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Biyani's Think Tank

Concept based notes

Communicative English

Bethcy Sherin George
Asst. Professor
Deptt. of Engineering
Biyani International Institute of Engineering and Technology


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I am glad to present this book, especially designed to serve the needs of the students.
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Unit 1
1. Tenses
2. Passive Voice
3. Indirect Speech
4. Conditional Sentences
5. Modal Verbs

Unit 2
1. Dialogue Writing
2. Paragraph and Precis Writing
3. Report, its importance and Report Writing

Unit 3
Short Stories
1. The Luncheon: W.S. Maugham
2. How Much Land Does a Man Need?: Leo Tolstoy
3. The Last Leaf: O. Henry

Unit 4
1. On the Rule of the Road: A. G. Gardiner
2. The Gandhian Outlook: S. Radhakrishnan
3. Our Own Civilisation: C.E.M. Joad

Unit 5
1.The Unknown Citizen: W. H. Auden
2.The Character of A Happy Life: Sir Henry Wotton
3.No Men are Foreign: James Kirkup
4.If : Rudyard Kipling

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Unit I

Q.1 Explain the different kinds of Tenses?
Ans. Tense refers to a set of verb or verb forms that indicate a particular point in time.
There are different types of tense :-
1. Present Simple Tense :- usually present simple tense is used when
something happens regularly or is in a permanent situation. For E.g.- Sita
goes to school at 7O clock in the morning.
2. Present Continuous Tense :- This tense is usually used to talk about
events that are actually happening at present. In things or verbs, ing is
added at its base. For E.g.- Rakesh is studying hard this year.
3. Present Perfect Tense :- This tense is often used to talk about the different
experiences. For E.g. Ram have been to Ireland thrice.
4. Present Perfect continuous Tense :- This tense is usually used to indicate
the time since any activity had been taking place. For E.g. I have been
studying French for the past four years.
Present Simple Continuous Tense Perfect Perfect Continuous
I/We/You/ I/We/You/They I/We/You I/We/You/They
They work Are working They had worked Have been working
He /She/It He /She/It is He /She/It He /She/It has
Works Working Has worked Been working


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1. Simple Past Tense :- Any event that look place at a particular point in time
in the past is denoted by the simple Past Tense. For E.g. I got my degree
in the year 2001.
2. Past Continuous Tense :- This tense is used to explain any past action over
a period of time. For E.g. What were they working on in the morning ?
3. Past Perfect Tense :- This tense is usually used to talk about two past
events. For E.g. When I arrived, they had already started eating.
4. Past Perfect Continuous :- This tense is used to talk about longer events in
the past. For E.g. She had been sitting at the computer all day

1. Simple Future :- It is generally used to express a general intention,
prediction or opinion. For E.g. It will snow in winter. We will travel
2. Future Continuous: - It is used for activities that will be in progress at a
point of time. For E.g. At 7:30, I will be travelling to Delhi.
3. Future Perfect: - It is generally used for activities or events to be completed
by a particular time in future. For E.g. : I will have sent the project by
4. Future Perfect Continuous :- It is generally used for activities that will
continue until a point of time and will not be completed. For E.g. He will
have been travelling for 24 hours.

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Past Simple Past Continuous Past Perfect Past Perfect
I/We/You/they I/He /She was
I/We/You/They/ I/We/You/They/It
He /She/It We/you/They He /She/It had He /She had been
Worked Were Working worked working

Simple Future Future
Future Perfect Future Perfect
It will be shall work He /She/It
will be or shall
be working
He /She/It
will have
He /She/It
will have been

Q.2 What do you understand by voice ?
Ans. The relationship between the agent i.e. the one who performs the action and the
action i.e. verb is termed as voice. Voices can be of two types :-
(1) Active Voice (2) Passive Voice
In active voice, the subject performs the action of the verb and the agent receives
more emphasis or attention.
In the passive voice, the subject receives the action and the attention of the reader
is focused on the receiver of the action the structure of the passive voice is as
follows :-
Subject +auxiliary verb(be)+main verb (Past Participle)


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Q.3 Explain the steps for passivizing an active sentence ?
Ans. Following are the steps to be considered for changing an active voice into passive
voice .
1. Generally, in a passive sentence, the main verb is in past participle form and
the subject of the active verb becomes the agent of the passive verb.
2. By is used when converting a sentence from active to passive.
3. When changing from active to passive form, the tense of the sentence remains
4. Only sentences containing direct objects can be changed into passive because
the direct object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive
5. According to the tense, the appropriate form of be is to be used while
converting to passive voice. Like Present (is,am,are), Past (was, were), Perfect
(been), continuous (being), To-infinitives (to be), Imperatives and modals (be)
6. While conversion, wherever necessary, an appropriate preposition like by,
with, to ete should be used.
For E.g. 1) The dog bit the boy
The boy was bitten by the dog
2) Smoke filled the room
The room was filled with smoke.
3) He must talk to him.
He must be talked to
7. The subjective form of the active voice must be changed into objective form of
the passive voice. Like :-
I - Me
We - Us
You - You
He - Him
She -her

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It - It
They - Them
Sita - Sita
8. The tense of the helping verb remains the same and the main verb changes
into its past participle form.
For E.g. 1. William writes a letter (Present Tense)
A letter is written by William (Present Tense)
2. William has written a letter (Present Perfect)
A letter has been written by William (Present Perfect)
3. William wrote a letter (Past Simple)
A letter was written by William (Past Simple)

Q.4 How sentences are transformed write passivization
Ans. Transformation to Imperative sentences :- Imperative Sentences are those which
create a command. So the original sentences are converted into command form.
For example :-
1. The dog eats the bone
Eat the bone
2. I am Happy
Be Happy
3. We consider joe intelligent
Consider Joe intelligent
Transformation to Exclamatory Sentences :-
Exclamatory Sentences are those which create a surprise statement so the original
sentences are converted into surprise form. For Example :-
1. The dog eats the bone
What a bone the dog eats !

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2. Mary gave Joe a ring.
What a ring Mary gave Joe

Transformation to Interrogative Sentences :-
Interrogative sentences are question sentences. In active sentences, when
the question begins with Do,did, does, etc appropriate form of be is used. For
E.g. :-
1. What are you eating ?
What is being eaten by you?
2. Do you bake cakes here ?
Are the cakes bated here ?

S So om me e E Ex xa am mp pl le es s : : A Ac ct ti iv ve e t to o P Pa as ss si iv ve e
1. The child had swallowed a piece of plastic.
A piece of plastic has been swallowed by the child
2. Loud thunderstorms frighten our dog.
Our dog is frightened by loud thunderstorms.
3. That investment will make a good deal of money
A good deal of money will be made by that investment

Q.5 What do you understand by Direct and Indirect speech ?
Ans. The words of a speaker can be reported in two ways. One is quoting the actual
words of the speaker like :- He said, I have lost my mobile phone.
Another is reporting the words of the speaker but not quoting his exact words
Like :-
He said that he had lost his mobile phone.

Q.6 Discuss the steps to be considered while converting from direct to indirect

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Ans. Following are some of the steps to be considered:-
1. When the reporting or principal verb is in past tense, the cense of the
sentences in the direct speech gets changed as follows :-
Present Simple Tense - To Past Simple Tense
Present Continuous Tense - To Past Continuous
Present Perfect Tense - To Past Perfect Tense
Present Perfect continuous Tense - Past Perfect Continuous
Simple Past Tense - Past Perfect Tense
Past Continuous Tense - Past Perfect Continuous
Future Tense - Conditional

2. If the reporting or principal verb is in present tense, the tenses of the direct
speech do not change .
For Eg. :- He says, Jam unwell.
He says that he is unwell.

3. The tense of the direct speech do not change if the statement is a universal
truth, a proven fact or is still relevant.
For E.g. Marry said, I know her address.
Marry said that she knows her address.
4. If the meaning gets changed while converting from direct to indirect, then the
tense of the direct speech does not change.
For E.g. He said, I loved her
He said that he had loved her (meaning is getting changed)
He said that he loved her.


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5. The pronouns of the direct speech gets changed wherever necessary from first
or second person to third person. If speaker is reporting his own words, there
is no change in pronouns.

For E.g. He said, I have forgotten my books.
He said that he had forgotten his books.

6. Adverb and Adverb phrases of time also gets changed while conversion.
Adverbs like This and that are converted to there and those and when used as
adjectives, they are converted to the.
For E.g. He said, I bought this pen.
He said that he had bought that pen.
Following changes are made in adverbs and adverbial phrase of time :-
Today - That day
Yesterday - The day before
Tomorrow - The next day/The following day
Next week - The following week
Last week - The Previous week
For E.g. He said, I will send the letter tomorrow
He said that he would send the letter the next day.
7. When converting the questions from direct to indirect, the reporting verb said
is converted to ask, Inquire etc.
For E.g. He said to me, Where are you going?
He asked me where I was going.

8. If in the direct speech question begins with a question word, that question
word will be repeated in the indirect speech.
For E.g. He said, Who was there ?
He inquired who was there

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9. When the question does not start with a question word, if/whether is used
while conversion.
For E.g. He said to me, Do you speak English ?
He asked me if I spoke English.

10. While converting Imperative sentences into indirect speech, the word ordered
or requested or advised or suggested or forbade or not to do is added to the
reporting verb.
For E.g. - He said to me, Please help me.
He requested me to help him.

11. While converting exclamatory sentences into indirect speech words like
exclaimed with Joy, exclaimed with sorrow or exclaimed with wonder is
added to the reporting verb.
For E.g. He said , Hurray ! I won a price.
He exclaimed with joy that he had won a price.

12. Sentences having modals like can, may, must, shall will be changed to could,
right, had to, should in indirect speech.
For E.g. He said, I can drive a car.
He said that he could drive a car.

Q.7 What are conditional sentences?
Ans. Conditional sentences are those sentences which express hypothetical situations
and their consequences conditional sentences pul forth certain conditions. There
are two parts of a conditional sentence- the subordinate clause and the main
clause. The condition is-the subordinate clause and the consequence is the main

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For E.g. :- It is rains (subordinate clause), the picnic will be cancelled (main

Q.8 Explain in detail the different types of conditional sentences?
Ans. Conditional sentences can be of the following types :-
1. Probable condition :- These are those sentences where there is greater
probability of the condition to be fulfilled. The verb in the if clause is in the
present tense and the verb in the main clause is in future simple tense.
For E.g. If we play, we will win.
If he run fast, he will catch the train

These are certain variations to the general rule :- In main clause
A) If + Simple Present Tense +may (possibility)
B) If + Simple present +can (Ability or Permission)
C) If+ Simple present +may (Permission)
D) If+ simple present +must (command)
E) If+ Simple Present +should (Request or Advice)
F) If +Simple Present +Simple Present tense
If clause:-
A) If + Present continuous Tense
B) If +Present Perfect Tense

2 Improbable condition: - These are those sentences where there is lesser
probability of the condition to be fulfilled. The verb in the if clause is in the past
tense and the main clause consists of the conditional tense (would + infinitive/I
form of verb)
For E.g.- If he was here, I would have spoken well.

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If I was a bird, I would fly in the sky
This soup would taste better, If it had more salt in it.

Variations :-
There are certain variations to this general rule as follows :-
Main clause :-
A) If +past tense+might (possibility)
B) If + Past tense + could (Ability)
C) If + Past tense + Past tense
If clause :-
a) If+ Past continuous tense
b) If + Past Perfect Tense
3 Impossible condition :- These are those sentences where the action in the If
clause does not happen as the time is part and the condition cannot be
fulfilled. The verb in the if clause is in Past Perfect tense and the main clause
has perfect conditional tense (Could +have +past participle /III form of the
For E.g. If they had been stronger, they would have lifted the table.
If they had not come, it would have been better.
Main Clause :-
A) If + past perfect+could (ability)
B) If +past perfect +might (ability)

Q.9 What do you understand by Modal verb ?
Ans. Modal verbs are also termed as modals, modal auxiliary verbs and they are used
to indicate nodality i.e. like hood, ability, permission and obligation. It cannot

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function as a main verb in a sentence but help in giving more information about
the function of the main verb that follows it.
For E.g. They can do it well.
You should go for a walk every day.
Should he reach there at 7 in the morning

Q.10 Explain the different types of modals?
Ans. The different types of modals are as follows :-
1. CAN It is used to indicate possibility and ability, in nothing requests, in
asking for or giving permission.
It can be used for something that is generally possible, used to talk about
specific circumstances or possibilities.
In questions also, the modal CAN request permission to do something or to
ask about possibilities.
For E.g. He can help you
He can play the guitar
Can I help you ?
Can you do this for me

2. COULD It is used to talk about what was possible in the past. Could can be
used for positive events and could not for negative events.
For E.g. I could have told you
I could easily climb the tree.

3. SHALL Shall is basically used with first person pronouns to express simple
futurity. It can be used to talk about strong possibility or certainly of an event.
It can also indicate suggestion or promises.
For E.g. You shall obey my instructions
Shall we go now ?

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4. WILL Will is also used with first person pronouns generally to express ideas
like determination, promise, threat, willingness etc.
For E.g. I will go there

5. MAY May is used to ask for permission and is rather formal and not used
very after in nodals English.
For E.g. May we think about it
May I go there ?

6. MIGHT Might is used to suggest a small possibility of something than May.
But might is more usual than May in spoken English.
For E.g. It might rain today
He might reach here anytime.

7. MUST Must may be used to indicate as obligation, an assumption or
For E.g. You must watch this movie.
You must not eat so much chocolate.

8. SHOULD/SHOULDNT/OUGHT TO Should and Shouldnt are used to
make an obligation or an assumption about what is probably true, if
everything is as we expect.

For E.g. it shouldnt take so much time
They should be here by now
The modal ought to indicate an obligation. should & ought to are
synonyms but in questions, generally should is used instead of ought to.

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For E.g. You ought to go home now
Should he go now ?
Should we call her.

WOULD- Would is used for unreal or unimagined situations.
For E.g. - She would love to be a doctor
We would be more than happy to visit New York.

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Unit 2
Dialogue Writing

Q.1 What do you understand by dialogue writing ?
Ans. Dialogue writing is one of the most complicated parts of creative writing and
appears best when put into a summarized form rather than the drawn out form of
an actual conversation. Dialogue is what happens when two or more characters
speak to one another and it gives necessary information. Dialogue must aim at
moving the story forward. A good dialogue foreshadows events which are to
come, makes them more dramatic and gives characters and the relationships
between them, Life

Q.2 Describe the various aspects of a Dialogue ?
Ans. Dialogues in fictions must reasonable real dialogue without the tiresome
monotonous part, well written dialogues doesnt draw attention to itself but
quietly goes about its business revealing truth. It expresses the education, social
class, profession and background of the characters.
Writing Direct Dialogue :-
While writing direct dialogue, context should always determine who is talking
and what they are saying dialogue should not be simply used to convey
information but it should set the scene, advance action, give insight into
characterization , remind the reader and fresh shadow. Grammatical corrections
are not necessary but it should read like actual speech. Too much slang or
misspellings must not be used to create a characteristics voice.


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Writing Indirect Dialogue :-
It is another way of creating the feel of exchange without quotations. If a direct
thought is to be written, what is being said must be italicized?

Writing Natural Dialogue :-
Natural sounding dialogue is a major tribulation to many writers. A Natural
dialogue must seem real to the rader without having all the false state of real

Q.3 Explain the characteristics of a good dialogue ?
Ans. Following are the essential characteristics of a good dialogue :-
1. It should follow simple grammatical rules and must be enclosed within
quotation marks.
2. It must be concise as long and tedious passages will not be easy for the reader.
3. Good dialogue must let the reader know something about the person speaking
4. Good dialogue must remind the reader that their characters are physical
human beings by grounding their dialogue in the physical world.
5. Good dialogue should never be used to tell the readers, things your characters
already know.
6. Too much use of words like exclaimed, gasped, searched, postulated,
reasoned, argued, pondered, mouthed should not be done because the
dialogue will be over whelmed by the words around it.

Q.4 What is a paragraph ?
Ans. A paragraph is a collection of connected or sequential sentences that develops one
main idea. A basic paragraph structure usually consists of five sentences the
topic sentence (Introduction), there supporting sentences (explanation) and a

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concluding sentence (conclusion). The fundamental rule is that one main idea
must be focused upon and developed through a paragraph.
The topic of a paragraph is usually introduced in topic sentence which
serves as an idea or attitude of the topic. It needs to be clear and focused. The last
sentence of a paragraph is termed as closing sentence which restates the main
idea of the paragraph using different words.

Q.5 Explain the various stages in a paragraph ?
Ans. The various stages are as follows :-
1. The Pre-writing stage :-This stage requires careful thinking and organization
of ideas. Various things need to be thought like what can be the introductory
sentence, what facts can support the introductory sentence and how the
paragraph can be made more interesting.
2. The Writing Stage :-It is the stage when the ideas are turned into sentence.
The main idea must be focused upon keeping the sentences clear and simple.
3. The Editing Stage: - It is the stage when paragraph is checked for mistakes
and corrections are made if needed. It is essential to reread the paragraph and
ensure that each sentence has a subject, paragraph has a topic sentence and all
sentences focus on the main idea.

Q.6 What are the essential elements of writing a good paragraph?
Ans. Following are the essential elements of good paragraph writing:-
1. Unity -A Paragraph must focus on a main idea and the entire paragraph
should be unified around this main idea.
2. Order -Order refers to the way supporting sentences are organized. In a well
ordered paragraph, the reader follows along easily, aided by the established

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3. Coherence -Coherence is the quality that makes writing understandable.
Sentences with a paragraph need to connect to each other and work together
as a whole. Use of linking words is one of the best methods to create a sense of
4. Completeness - Completeness means a paragraph is well defined and
developed. If all sentences clearly and sufficiently support the main idea, then
the paragraph is complete.

Q.7 What is a Prcis ?
Ans. The consent reduction of a text into a sheet summary can be termed as a prcis. In
this, the important ideas of the original text are shortened using ones own words.
Therefore, it is a type of summarizing of the original text into its one third. In this
way, prcis say a great deal within a brief space.
The purpose or objective behind prcis writing is to test the readers
comprehension of any given passage, test the ability to blend information and test
his communication skills.

Q.8 What are the essential principles of writing a good prcis ?
Ans. Following are the essential principles :-
1. The basic facts, highlights, authors emphasis, tone and argument must be
2. Quotations must be limited as the whole idea is to summarize the content.
3. A lengthy passage must be compressed retaining the important concept and
key words.
4. The text needs to be factually correct and described as accurately and briefly
as possible.
5. For a good prcis writing, the passage needs to be read several times for a full
understanding. Each paragraph may be restated in one or two sentences.
6. Key words and occasionally key expressions can be used.

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7. A prcis never expresses any opinion about the passage but it only
summarizes another persons ideas in ones own words.
8. An apt heading or title must be chosen by reading the passage carefully and
titles of text must be italicized.
9. The prcis order of the original points need to be retained and these should
not be any use of abbreviations.
10. Expressions such as- Ejhis passage says, according to the author etc should
be avoided.
11. Finally check the precis against the original to be sure that it is exact in idea
and retains the order, proportions and relationships.

Q.9 What do you understand by a report ?
Ans. Reports are used in government, education, business, science and other fields and
is a statement containing important and definite information reports vary in their
purpose but all of them requires careful planning and a formal structure using
clear & concise language.
Reports are a highly structured form of writing often following a common
format. One of the most common formats for presenting reports is IMRAD i.e.
Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion. This structure is standard for the
genre because it mirrors the raditional publication of scientific research and
summons the ethos and credibility of the discipline.

Q.10 Explain the various stages involved in Report writing ?
Ans. Following are the various stages involved :-
1) Reason of writing :-
The purpose of writing report needs to be clear. This will help in
communicating information with more clarify and will help the author to be
selective while collecting the information.

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2) Planning :-
Careful planning is very essential for writing clear, concise and effective
report. Planning involves breaking down the report into various parts along
with an estimation of duration required to complete the entire report.
3) Collecting information :
Al this stage, there must be a careful analysis, Listing and planning of the
information which is to be gathered.
4) Organizing Information
Organization of the collected information is essential and this can be done by
writing the main theme in the centre of a piece of paper in order to brainstorm
the ideas.
5) Writing Reports
The last stage is writing reports. A first draft should be written which must be
revised, edited and carefully rewritten. After writing, it should be checked

Q.11 Briefly describe the structure of a report ?
Ans. A report generally has the following structure :-
1. The cover Page/Title Page
This includes the title of the report along with the authors name. The title must
reflect the purpose of the report, the persons for whom the report was prepared
and the full details of the persons who prepared the report.
2. Acknowledgement :-
This is a short paragraph thanking any person or organization which helped
the author in data collection and preparation of report.
3. Table of contents
This is a list of heading and appendices of the report

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4. Abstract
It should be generally short summarizing the main contents of the report but it
is quite different from introduction. It should contain the essence of the report.

5. Introduction
The context and scope of the report is mentioned in introduction. In this the
objectives must be stated clearly, outline the method of enquiry and key terms
and scope must be clarified.

6. Methodology :- This section states how data was collected through
interviews or questionnaires and should be presented logically and

7. Result or Findings
Results or Findings can be presented through tables, graphs, Pie-chart, bar
charts and diagrams.

8. Discussion
This section is used for analyzing and interpreting the results drawn from the
information collected.

9. Conclusion & Recommendations :-
This section draws together the main issues and should be expressed clearly.
It should not present any new information.

10. References
References include the precise details of all the work by other authors which
has been referred to within the report.

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11. Appendices
It contains additional information related to the report but which is not
essential to the main findings.

12. Illustration checklist
This checklist clarifies all diagrams,\abellings, titles, link between text and
diagrams and soon.

13. Abbreviations/Glossary
It provides an alphabetical list of the abbreviations used in the report.
Glossary can be provided if many technical terms are used in the report
wherein a brief explanation of the terms can be given.

Q. 12 Describe the various types of reports ?
Ans. The different types of reports are
1. Research Report :- It is the type of report written an account of research work
carried out with a specific purpose
2. Business Report: - Business reports are considered to be indispensible parts of
business communication process.
3. Scientific Reports: - It is somewhat similar to the research report. The only
difference is that the scientific reports are written by science students while
research reports dominate in humanities.

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Unit 3
Short Stories

Q.1 Explain in detail the story of The Luncheon ?
Ans. The Luncheon is an interesting short story written by William Somerset
Maughan who was a distinguished British author. In this story, the narrator
recognizes a woman with whom he had lunch year ago and he starts
remembering the unforgettable evening. He was living in Paris at that time, was
young and could barely make his ends neat. She had read one of his books and
wrote to congratulate him on his ----------When the narrator thanked her for the
letter, she wrote another letter asking to have chat with him as she was passing
through Paris. The narrator invited her for lunch and to his horror, she chose a
very expensive restaurant. She was a very talkative woman of forty. First she
ordered a salmon and then a little caviar by mentioning that the French while
wines are so light & easy for digestion, she ordered for champagne also after
eating so much, she stated that she is not in the habit of eating a heavy luncheon.
When the waiter came with the bill of fare, she again asked him for some giant
asparagus. The narrators heart sank as they were horribly expensive. In this way,
she ordered one expensive dish after another and when the bill came, the narrator
paid and was left with no money at all. However, in the end, the narrator feels
that he finally had his sevenge when he sees that the woman now weight twenty
one stones which is approximately 300 pound.

Q.2 Give a brief explanation about the author of this story?
Ans. The author of this story is willliam somerset Maugham a distinguished British
author. He was born in Paris and spent his childhood in a French speaking
society. At the age of 10, he returned to England. He studied at Hielelberg and at
St. Thomas Hospital, London and qualified as a doctor. But his indination was

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towards writing instead of practicing medicine. He wrote large number of novels,
plays and short stories. Some of his best novels include Of Human Bondage, The
Moon and sixpence etc. Maugham has an amazing skill for revealing, with a few
toches, a situation and the essentials of a character, and his stories are told with
lucidily and an economy of word which are the marks of a supreme

Q.3 Explain in detail the story of How much land does a Man need ?
Ans. The story of How much land does a Man need was written by Leo Tolstoy, a
popular Russian writer. It is considered to be one of the greatest story that the
literature of the world knows. It is a short story about a man who, in his but for
land forfits everything. What happens in the story is that Pahom, a Russion
peasant overhears his wife and her sister arguing the merits of farm life versus
city life. Pahom being a poor fellow proclaims to himself that if he had enough
land, he would not even fear the devil. Pahoms greedy plans get into devils ears
and he plans to exploit him. The devil decides to give him land without him
knowing. Pahom soon succeeded in buying land yet he gets dissatisfied. In order
to acquire more land, he treated the local peasants very badly. He started buying
more and more land and grew tired and bought even more. One day Pahom was
told about the region of Bashirs where fertile land was available at low prices.
When we went there, he was told that he can get as much land as he can walk off
in a day for thousand Rubles. Also he has to return to his starting point before
sunset. Pahom walks a great distance trying to encircle or much land as possible.
He went too far and when he was heading back, he realized that the sun was
setting. Therefore, he started running, as hard as he could and just as he reached
the destination, he died from overexertion. He ends up with six feet of land
enough for his grave.

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Q.4 Explain in brief about the author of the story How much land Does a Man
Ans. The author of this short story is Leo Tolstoy who was born in the Tula region of
Russia. He primarily wrote novels and short stories but later in life he also wrote
plays and essays. His most famous works the novels, was and Peace, Anna
Karenina, Hadji Murad, etc are acknowledged as the greatest novels of all time.
Tolstoy is considered as one of the worlds greatest novelists. He is known for his
complicated and paradoxical persona and for his extreme moralistic and ascetic
views. In 1910, at the age of 82, he died of pneumonia.

Q.5 Explain in detail the story of The last leaf ?
Ans. The story The last leaf was written by O.Henry a prolific American short story
writer. This story is about an uncouth artist who saves the life of an artist at peril
to himself, making a masterpiece. In this story, there were two young artists Sue
and Johnsy who soon become friends and started living together. In November,
Pneumonia attacked the little village where they were living and Johnsy was also
attacked. Her condition worsened and the doctor attending her said that she had
not desire to live. She lay on her bed looking outside through the small window
panes at an old puy tree whose leaves were falling. She had started believing that
when the last leaf falls, she would also die. She tried to divert her attention from
the thoughts of death. She informed Behrnan, an old painter about the foolishness
of Johnsy. They went upstairs and found johnsy sleeping. She pulled the shades
of the window and called Behaman to the other room from where he could see
the Puy tree whose leaves were falling.
The next morning Johney asked sue to remove the curtain from the window.
However, to her surprise she found one leaf standing out though the weather had
been very stormy throughout the night . the next day also the leaf was there and
Johney told Sue about her foolish thoughts of death. The doctor was also happy at

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the progress of Johney. That afternoon sue told Johney that the last leaf that kept
hanging on the Pue tree was old Behamans masterpiece which he painted for you
to save you. In pointing that last leaf, in that terrible wind, made him sick and he
passed away.

Q.6 Describe about the author of the story of The Last Leaf?
Ans. The story of The last leaf was written by O. Henry, popularly known as the
master of surprise endings. In the year 1898, he was tried convicted and
sentenced for five years. Most of his stories were written when he was in jail.
Some of his famous short stories are Cabbages and Kings, The Four Million,
The Trimmed Lamb etc. O.Henry is recognized as one of the representative short
story writers of America. He like most of the American humorists expresses
himself through slangs, which add to realism. His verbal energy, pans and the
metaphous are typically Amercian. His stories are brief and usually open with a
conversation. In his era, he was popular and famous as a short story writer.

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Unit 4

Q.1 Write a note on the essay On the rule of the Road?
Ans. On the rule of the road is one of the finest essays of A.G. Gardener. The essay
reveals the delightful and charming personality of Gardiner. Though written in a
playful spirit, yet it contains thought provoking ideas. In this essay, Gardiner
speaks about the nature and limits of personal liberty and the individuals social
obligations. The author begins his essay by giving the example of an old lady
from Petrograd who unsisted on walking in the middle of the road. When it was
pointed out to her that the pavement was the right place for her to walk, she
replied that she was free to move anywhere she liked we must all observe the rule
of the road in order that the liberties of all may be preserved. The author
emphasize that liberty is not a personal affair but a social contract. A person is
free to do anything as long as it does not touch anybodys liberty. But as soon as
one moves out of this personal domain, his personal liberty is conditioned by
other peoples liberty. Gardiner emphasizes the fact that rights and duties are
correlated to each other and they cant be in isolation.
If we have certain rights, we have certain obligations as well. If we forget our
duties towards others and remember only the rights, chaos would result. The
prose style of this essay is very apt to the theme of the essay. The choice of words
is happy and there is a wealth of literacy and historical allusions in the essay.


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Q.2 Discuss about the author of the essay On the Rule of the Road ?
Ans. The author of the essay On the rule of the Road is Alfred George Gardiner, one
of the greatest journalist of his generation. He was the editor of the Daily News,
the powerful mouthpiece of the liberal party, one of the two most powerful
political parties of England. Gardiners imaginative faculty, creative art, Keen
critical sense ready with and gentle and juicy humors all helped him a great deal
in shaping his social Asious. Most of his writings were about his people and
addressed to them. The essays of ceardiver were exactly like the man he was. He
was a true humanitarian, a humanitarian to the lose of his heart. Ceardines had
several literary attraction like wit, humour, pathos, irony and satire. To conclude,
we can say that ceardiner is delightful, yet instructive, heaching but not
preaching, simple yet elegant, light hearled but never frivolove, wiley, humorous,
like a judge he has his eyes on both the sides of a coin & delivers his judgment

Q.3 Write a note on the essay The Gandhian Outlook ?
Ans. The essay The Gandhian Outlook was written by Dr. S. Radhakrishnan. The
essay talks about the ideals and concepts of Gandhi and depicts Gandhi as the
nation builder. Gandhi remarked that a true and authentic essence of a religion
lies not in the theories but in its practice. Gandhi implemented and lived with the
ideals of a distinguished prophetic nature about religion. He believed that ones
religion should be in ones deed. Love and truth can create a true religion to all
such religion holders. Gandhiji before doing anything always had the practice of
questioning himself, alongwith he fastened, prayed and made intense thinking till
he was confronted that the particular action and the method approach to it was
true & righteous to proceed with.
The other dominating persona of him was his weapon of non violence
which he freely and confidently implicated in India and he believed that this
weapon is equally applicable in the whole world. As he was a well wishes of the

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whole world and not just a nation that of India, so he was called internationalist
in a broad sense. His uniqueness and integrity of thought ran through a
nationalist to an internationalist, which made the whole world love and
appreciate him.
He believed that all human were the offspring of the same God whether
Englishman or Indians and all the brothers to each other. He supported the view
not to hate the evildoer but his evils and one should try to remove it instead. The
essayist emphasize that today so much of uncertainly, so much fear, so much of
confusion, it is because our goals are not clear, and that we have not given to the
human wind something to satisfy its hunger, hunger for truth and something that
cecales universal brotherhood. The essayist says that if Gandhi had lived longer,
he would have worked to build a world state where different nations are merely
In order to create a happier world order for the future generations, we
must take oath that we will believe in universal brotherhood, respect one another,
regardless of individuals or nations and we will not apply two different method
of criticism, one to ourselves and a different one to others. The essayist realize
that we cannot bring about this change overnight but we can though it may be
slowly, supported with goodwill and understanding.

Q.4 Describe in brief about the author of the essay The Gandhian Outlook?
Ans. The author of the essay The Gandhian Outlook is Dr. S. Radhakrishnan who
was a great writer, philosopher, conversationalist and always thought provoking
and scintillating . He was offered professorship in calculla University when he
was less than 30 years old. When he was around 40 years old he was called to
seeve as the Vice Chancellor of Andhra University. Later he was appointed as the
vice chancellor of BHU. The Oxford University institute the Radhakrishnan
scholarship in his memory. He was nominated for the Nobel Prize for literature

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for five consecutive years from 1933-1937. In 1952, he became the vice-president
of India and was finally elected as the President of India in 1962. His principal
works, are The reign of Religion in contemporary philosophy, Indian
Philosophy, The Hindu view of life, Can Idealist view of Life, East and West in
Religion, Freedom & Culture, Religion and Society, Our heritage etc.

Q.5 Write a note about the essay Our own civilization ?
Ans. The essay our own civilization was written by C.E.M Joad, a great British
Philosopher, author and teacher. This essay is an extract from one of his most
eminent and well known creations The story of civilization. Through this essay,
he has expressed the view that science, technology and also the modern
civilization have caused a great deal of global dilemmas. Joad discussing the
merits of civilization remarks that it has blessed people with order and safely
which is the foremost achievement of the time. Nobody can be oppressed or
abused either verbally or physically because everybody has an access to law
where he can approach the law courts for justice. The author remarks that order
and safely is a common thing like the air we breathe and without it, a man cannot
pursue his higher activities.
Men today are also largely free from fear of pain. People now enjoy better
health and greater life expectancy as a result of technology. Also with security
point of view, our civilization of today is more secure than the earlier once. The
author says that the world has become a small place now instead of lot of separate
places shut off from one another. There is a mutual exchange of goods, services,
culture and technology.
But unfortunately, we also have an unbalanced economy. On one hand, a
part of the population has access to all the comfort of life and on the other hand, a
very majority of the population doesnt have access even to the base necessities of
life. They live in extremely pitiable conditions and this is one of the greatest
defects of our civilization. Another danger comes from war as now every country

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possesses nuclear weapons. Yet another defect is that our vivilization doesnt
know what to do with its knowledge. Machines are supposed to serve man to
man has become used to them.
The writer concludes the essay by suggesting that a true and prosperous
civilization advocates for making and writing beautiful things, thinking liberally,
living rightly and preserving justice equally between man and another man.

Q. 6 Give a brief description about the author of the essay Our own Civilization ?
Ans. The author of the essay Our own Civilization is C.E.M Joad who is regarded as
British philosophy, Author, Teacher, Radio Personality and Britains most
controversial as well as colourful intellectual personality. Serving for 16 years in
the civil services, he retired & then worked as the head of the department of
Philosophy and Psychology at Birbeck College, University of London. As a
starnch rationalist author, he was keenly interested in the issues pertaining to
science, civilization, religion and technology. He was popular as a writer of,
philosophical works. Among his works are Guide to philosophy and Guide to
Philosophy of Morals and Politics.


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Q 1. Write a summary about the poem The unknown Citizen ?
Ans. The poem The unknown Citizen was written by the English born American
poet W.H. Avden. The poem is a critical community on the state which knows its
citizens only by letters and numbers. The poems represents on unknown citizen
who was found to be all right by the Bureau of Statistics. All reports on his
conduct showed that he was harmless to the state and its Good. He had worked
in Fudge Motous Inc. and had satisfied his employers by means of his honest and
hard work. The research bureau on workers social psychology reports says that
he was popular with other workers. The newspaper boy feels that he bought a
paper everyday and his reactions to the advertisements were normal. He
possessed everything necessary to the modern man, namely a gramophone
record player, a radio, a Car & a refrigerator. His political opinions had been in
harmdug with those of the current opinions of the state. He added five children to
the population which was the right number for a father of his generation. He also
never interfered with the modern system of education. In this way, this poem is a
bitter satire against the modern civilization which has reduced human beings to a
nameless and faceless machine or number.

Q.2 Describe in brief about the poet of the poem The unknown Citizen ?
Ans. The poem The unknown Citizen was written by W.H. Avden, an English born
American poet, a dramatist, Liberist, Critic, essayist, editor and translator. He is
considered as one of prominent English language poets of the 20
century. A
Contradictory personality, at once prudent, revolutionary, pious and intemperate,

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Avden is distinguished for his enormous intelligence, technical virtuosity,
complex philosophical and moral vision and keen wit. His best known poetry,
most of which appears in the Orators, Another Time, Journey to a War, New
Year Letter, For the time being & The age of Anxiety reflects his lifelong
preoccupation with political, Psychological and spiritual conflicts.
His work is known for its stylistic and technical achievements, its
engagement with moral and political issues and its variety of tone, form and
content. The Central themes of his poetry are love, politics and citizenship,
religion & morals and the relationship between unique human beings and the
anonymous impersonal world of nature. Avden is capable if writing in many
different forms and styles and is considered a modernist writer. At a time when
many poets were experimenting with obscure forms and new ways of using
language, much of Avdens poetry had more popular appeal.

Q.3 Describe about the poem The character of a Happy Life ?
Ans. The poem The character of a Happy Life was written by Sir Henry Wotton. In
this poem, the poet has described the characteristics of person who can truly be
called a happy man. The poem is in a sharp contrast between the uneasy life of
the ambitious man and the contented life of man satisfied to live an obscured life
of peaceful virtue. In this poem, the poet remarks that a person who has freedom
of will & thought, leads a happy life. His only weapon is his simplicity and truth
and does not act according to other peoples wishes. Such an upright man is not
concerned about being famous or what people say about him publicly or
privately. He is not jealous of chance or foul play and does not abide by the rules
of the society which compel a person to do unwanted deeds. He follows the rule
of goodness which will lead him to the right path.
A happy mans life is free from numerous things and he retires in his comfort of
clear conscience. He prays to God regularly and asks God to be gracious and

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merciful to him. A good book or a friend is favorite pastime. A man who is truly
happy is free from slavery of his desires, does not expect too much and therefore,
his hopes arent shallered. He has not got lands or wealth and yet he has
everything because he possesses the greatest wealth of contentment and

Q.4 Write a short note about the author of the poem, The character of a Happy
Life ?
Ans. The poem The character of a Happy Life was written by sir Henry Wotton who
was an English author, diplomat and politician. He was educated at Winchester
College, New college, Oxford and Queens College graduating in 1588. He was
not a very laborious author and his writings are not good in number. Some 15
poems were written by him and out of those 15, two of his poems, On his mistris
the queen of Bohemia and the character of a Happy Life obtained a place
among the best known poems in the language. During his lifetime, he published
two works only. The Elements of Architecture and a latin prose addressed to
the king on his return from Scotland. He died at the beginning of December 1639
and was buried in the Chapel of Eton college.

Q.5 Write a short note on the poem, No men are foreign ?
Ans. The poem, No men are foreign was written by James Falconer Kirkup in which
he states that we should not regard anyone as foreign or strange. The poem
revolves around the idea that all men are equal. The poem begins with the
speaker asking his audience to remember that no human being should be treated
as foreigner. Even those who wear different dresses are in no way different from
us because though the clothes are different, the bodies are the same. The author
remarks that peace brings prosperity to all men and war brings diversity and
adversity. The lines on the hand of are people show that they are all destined to
work hard and labor for earning the living. God has bestowed the same strength

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to all new and it is only the human quality of love that can subdue the most
powerful of all forces. The poet says that we have no rights to look down on
anybody or discriminate against anybody on any grounds. He makes a strong
plea against the evil of war. By taking up arms, men desecrate the holy earth,
polluting it with not only dust and smoke but also hatred. Men must learn that no
man is a stranger and no country foreign and must develop the feeling of
universal brotherhood.

Q.6 Describe in brief about the poet of the poem No men are foreign ?
Ans. The poem, No men are foreign was written by James falconer kirkup who was
a prolific Engineer poet, translator and travel writer. He wrote over 30 books,
including autobiographies, novels and plays. After writing simple verses and
rhymes from the age of six and the publication of his first poetry book, The
Drowned sailor in 1947, Kirkups published works encompassed several dozen
collections of poetry, Six volumes of auto biography, over a hundred monographs
of original work and translations and thousands of shorter pieces in journals and
periodicals. His skilled writing of haiku and tanka is acknowledged
In this early 1990s, kirkup settled in Andoera. He continued his prolific
work and correspondence notably becoming a frequent contributor to the
obituary section of the British newspaper The Independent until 2008. He also
had several virtual books published on the internet by Brind in press. A great
encourager of young talent in all aspects of the arts, he was the Honorary
President of Switch Drama company youth theatre. Kird up died in Andorra on
May 2009.


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Q.7 Give a detailed description of the poem If ?
Ans. The poem entitled If was written by Rudyard Kipling who was born in Bombay
and get educated in England. The poem is an in spirational stuff discussing the
mottos and maxims for life. It aims at teaching a moral instruction to the little
minds. The poem illustrates the practice of self confidence and expresses that in
being confident, one must also bear the courage to face defamation and criticism.
The poet suggests patience, honesty and fortitude of character. He also provides
instruction in the maintenance of righteous behavior in the face of
unrighteousness. The poet peusuades the reader to maintain a balance between
private ideals and public action. In other words an individual in order to be a
leader, must be able to put personal dreams and philosophies to public action so
that private thoughts once made public, can be twisted away from their original
meaning. The poem is characterized by hyperbole or the use of exaggeration as a
literary device. Kipling makes a recommendation to make one heap of all your
winnings and risk it on one turn of pitch and toss in order to illustrate the
complete detachment with which an individual should regard both profit and
loss neither of which is permanent. He also points out that fine and model
leadership requires action that is based on a world view which is complex
multifaceted and ultimately inclusive. There are recommendations against
favouritism and towards regarding man with equality. By learning the
characteristics of a model leader, an individual can achieve manhood. The poem
is meant as a specific address to adulthood or a young man.
Actions of a model leader is directly associated with the achievement of
manhood with the characteristics that reveals a societal attitude towards
gender that excludes women from the realm of public leadership. The poem is
also a part of the childrens story collection rewards and Fairies. Thus the final
line can be seen as an appropriately affectionate address from an older mentor to
a young boy .

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Q. 8 Write a brief note about the author of the poem If ?
Ans. The author of the poem, If is Rudyard Joseph Kipling. He was born in Bombay
and got educated in England. He returned to India in 1882 and worked for anglo-
Indian newspapers-Kipling set off his best works while living in India and wrote
much about India throughout his life and in later ages, he returned to England.
Although kiplings brilliant works are mostly the childrens books for which even
his harehest critics consider him for his true genius, he become the very first
English author to win the Nobel price for literature. As a prolific writer, he
always had ponderous readers around him although his name declined in his
later age. Among his best literary works are departmental Ditties, Plain Tales
from the Hills, Soldier there, Barack Room Ballads, Jungle book which became a
world famous childrens classic. Kipling also wrote some controversial books
during the first world war and his collection of poems appeared in 1933.


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Key Terms

1. Tense A set of verb or verb forms
2. Active Voice Active voice is used in a clause whose
subject expresses the agent of the main verb.
3. Passive Voice It is a grammatical voice used when the
focus is on action.
4. Helping Verb It is the verb that supports the main verb.
5. Pronouns It is a word or form that substitutes for a
6. Conditionals It is used for expressing failed implications
or hypothetical situations and their
consequences like would, will, can could etc.
7. Prcis A short summary
8. Report A statement containing important
9. Abbreviations Short forms
10. Glossary List of Technical terms
11. Asparagus A following perennial plant species
12. Luncheon A midday meal

Commutative English 43

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Sawhney Ruchi, Upadhyay Mukti, Bano Kulsum, Pathak Sunil-
Communicative English, Genius Publication, 2012
Collins Peter, Modals and Quasi Modals in English, Rodopi Publication, 2009.
Comrie Beanard, Tense, Combridge University Press, 1985
Websites :-
English Grammar online, 2014,
Sequence of verb Tenses,
Passive Voice, 2014
Direct to Indirect speech,

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