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Anuban Weekly Outline

Sitapatr School
Teacher: Mike Class: EP 3 Lily Week: 18 Dates: 15/09/14-19/09/14
This week we are learning: Test week
Circle Time Review
This week in circle time we are going to reiew
the to!ics coere" in this semester an" !re!are
the st#"ents to take the en" o$ semester test%
Activity Time
Activities and Games&
This week we are going to "o an en" o$ semester test% This test will incl#"e '#estions $rom
the $ollowing to!ics coere" this semester&
(ntro"#ctions/)etting to know yo#%
*nimals an" their yo#ng%
Locations& Town/+o#ntry
Locations& The ,ea
Locations& The -ain$orest
Mothers .ay
Pre!ositions o$ Place
Thai /oo"
0e are also going to test !honics $rom 12$or" Phonics 0orl" 3%
4#estions will $oc#s on rea"ing5 s!eaking5 listening5 s!elling an" grammar%
*t the en" o$ the week we hae !arent meetings where ( will get a chance to s!eak to yo#
a6o#t how yo#r chil" is "oing in class%
ew !letters"sounds"vocabulary#
This week we will 6e testing the st#"ents
in their !honics%
Writing Practice
The st#"ents will contin#e to !ractice
writing in their worksheets this week% 0e
are looking $or correct sha!e5 si7e an"
!osition o$ the letters% 0e are going to
$oc#s on ca!ital letters this week an" learn
when to #se them%
$ight Words
This week we are going to $oc#s on oca6#lary
wor"s& match5 circle5 listen5 re!eat5 re-write%
These wor"s relate to the '#estions that are #se"
in the en" o$ semester test%
Parent %ollow &' " &se(ul Websites " )omework:
.ear Parents% Please contin#e to s!eak as m#ch English as !ossi6le with yo#r chil"5 an" enco#rage them to st#"y $or the en" o$ semester test% ( hae
gien yo#r chil" a list to hel! them reise all o$ the to!ics% ( wo#l" also like them to rea" their 12$or" Phonics 0orl" 3 6ook oer the weeken" an" !ractice
rea"ing5 s!eaking an" s!elling% ($ yo# hae any '#estions !lease $eel $ree to contact me% 8o# co-o!eration is greatly a!!reciate"% Thank yo#5 Teacher

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