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Public organizations are managed and owned by the national, state or/ local governments. Nonprofit
organizations are owned and managed by the community or by the members of community usiging
resources and support of the community. Since both public and nonprofit organizations rely on the
community and or/citizen support, they are subject ed to distinctive external and internal environment.

Effective public organizations.
1. Recognize the multiple stakeholder influences: legislative executive and judicial branches of
government t ,interest groups media public opinion leaders employees and customers
2. Understand how these multiple influences generate diverse, value-laden and often conflicting
goals and priorities for the public organizations.
3. Appreciate that the rule - driven work culture needs to be pragmatically developed and
assessed: the rules may help protect the managers from the complaints on the lack of due
diligence and transparency in their activities. The activities of the public organization managers
are more visible, and are subject to review from diverse stakeholders, who have greater
access to the information related to those activities. However, excessive rules may hamper
efficiency, effectiveness, and responsiveness of the organization

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