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Possessed Horror Film: Treatment

This film is about two friends of which one becomes possessed. The possessed
kid (Sam) runs away from home to a haunted woods and his friend (Aaron)
follows to try save him.
Character Biography
Jonny is a 17 year old chav and dresses in a snap back sweatpants and a grey
jumper, has dark hair about 5 foot 10.
He has family problems and only lives with his mother because his father was
addicted to drugs so his parents are divorced. His father beat him as a child
which leaded to his parents divorce and his mother has raised him for 7 year
of his life.
His only close friend at college is Sam because they went to school together as
kids but moved away from each other at the age of 8 and now are reunited at
college. Jonny has never enjoyed school because its never been for his as he
wants to pursue rapping and his life goal is to get signed to DefJam record
label, he spends a lot of his free time rapping and recording but he doesnt
concentrate on college, he goes to college as an escape from his past gang life.
During his time in a gang he was smoking weed this completely through him
off course to pursue his hobby football, he was in an academy and looked to be
going far in football but weed stopped him from pursuing.
Danny is the kid that gets possessed, he is also 17 and goes to college with
Jonny. Danny is cockney and dresses in jeans with a smart hair about 6 foot.
Danny also plays football and has gone far and plays for Tottenham under
18s. He has a lot of friends but his closes friend is Jonny.
Danny also has a little family problems and argues with his parents a lot and
one argument pushes him too far which causes him to run away,
Danny and his friends use to smoke a lot of weed out in the woods they use
chill out at, but after they smoked too much and Danny needed to stop for his
football, nut he hadnt told anyone that he could hear voices in his head, and
then he found out he was getting possessed and could only obey commands
from the devil, so he runs out to the woods to become free and the voices tell
him to just run, but Danny has no clue whats happening so Aaron has to go
out and try to convince him to come back to get help.

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