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by LAvideoFilmmaker.

Notes and Tips
1. I have included the details of two shots from one of my past projects for
the purpose of illustrating how to make the most of this template (the shots
are in the Ray Ban spot on my reel).
2. ou can add as many e!tra rows as you need.
". #ake sure you supply a copy to the producer and cinematographer $ %ring
e!tra copies to the tech scout.
&. 'lways think carefully a%out how each shot will %e cut together with
other shots( %ecause this will raise issues that you must %e aware of while
you shoot. )his is one of the keys to directing shots that can then %e
assem%led into smooth( compelling se*uences.
Shot number Description Covering Perormance
Technical notes
1 )rack+in 2+shot.
#edium focal
length (,
/tart with %oss
walking towards
employee walks
into frame to
produce wide 2+
shot0 track in
slowly as he
speaks0 end on
tight closeup of
%oss over
2hole scene. Boss is a%sor%ed
in documents0
keeps walking
and does not
notice employee
until employee
walks into shot
and starts talking.
shoulder must %e
dark in the frame4
use dark shirt and
may%e flag to cast
5eeping %oss in
focus might %e
tricky (%oth he
and the camera
will %e moving
shoulder. #ust reach final
framing (camera
comes to a halt)
just %efore the
delivery of the
final line.
2 /tatic closeup of
2hole scene. 6ompletely
deadpan delivery
of the final line.
7raming and focal
length must match
the final frame of
/hot 1.

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