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Chaudhry Saim Talib

Hist of Subcon
1) Babur was the frst emperor and his full name was ahir!ul!din"
#) He attained his power position at the a$e of 1# in 1%&%" He
succeeded his father and he became the leader of '(be)istan"
*) Babur made his empire after defeatin$ +brahim ,odhi at the
battle of panipat"
%) Babur was born on 1%
of -ebruary 1%.* in Andi/an" His mother
belon$ed to the 0en$his 1hans family and his father was from
the powerful Timur"
2) Babur was a $reat military con3uerer and he was the direct
descendent of 0en$his 1han"
4) He lo5ed nature and he lo5es huntin$" Babur li)ed readin$ as
.)After when he defeated +brahim lodhi7 he had to face many
opponents who were a$ainst him li)e Si)ander ,odhi and his son
8ahmud ,odhi" Af$hans were also his opponents"
&) By the 16
century Babur was determined to conquer India and Afghanistan.
10) Humayun was the eldest son in their family and successor of Babur as well. He
also prayed to allah to improe his health.
11) Babur built !abuli Bagh "osque# $aniput "osque# %ama "as&id# Babri "as&id.
1() He defeated the )a&put confederacy formed by )ana *angram. Babur defeated
the eastern Afghans of Bengal# Bihar# Assam etc. Babur was a great conqueror and
warrior. Babur established +he "ughal dynasty in India after defeating Ibrahim ,odi.

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