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3 More Practice Name

1. Choose the correct answer.
1. Im struggling .
a. on holiday
b. with a difficult job
2. When he retired, James too u! golf as he .
a. !layed with friends e"ery wee
b. wanted to do something new
#. $aula broe a record and .
a. became the new cham!ion
b. had to do it all o"er again
%. I didnt ha"e the strength to finish the race .
a. because I was tired
b. because it was late
&. 'oull need to lengthen that dress ( .
a. its too long
b. its too short
2. Match I to II to form sentences.
1. )he local team beat ..... a. a date for their wedding.
2. We should mae a re*uest ..... b. from leading a normal life.
#. It taes will!ower ..... c. for a longer lunch brea.
%. )hey really should set ..... d. to stic to a diet.
&. Janes new hairstyle enhances ..... e. buying ticets.
+. ,er disability didnt !re"ent her ..... f. the cham!ions from -ondon.
.. $eter joined the *ueue of !eo!le ..... g. the colour of her eyes.
3. Complete the sentences with the words and phrases below. Make any necessary changes.
accom!lishment / o"ercome / !oint out / limbs / unfair
1. )he !olicewoman that he hadnt sto!!ed at the crossing.
2. Julian was lucy he didnt brea any of his in the accident.
#. 0fter winning the com!etition, e"eryone congratulated me on my .
%. Its to e1!ect me to loo after all four dogs while youre away.
&. )his e1ercise will hel! you your fear of the dar.
4. Complete each sentence with a suitable collocation. Use the erbs set! raise or win and the words below.
the match / the argument / the alarm / the issue / the table
1. John finally after hours of taling and !ersuading.
2. )he council has decided to of building on that em!ty !iece of land.
#. We cant eat until you .
%. before you go to slee! and youll get u! on time.
&. -ast wee, 2anchester 3nited and the cham!ionshi! as well.
3 More Practice Name
". Complete the passage with the words and phrases below.
train / e*ui!ment / tae u! / fail / see / deal with / challenge
It may sound sim!le, but running bacwards is *uite a
. 4on 0ustin, a fitness instructor from
5entucy, 360, came u! with the idea after he was badly injured and couldnt run as usual. ,e decided to
a way to
his injury and disco"ered that running bacwards was much easier
and a lot less !ainful. )his s!ort, which is also called retro running, is "ery !o!ular in 7uro!e, where !eo!le often run a
full marathon ( bacwards. If you decide to
retro running, its best to
slowly. 8irst you ha"e to confront your fear of bum!ing into things you cant see. 6tart slowly, taing small ste!s. 6tay in
control and you wont
. 0nd you dont need s!ecial
either. 'our ordinary
running shoes will do.
#. $eplace the words in bold with the words and phrases below. Make any necessary changes.
o"erturn / s!eed / achie"e a goal / ad"ance / de"astating
1. 0s modern technology makes progress, we do less and less for oursel"es.
2. )he bomb blast had a shocking effect on the buildings in the town.
#. 2uhammad 0li was nown for the %uick moement of his hands when he bo1ed.
%. 0ngela wored "ery hard to get where she wanted and !lay for the national team.
&. )he judges re&ected the lawyers decision to bring in more witnesses.
3 More Practice Name
1. Complete the sentences with the time e'pressions below.
since / e"er / already / for / yet / last month / when / just
1. We"e been friends childhood.
2. ,a"e you taen !art in a contest9
#. 6he hasnt had time to call me .
%. 6andra sold her old car and then bought a new one a wee later.
&. 'ou can s!ea to -arry now as hes waled into the room.
+. )he birds flew away I o!ened the door of their cage.
.. We"e read Romeo and Juliet so were going to read something else.
:. 6helley has !layed the clarinet the last ten years.
2. Choose the correct answer.
1. -ast wee, ;ob hurt < has hurt his arm !laying basetball. ,e didn(t take part < hasn(t taken part in any games
2. 'esterday, they recorded < hae recorded an album in 7nglish for the first time. )hey hae produced < produced
three albums in 8rench so far.
#. I still didn(t oercome < haen(t oercome my fear of heights, so I haen(t climbed < didn(t climb the mountain
%. =ebbie traelled < has traelled to >reece last July. 6he still hasn(t isited < didn(t isit Italy yet.
&. )ae your friends isited < *id your friends isit you recently9 I met < hae met them on the tri! last year.
+. Joanna didn(t answer < hasn(t answered my calls on )uesday. 6he aoided < has aoided me for o"er two wees.
3. +rrange the words in the correct order to form sentences. Use the ,resent ,erfect -imple or ,ast -imple.
1. ice cream < a month < I < for < not eat < .
2. your < yet < you < mobile < find < !hone < 9
#. about < my < not tell < yesterday < the !arty < sisters < me < .
%. the !icnic < 6am < food < buy < already < for < .
&. year < buy < !arents < a com!uter < his < last < .
4. Complete the passages with the erbs below. Use the ,resent ,erfect -imple or ,ast -imple.
I bring / not do / lea"e / lose / want
my !roject. I cant find it anywhere. I now I
it home from
school yesterday. I thin I
it on my des, because I
the last
!age yet. I
to finish it last night and hand it in today.
II call / come / listen / read / not see
the man to fi1 the )? yet9 We
many times. We
our fa"ourite !rogramme for three days now. ,owe"er, -aura
a boo last night and Joe
to music. 2aybe ha"ing no )?
isnt such a bad thing after all.
3 More Practice Name
". $ewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. *o not change the original meaning of the sentences.
1. )he last time I saw my cousin was in 2AA+. BsinceC
2. )omorrow, the little girl is ha"ing her hair cut for the first time. Bne"erC
#. ,a"e you got any e1!erience training young athletes9 Be"erC
#. Complete the passage with the erbs in brackets. Use the ,resent ,erfect -imple or ,ast -imple.
Bjust meetC some amaDing ids. 7"en though they
Bnot finishC
secondary school yet, they
Balready decideC what they want to beE =Js. )wo years ago,
a famous music !roducer
BstartC a course to teach some ids. 6ince then, many
B*uitC, lea"ing a few serious =Js to continue. When I
BbeC there,
BmeetC four youngsters. )hey
Be1!lainC the course to me and
BshowC me their e*ui!ment. )hey e"en
BletC me choose a few

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