superb restaurants catering to all tastes
D *arao*e outlets- a chic disco- D state!of!the!art cinemasElive music and shows
D pools- a sauna- a mini!gym- a mini golf course- a playground
1opflight A multilingual
Focation A not within $/ minutes wal* to city centre
dreadful surroundings
+ccommodation A poorly maintained- nothing wor*ed- filthy
=acilities A state of disrepair- abandoned outlets
,ervice A more suitable for prison inmates or zoo beasts
When writing the formal letter- you should remember
to lay out the formal letter correctly
to use paragraphs
to elaborate on information given
that your letter is a letter of complaint
Section A : Directed Writing
[35 marks]
You are advised to spend about 45 minutes on this section.
Question 1
You are the editor of your class news bulletin.
?ne day your mother told you to loo* after your very small sibling [brotherEsister] for the day. 0uring
the morning- the tiny tot disappeared. You loo*ed all over the house- in the garden- ne<t door A to no
avail. You became frantic.
7ased on the notes below- write an article for your news bulletin about how you went about searching
for your sibling.
you loo*ed all over the house
you went through the garden
you saw the dog lying half out of the *ennel
to ne<t door
down the whole street
into the par* with a pond
to the police station
bac* home with the policeman
saw tot 'ust coming out of dog *ennel- pushing dog aside
When writing the article- you should remember
to give a title to the article
to use paragraphs
that the article is to appear in a class news bulletin
Section A : Directed Writing
[35 marks]
You are advised to spend about 45 minutes on this section.
Question 1
You are a student counselor. 7ullying is a problem in your school and the ,chool 8ounselor has as*ed
you to spea* to all the students during assembly.
7ased on the notes below- write your speech.
1ell an adult you trust.
Get your friends together and say no to the bully.
,tay with groups of people- even if they are not your friends.
1here is safety in numbers.
9f possible- avoid being alone in places where bullying happens.
1ry being assertive.
Wal* #uic*ly and confidently.
9f you are in danger- wal* away. 0o not get involved in a fight.
When writing the speech- you should remember
to greet and to than* the audience.
to elaborate on the information given.
to use paragraphs.
that it is a speech to your peers.
Section A : Directed Writing
[35 marks]
You are advised to spend about 45 minutes on this section.
Question 1
You returned home after a long wee*end away from home with your parents to find that your house
had been bro*en into. You reported the matter to the police who as*ed you to ma*e a written report.
7ased on all the notes below and adding any other relevant information- write your report for the
0ate and time you discovered the brea*!in
What you saw
Foss of property
0amage to house
+ny witnesses5
+ny suspicions5
When you write the report- you must remember
to write clearly and precisely
to be brief
it is a police report
Section A : Directed Writing
[35 marks]
You are advised to spend about 45 minutes on this section.
Question 1
You come across the following advertisement for the post of *indergarten teacher.
Write a letter of application together with a curriculum vitae to the (rincipal of the ,ri 9ndah
Bindergarten based on the advertisement and notes below.
,ri 9ndah Bindergarten
2as immediate vacancy for teaching post cum music teacher
inimum ,(E,1( #ualification
2as music #ualification ! Grade G
+ble to wor* independently
(leasant personality
8an relate to children
8onversant in local dialects and andarin will be an advantage
your curriculum vitae
the reasons for interest in the 'ob
your ability to cope with the children
When writing the letter- you should remember.
to lay out the formal letter correctly
to write in paragraphs
that your letter is a formal letter
Section A : Directed Writing
[35 marks]
You are advised to spend about 45 minutes on this section.
Question 1
+s secretary of the 2obby 8lub- you have invited a spea*er from the 6ational (hilatelist ,ociety to
give a tal* to the club members on stamp collecting as a hobby.
7ased on the notes below- write out the speech a committee member of the 6ational (hilatelist ,ociety
gave to the members.
,tamp collecting as a hobby
(roblems of *eeping album of stamps
>#uipment needed
0os and don@ts to maintain the collection
- storage
- regular inspection of album
- cleaning stamps
- mounting stamps
When writing the speech- you should remember to
greet and address the audience
than* the audience at the end for their attention
use paragraphs
use all the points given
elaborate on the notes provided
Section A : Directed Writing
[35 marks]
You are advised to spend about 45 minutes on this section.
Question 1
You have 'ust been voted by the members of the >nglish Fanguage ,ociety as the secretary for the year.
You are not sure how you should ta*e down minutes at a meeting. You approach your teacher and she
e<plains to you the procedure.
7ased on the notes given below- write out the procedure as e<plained by your teacher.
(repare the agenda for meeting
8irculate a paper for attendance
Fisten attentively to proceedings
)ecord motions proposed- names of proposer- seconder and those who oppose
0o not participate in proceedings unless you are referred to for clarification
1ranscribe the minutes soon after meeting
;se the format for minutes of meetings
When writing out the procedure- you should remember to
use the correct format and se#uence connectors
use all the points given
elaborate on the notes provided
use paragraphs
Section A : Directed Writing
[35 marks]
You are advised to spend about 45 minutes on this section.
Question 1
You are the secretary of the 8onsumer 8lub. 1he club members would li*e to visit 7rand@s
(harmaceutical 8ompany. Write a letter to the anager of the (ublic )elations 0epartment as*ing for
permission to ma*e a visit. Write your letter based on all the notes below.
day- date and time of visit
ob'ectives of visit
number of =orm & and 5 students and teachers ma*ing the visit
alternative dates if proposed date is not suitable
When writing the letter- you should remember.
to lay out the formal letter correctly
to write in paragraphs
that your letter is a formal letter
Section A : Directed Writing
[35 marks]
You are advised to spend about 45 minutes on this section.
Question 1
You are a reporter for your school magazine assigned to write an article about a person who is very
interested in sports. Write your article based on all the notes below.
Grandpa erican ! age "3 ! loves racing ! not #uitting yet
5" years of racing since $%&% ! en'oys every minute ! top of world
(rinciple of racing ! athlete faces ups and downs
)outine ! running regularly ! slopes ! wor* out
+ll!rounder ! field and trac* events ! records
,elf!funding- well wishers and sponsors
When writing the article- you should remember.
to lay out the article correctly
to use paragraphs
that the article is for the school magazine
Section A : Directed Writing
[35 marks]
You are advised to spend about 45 minutes on this section.
Question 1
Your cousin brother who is eight years old would li*e to have a pet dog. 7ut your aunt is not very *een
about it as she is not sure how to help him out and also fear that his interest might 'ust be a flash in the
pan. You feel that your aunt should let your cousin *eep a pet.
7ased on the notes given below- write a letter to your aunt e<plaining the benefits of *eeping pets and
what she can do to sustain his interest.
7enefits of *eeping pets
- ,ense of responsibility and empathy
- 8onsideration for others
- ?vercome his shyness
Ways to help sustain interest
! >ducate the child on pet@s habits
! 9nvolve the child in pet@s needs
! Give the child responsibility in loo*ing after the pet
Section A : Directed Writing
[35 marks]
You are advised to spend about 45 minutes on this section.
Question 1
You have attended a seminar on public spea*ing organized by the 1oastmasters 8lub. 1he chief editor
of your school magazine re#uests that you write an article entitled- @?vercoming stage fright when
spea*ing in public@ for the school magazine. any students would benefit from the article.
7ased on the notes given below- write out the article.
0efine stage fright and the symptoms
Ways to overcome stage fright
7efore the event ! be on time or go early to soa* in the atmosphere
! go with a friend
! visualize yourself on stage
! get your notes in proper order
0uring the event ! rela< and pretend you are tal*ing to friends
! address the audience
! loo* for friendly faces in the audience
! use 'o*es but handle them properly
When writing the article- you should remember
to give a title to the article
to use paragraphs
that the article is to appear in the school magazine
Section A : Directed Writing
[35 marks]
You are advised to spend about 45 minutes on this section.
Question 1
You are the 2ead (refect of ,B ,ri ,entosa. 1he (rincipal of the school is retiring. You- as the 2ead
(refect of the school- have to give a farewell speech at the assembly for the principal.
7ased on the notes given below- write out your speech.
6ame of principal
6umber of years in service as a teacher and principal
aH set up the welfare club for student
bH set up a class for special *ids
cH set up a counseling unit that incorporates handicraft s*ills
dH set up the 1oilet 8lub
eH improved the toilets in the school
fH put up the school hall and computer lab
gH provided special rooms for prefects and student counselors
When writing the speech- you should remember to.
use the correct format
use the correct tone
include all the notes given
elaborate on the notes provided
include any other relevant points
write in paragraphs

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