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50 Best Jokes Ever

By Jane Parker
Smashwords Edition
Copyright 2012 Jane Parker
Chicken Jokes
Knock-Knock Jokes
Bonde Jokes
!o "ama Jokes
#octor$ #octor Jokes
Chicken Jokes
%hy did the chicken cross the road&
'o get to the other side(
%hy did the dinosa)r cross the road&
Beca)se chickens hadn*t evoved yet
%hy did the chicken cross the road&
Beca)se the ight t)rned green
%hy did the chicken cross the paygro)nd&
'o get to the other side
%hat do yo) get i+ yo) cross a chicken and a poode&
Pooched eggs
%hy did the chewing g)m cross the road&
,t was st)ck to the chicken
%hy did the chicken cross the road$ ro in the m)d$ and then cross the road again&
Beca)se he was a dirty do)-e-crosser
%hy didn*t the chicken cross the road&
Beca)se he was a chicken
%hy did the +o. cross the road&
'o ook +or the chicken
%hy did the chicken r)n across the road&
'o get to the other side +aster
Knock-knock Jokes
%ho*s there&
Beets who&
Beets me
%ho*s there&
J)stin who&
J)stin time +or dinner
%ho*s there&
Sarah who&
Sarah reason yo)*re not opening the door&
%ho*s there&
J)no who
J)no ,*m o)t here right&
%ho*s there&
Canoe who&
Canoe come o)t and pay&
%ho*s there&
Cows who&
Cows go /moo/ not /who/(
%ho*s there&
"ary who&
"ary Christmas(
%ho*s there&
%oo who&
0o need to get )pset$ it*s 1)st a 1oke
%ho*s there&
Steve Evans
Steve Evans who&
!o)*ve +orgotten me aready&
%ho*s there&
,sa-ee who&
,sa-ee necessary on a -icyce
Bonde Jokes
%hy did the -onde scae the gass wa&
'o see what was on the other side
%hat do yo) ca it when a -onde dyes her hair&
2rti+icia ,nteigence
3ow can yo) te i+ a -onde*s -een )sing the comp)ter&
'here*s white-o)t on the screen
3ow did the -onde -reak her eg raking trees&
She +e o)t o+ the tree
3ow do yo) sink a s)-marine +) o+ -ondes&
Knock on the door
3ow does a -onde spe /+arm/&
%hen -ondes have more +)n$ do they know it&
%hy don*t -ondes make ice-c)-es&
'hey can*t remem-er the recipe
%hy did the -onde ask +or some -)rned-o)t ight -)-s&
She needed them +or her darkroom
%hy did the -onde throw -readcr)m-s in the toiet&
'o +eed the toiet d)ck
!o "ama Jokes
!o mama is so +at that when she sings$ it5s over +or every-ody(
!o mama is so +at that she )ses two -)ses +or roer--ades(
!o mama is so +at that when she takes a shower$ her +eet don5t get wet(
!o mama is so )gy that her shadow ran away +rom her(
!o mama is so )gy that she tried to take a -ath and the water 1)mped o)t(
!o mama is so )gy that i+ she was a scarecrow$ the corn wo)d r)n away(
!o mama is so )gy that she made an onion cry(
!o mama is so od that that when she was in schoo there was no history cass(
!o mama is so od that the candes cost more than her -irthday cake(
!o mama is so od her socia sec)rity n)m-er is 1(
#octor$ #octor Jokes
/#octor$ #octor$ can , have a second opinion&/
/S)re$ come -ack tomorrow/
/#octor$ #octor$ , +ee ike a pack o+ cards/
/,* dea with yo) ater/
/#octor$ #octor$ , +ee ike a pog/
/3ow ong have yo) -een +eeing ike this&/
/4h$ a-o)t a weeeeeeeeeek/
/#octor$ #octor$ , +ee ike a spoon/
/Sit there and don*t stir/
/#octor$ #octor$ , have a ringing in my ears/
/#on*t answer(/
/#octor$ #octor$ , think , need gasses/
/!o) certainy do$ Sir$ this is a +ish and chip shop/
/#octor$ #octor$ ,*m -oiing )p/
/J)st simmer down/
/#octor$ #octor$ , snore so o)d , keep myse+ awake/
/'hen seep in another room(/
/#octor$ #octor$ , think can*t get to seep/
/Sit on the edge o+ the -ed and yo)* soon drop o++/
/#octor$ #octor$ everyone keeps ignoring me/
/0e.t pease(/

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