Questions - Noor Asher History of Sub Con

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Noor Asher

History of Subcontinent.
September. 18
, 2014.
1. Who was the first Mughal Emperor and what was his complete name & meaning?
Ans: The first Mughal Emperor was Babur. His complete name was Zahir-al-Din
Muhammad, and his name meant tiger.
2. When did he attain his first power position and at what age?
Ans: Babur attained his first power position at the age of twelve in 1494. He succeeded
his father and became the ruler of Fergana, which is now Uzbekistan.
3. The first emperor defeated which king and where?
Ans: The first emperor defeated Babur, and established his empire after defeating Ibrahim Lodi
at the battle of Panipat.
4. Register the birth place and some physical qualities of the first emperor.
Ans: The first emperor was Zahir ud-Din Muhammad Babur and he was born on the 14th
of February 1483. He was born in Andijan, Uzbekistan. His father was a descendant of Timur
and his mother was from the family of Genghis Khan. He was interested in many things like
reading, economics, politics, society and hunting.
5. He was a descendent of great military conqueror, what was his name?
Ans: His name was Babur, and he was a descendent of Genghis Khan.
6. What were the hobbies of the first Mughal emperor?
Ans: The first Mughal emperor also known as Babur loved to do many things. He had a
couple of hobbies which included hunting, and reading. He also loved nature, and making
7. How was Babur different from Ottoman Emperors?
Ans: Babur was different in many ways.
8. Who were the enemies of Babur the Mughal emperor?
Ans: The enemies of Babur were Sikandar Lodi and Mahmud Lodi. They turned against him after he had
defeated Lodi Babur.
9. By the 16th century, the first emperor was determined to conquer which regions?
Ans: By the 16
century Babur was determined to conquer India and Afghanistan.
10. The first emperor was succeeded by his eldest son, what was his name and how did this
son survive form severe childhood illness?
Ans: Jahangir was defeated, but ultimately succeeded his father as Emperor in 1605, he
was also known as Nur-ud-din Mohammad Salim. He survived from severe childhood
11. What are the monuments built by the first emperor?
Ans: The monuments built by Babur are:
Panipat Mosque
Jama Mosque
Babri Mosque
Kabuli Bagh Mosque
Babur also created many different tombs, mosques, and gardens in every province.
12. What do we know about major successes and victories of the first emperor in India?
Ans: The first emperor also in India was Babur. He established the Mughal dynasty in
India He defeated the Rajput confederacy and Ibrahim Lodi. Babur defeated the eastern
Afghans of Bengal, Bihar, Assam etc. Babur was a great conqueror and warrior. He
divided his empire into brilliant military state. He used firearms to win many battles.

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