EP2 Ladybird Week18

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Anuban Weekly Outline

Sitapatr School
Teacher: Adam Class: EP2 Ladybird Week: 18 Dates: 15/09/14 19/09/14
Circle Time Review
This week we will be practici! the
"#cab$lary ad speaki! %r#m this term
$si! ew s#!s ad !ames t# keep the
st$dets e!a!ed ad iterested&
'(#t P#tat#) *t$det pass a ball ar#$d
the circle till the m$sic st#ps ad the
st$det h#ldi! the ball aswers a
',r#cke teleph#e) the st$dets repeat
a w#rd #r phrase ar#$d the circle ad
whe it reaches the last st$det he/she
says the w#rd #$t l#$d t# see i% it is still
the same as be%#re&
Activity Time
-e will be %#c$si! # re"iew this week&
New (letters/sounds/vocabulary
-e will re"iew all #% the s#$ds) letters ad w#rds that we c#"ered s# %ar this
term i #$r ph#ics class&
This week we will re"iew the s#$ds
ad ames #% all the letters that we
ha"e d#e s# %ar) A .& -e will als#
c#ti$e t# re"iew basic bledi! #%
three letter w#rds&
!a" #amily: map) tap) cap) sap
!am #amily: ham) ram) /am)
!an #amily: ma) %a) ta) ca
!en #amily: pe) te) me) he
!et #amily: et)) pet) wet) !et
Writin$ %ractice
This week we will #t be d#i! ay
writi! practice as we will be %#c$sed
# re"iew&
&i$ht Words
-e will #t be d#i! si!ht w#rds this week&
%arent 'ollow (" / (se#ul Websites / )omework:
' This week re"iew the "#cab$lary %r#m this term
' (elp y#$r child practice speaki! i %$ll seteces
' 0eel %ree t# re"iew ay #% the "#cab$lary we c#"ered this term&
This week we are learnin$: Post Test Review

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