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Indirectness for

Bad News
- By Lesiker
Harshness in the direct refusal
The first example states the bad news right away. This blunt treatment puts
the reader in a bad frame of mind. The result is that the reader is not so likely
to accept the following explanation. The explanation is clear, but note the
unnecessary use of negative words (exhausted, cannot consider! Note
also how the closing words leave the reader with a strong reminder of the
bad news.
Dear Ms. angelosi!

"e regret to inform you that we cannot grant your re#uest for a donation to
the $ssociation%s scholarship fund.
There are so many re#uests for contributions made of us that we have found
it necessary to budget a definite amount each year for this purpose. &ur
budgeted funds for this year are exhausted! so we simply cannot consider
additional re#uests. 'owever, we shall be able to consider your re#uest next
"e deeply regret our inability to help you now and trust that you understand
our position.
"his #ad letter is harsh #ecause of its directness!
"act and courtesy in an Indirect refusal
"he second letter skillfully handles the negative message. )ts opening
words are on sub*ect and neutral. They set up the explanation which follows.
The clear and logical explanation ties in with the opening. +sing no negative
words, the explanation leads smoothly to the refusal. Note how the refusal is
handled , also without negative words. -et it is clear. To say .the best we
can do is . . ./ also tells what cannot be done. The friendly close fits the one
Dear Ms. angelosi !

-our efforts to build the scholarship fund for the $ssociation%s needy
children are most commendable. "e wish you good success in your efforts
for this worthy cause.
"e here at 0innacle are always willing to assist worthy causes whenever we
can. That is why every 1anuary we budget for the year the maximum amount
we feel we are able to contribute to worthy causes. Then we distribute this
amount among the various deserving groups as far as it will go. $s our
budgeted contributions for this year already have been made, the best we can
do is to place your organi2ation on our list for consideration next year.
"e wish you the best of luck in your efforts to help educate the deserving
children of the $ssociation members.
"his letter using indirect a$$roach is #etter!

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