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SAP Screen Personas Configuration

SAP Screen Personas Configuration
Document Version: May 2014
SAP Library
SAP Screen Personas Configuration
Copyright 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
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SAP Screen Personas Configuration
Icons in Body Text
Icon Meaning
Additional icons are used in SAP Library documentation to help you identify different types of
information at a glance. For more information, see Help on Help General Information
Classes and Information Classes for Business Information Warehouse on the first page of any
version of SAP Library.
Typographic Conventions
Type Style Description
Example text Words or characters quoted from the screen. These include field names, screen
titles, pushbuttons labels, menu names, menu paths, and menu options.
Cross-references to other documentation.
Example text Emphasized words or phrases in body text, graphic titles, and table titles.
EXAMPLE TEXT Technical names of system objects. These include report names, program
names, transaction codes, table names, and key concepts of a programming
language when they are surrounded by body text, for example, SELECT and
Example text Output on the screen. This includes file and directory names and their paths,
messages, names of variables and parameters, source text, and names of
installation, upgrade and database tools.
Example text Exact user entry. These are words or characters that you enter in the system
exactly as they appear in the documentation.
<Example text> Variable user entry. Angle brackets indicate that you replace these words and
characters with appropriate entries to make entries in the system.
EXAMPLE TEXT Keys on the keyboard, for example, F2 or ENTER.
SAP Library
SAP Screen Personas Configuration
SAP Screen Personas Configuration ..................................................................................... 5
1 Configure Authorization and Roles for HTML ................................................................... 6
2 Configure Silverlight System Setting................................................................................ 8
2.1 Setup Silverlight Cross Domain............................................................................... 10
2.2 Activate Services in SICF ....................................................................................... 12
2.3 Setup URL Handler ................................................................................................ 13
2.4 Test RestGUI Services ........................................................................................... 15
2.6 Assign Admin Authorizations .................................................................................. 16
2.7 Maintaining Systems............................................................................................... 17
2.8 Maintain Roles ........................................................................................................ 19
2.9 Assigning Systems and Roles to Users ................................................................... 22
2.10 Getting URL to Access Personas from the Installed System .................................. 23
2.11 Maintain Whitelist URLs ........................................................................................ 24
2.12 Maintain Global Groups ........................................................................................ 25
2.13 Maintain Controls for Control Specific Settings ...................................................... 26
2.14 Maintain Screen ID Overwrite Logic ...................................................................... 27
2.15 Maintain Control ID Overwrite Logic ...................................................................... 28
3 Performance Considerations ......................................................................................... 28
SAP Library
SAP Screen Personas Configuration
SAP Screen Personas Configuration
This document provides configuration information for the Silverlight and HTML components of
SAP Screen Personas 2.0 and includes additional information of the Support Pack SP02.
This document describes all activities necessary for the implementation and configuration of
SAP Screen Personas. In addition, it provides information about the components and guides
that are required during the implementation process.
SAP Library
SAP Screen Personas Configuration
1 Configure Authorization and Roles for HTML
SAP Screen Personas 2.0 HTML will be enabled for a user, only when the relevant
authorizations using the PFCG transaction are provided. This is essential as without the
necessary authorizations, the solution is not enabled for a user.
Make note of the following implementation considerations:
None None None NA None None
BASIS Notes 1637287 1637287 NA NA NA None
Kernel Notes Latest
NA Latest
200 SP 02 200 SP 02 200 SP 02 NA 200 SP 02 200 SP 02
BASIS SP 26 SP11 SP11 NA SP03 SP 03
Kernel 721 721 721 NA 721 740
Roles can be created using transaction PFCG and then assigned to the user. It has to be
ensured that the authorization object /PERS/AOBJ is attached to the role and maintained.
This authorization object uses three parameters described below:
Transaction Code: This limits/filters activities to a specific transaction. Wild cards are
allowed, for example * to indicate all transactions. You can specify multiple
transaction codes separated by a comma.
Flavor ID: This limits an activity to one flavor, or a pattern of flavor identifiers. Multiple
flavor patterns are separated using comma.
It is mandatory to grant authorization rights to the static flavor ID
Activity: The activity for which a specific authorization check is done.
There are seven activities that are allowed for a role. These activities have an increasing level
of privilege. Given below is a table consisting of different roles.
It is mandatory to assign all lower privilege level activities also to the role.
SAP Library
SAP Screen Personas Configuration
Role Privilege
Activity Description
Use 1 16/Execute The user is allowed to see and use the specific
Switch 2 03/Display The user is allowed to switch between a set of
available flavors.
Reshare 3 78/Assign If the user has a number of predefined flavors
(shared with this user), then the user can re-
share his flavors with other users.
Theming 4 A3/Change
The user is allowed to update the theme.
Edit 5 02/Change The user is allowed to create and maintain
Share 6 59/Distribute The user is allowed to share own flavors with
other users.
Admin 7 70/Administrate The user is allowed to administer flavors.
In addition to the role, ensure that while accessing the SAP GUI for HTML, the URL
parameter sap-ie=edge is included in the URL. Without this parameter, the solution
will not be enabled on the UI even if the necessary authorizations are provided. For
example: ...webgui?sap-ie=edge&
SAP Library
SAP Screen Personas Configuration
2 Configure Silverlight System Setting
The actual configuration is done in Customizing with the help of the Implementation Guide
(IMG; transaction SPRO). SAP Screen Personas specific nodes can be found under SPRO
Cross-Application Components SAP Screen Personas . It covers all the steps of the
implementation process. The Customizing activities and their documentation are structured
from a functional perspective.
SAP Screen Personas 2.0 requires SAP Kernel 7.21 (or) 7.40 (or) higher version installed in
the system.
1964257 1964257 1964257 NA 1964257 1964257
BASIS Notes 1913055
NA 1913055
Kernel Patch
NA Latest
200 SP 02 200 SP 02 200 SP 02 NA 200 SP 02 200 SP
BASIS SP 24 SP 09 SP 07 NA SP 01 Release
Kernel 721 721 721 NA 721 740
For more information, see installation note 1776739.
There are two kinds of systems in SAP Screen Personas.
Main System This is the system where the Personas Add-on is installed.
Target System This is the system that the user would like to connect to and work
Both main system and target system can be the same system. For single system and multiple
system landscapes, refer to SAP Screen Personas 2.0 Master Guide at
The following steps needs to be performed to ensure completion of system setting.
Main System
Installation of SAP Screen Personas add-on
Setup Silverlight Cross Domain [Page 9]
The subsequent steps should be performed after target system(s) is
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SAP Screen Personas Configuration
Maintaining Systems [Page 16]
Maintain Roles [Page 18]
Getting URL to Access Personas from the Installed System [Page 22]
Target System
Setup Silverlight Cross Domain [Page 9]
Activate Services in SICF [Page 11]
Setup URL Handler [Page 12]
Test RestGUI Services [Page 14]
Once the above steps are done, you can perform a preliminary check using the Configuration
Check tool. To access the tool, use the transaction/PERSOS/ADMIN_UI and go to Tools
Configuration Check For more information about using Configuration Check tool, refer to
the SAP Screen Personas Application Help at
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SAP Screen Personas Configuration
2.1 Setup Silverlight Cross Domain
1. Locate key icm/HTTP/file_access_<n> in your system profile.
2. Add following line into profile: icm/HTTP/file_access_0 =
3. Add following lines into profile:icm/HTTP/file_access_1 =
PREFIX=/clientaccesspolicy.xml,DOCROOT=<absolute path
to>\clientaccesspolicy.xml,CACHECTRL=0icm/HTTP/file_access_2 =
PREFIX=/crossdomain.xml, DOCROOT=<absolute path
The files with example content are described here:
clientaccesspolicy.xml <access-policy>
<allow-from http-methods="*" http-request-headers="*">
<domain uri="http://*"/>
<domain uri="https://*"/>
<!--<allow-from http-methods="*">
<domain uri="http://*"/>
<domain uri="https://*"/>
<resource path="/" include-subpaths="true"/> <!-- test -->
crossdomain.xml <?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM
SAP Library
SAP Screen Personas Configuration
<site-control permitted-cross-domain-policies="all"/>
<allow-access-from domain="*" secure="false"/>
<allow-http-request-headers-from domain="*" headers="*"
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SAP Screen Personas Configuration
2.2 Activate Services in SICF
As the initial page to launch Personas is a BSP, the following services need to be activated in
the SICFtransaction:
Please follow the steps given below to activate each service:
1. Launch transaction SICF.
2. Navigate to the specified node.
3. Right-click the node and select Activate Service from the context menu.
4. In the popup that appears, select the first button Activate.
SAP Library
SAP Screen Personas Configuration
2.3 Setup URL Handler
In the SICF transaction, check for the availability of the restgui service in the path
/default_host SAP and activate it. To activate a service, refer to the Activate Services in
SICF. [Page 11]
If the service is not available, configure restgui service by following the steps given below:
1. Create a new service.
1. Start SICF transaction.
This needs System Administrator rights.
2. Execute F8 and navigate to default_host sap bc gui sap its
webgui service.
3. Right-click the WebGUI service.
4. Choose Copy.
5. Navigate to default_host sap and choose Paste.
6. Specify new package or choose the Local Objectbutton.
7. Rename the newly created service to restgui.
Depending on the patch level you are using, there is a limitation in
SICF transaction UI. An already created service is not activated yet,
but after copying Activate Service, the action is disabled in popup
menu. As a work around, deactivate service first, than activate it
2. Configure RestGUI service.
1. Double-click the RestGUI service.
The service data dialog is displayed.
2. Change Compression to Yes.
3. Click Change .
4. Click the GUI Configuration button.
3. Modify parameters.
1. Add or set parameter ~RESTGUI with value 1.
2. Add or set parameter ~XSRFCHECK with value 0. (This is optional but makes
potential debugging easy).
SAP Library
SAP Screen Personas Configuration
3. Add or set parameter ~WEBGUI with value 1.
4. Remove all other parameters.
5. Choose Copy Parameter Set
4. Choose the Error Pages tab.
5. Change the radio control from System Logon to Explicit Response Time.
6. Go to the handler list tab and change the handler from CL_HTTP_EXT_ITSto
If CL_HTTP_EXT_ITS_BASIChandler is not present, apply 1667055 .
If 1667055does not apply to your system, use CL_HTTP_EXT_ITS at handler
class; ensure to point this out if issues are found later.
7. Click Store to save changes.
8. Right-click RestGUIservice and select Test Servicecommand.
A popup dialog is displayed and you will see the actual URL for RestGUI service.
SAP Library
SAP Screen Personas Configuration
2.4 Test RestGUI Services
It is recommended to test the RestGUI services before you proceed with further
1. Point your browser to the (actual URL for restgui service) followed by
/newsession?sap-client=<client id>.
2. Copy the session ID returned by the system.
3. Point your browser to the following address: (actual URL for restgui service) followed
by /state/text. Add the session ID obtained above in the URL to the /sap/ part
of the url.
The URL should look similar to the one given
You should see a control tree in text notation.
SAP Library
SAP Screen Personas Configuration
2.6 Assign Admin Authorizations
An Admin authorization is required for Administrators to access the Admin Transaction.
A backend role /PERSOS/ADMIN_ROLE can be used to give sufficient authorizations to the
Administrator. This enables him/her to access transaction /PERSOS/ADMIN_UI to perform
various activities like User Management, Flavor Management, and Group Management etc.
More details about these activities can be found in the Application Help at
SAP Library
SAP Screen Personas Configuration
2.7 Maintaining Systems
This can be done in this link SPRO SAP Customizing Implementation Guide Cross-
Application Components SAP Screen Personas Maintain Systems . SAP Screen
Personas can be installed in a central system (termed as Main system) and be connected to
be used with other systems (Target systems). Both the Main and the Target Systems need
SAP Kernel 7.21 (or) 7.40 (or) higher version.
1. In the SPRO node for Maintain Systems, maintain the system details like System ID,
Client, Description, and Connector to SAP System.
The value for Connector to SAP System is always ITS.
2. Once you enter all the values, choose Enter.
A GUID is generated in the System Config ID which will be used as the unique ID for
any System Client configuration.
3. Once the System Details are maintained, select the required row and double click on
the System Settings on the left side of the navigation pane.
This takes you to the Parameter Maintenance screen where you can maintain the
parameters for each system.
4. Maintain the following parameters under System Settings:
o Service.Uri Maintain the service name for accessing SAP Screen Personas
here. The default service is /restgui.
o Server.Url Maintain the server link for the system here. For example:
RFC Destination
For each system maintained in the SPRO SAP Customizing Implementation Guide
Cross-Application Components SAP Screen Personas Maintain Systems , a
corresponding RFC Destination of type HTTP Connection to ABAP System (H) has to be
maintained in the SM59 transaction. This RFC Destination name is maintained in the field
HTTP Connection of the SPRO SAP Customizing Implementation Guide Cross-
Application Components SAP Screen Personas Maintain Systems .
Note the following points while creating the RFC Destination for all the Target systems:
Connection Type: HTTP Connection to ABAP System (H)
Technical Settings tab:
o Target Host: Maintain the Server URL of the Target System
o Service No.: Maintain the Target system port number
Logon and Security tab
o Language: Preferred language
SAP Library
SAP Screen Personas Configuration
o Client: Should be the same as the one mentioned in the SPRO SAP
Customizing Implementation Guide Cross-Application Components SAP
Screen Personas Maintain Systems .
o User: UserID of the target system to authenticate the connection
o PW Status: Password of the target system to authenticate the connection
SAP Library
SAP Screen Personas Configuration
2.8 Maintain Roles
Backend Authorization Management is implemented using SAP Standard Roles and
Authorization framework.
By default the following five roles are delivered:
Rendering only (0)
o IT pre-defines the flavor to be loaded for a user/group
o No flavor switching possible
Rendering and flavor switching (1)
o User can switch between flavors and get new ones from the Flavor Gallery.
o No private flavors, therefore, no editing possible
Rendering, visual editing and sharing of flavors (Bits 0-5, and 8-13)(16191)
o User is able to create private flavors, edit, and share them.
Restricted editing (All bits but bit 22) (29360127)
o Most editing features except the advanced scripting
Full editing rights (-1)
In addition, the administrator can come up with new roles. More information on Roles is
provided in the related IMG document in the Solution Manager documentation.
The following table lists down the different User Permissions per bit position.
Permission Bit Name Permission
Bit Number
Bit Mask
Description Requires
AccessToProfileFlavors 0 0x1 Allows switching
between flavors
that are part of the
AccessToSharedFlavors 1 0x2 Allows searching
for flavors and
adding them to the
profile, as well as
setting a default
AllowEdit 2 0x4 Allows user to
enter edit mode
and copy flavors
AllowGroup 3 0x8 Allows user to
group controls and
change Z-Index
Requires AllowMove &
AllowResize for
SAP Library
SAP Screen Personas Configuration
AllowEditLabels or
AllowEditComboBoxes if
they participate in
AllowMove 4 0x10 Allows user to
move controls
AllowResize 5 0x20 Allows user to
resize controls
AllowHide 6 0x40 Allows user to hide
and show controls
AllowMandatory 7 0x80 Allows user to
change inputs to
AllowBackgroundImages 8 0x100 Allows user to
upload and set
AllowRecolor 9 0x200 Allows user to set
color of controls
AllowCreatePostItNote 10 0x400 Allows creating
PostIt note
Requires AllowMove &
AllowCreateImage 11 0x800 Allows creating
image controls
Requires AllowMove &
AllowCreateGroupBox 12 0x1000 Allows creating
group box controls
Requires AllowMove &
AllowCreateLabel 13 0x2000 Allows creating
label controls
Requires AllowMove &
AllowResize &
AllowCreateLauchButton 14 0x4000 Allows creating
launch button
Requires AllowMove &
AllowCreateScriptButton 15 0x8000 Allows creating
script button
controls and
recording of scripts
Requires AllowMove &
AllowCreateHtmlControl 16 0x10000 Allows creating
HTML controls
Requires AllowMove &
AllowCreateTextBox 17 0x20000 Allows creating
text box controls
Requires AllowMove &
AllowConvertInput 18 0x40000 Allows converting
AllowConditionalFormatting 19 0x80000 Allows setting
SAP Library
SAP Screen Personas Configuration
AllowEditComboBoxes 20 0x100000 Allows editing
combo boxes
AllowEditLabels 21 0x200000 Allows editing label
AllowAdvancedScripting 22 0x400000 Allows using
WebRFC and
JavaScript actions
as part of the
Script Button
AllowCreateCheckBox 23 0x800000 Allows creating
Check Boxes
AllowEditButtons 24 0x1000000 Allows changing
labels and icons of
ShowBasicView 25 0x2000000 Show basic view
for user
SAP Library
SAP Screen Personas Configuration
2.9 Assigning Systems and Roles to Users
Systems and Roles need to be assigned for every user to access and use Personas in those
systems. These can be performed from transaction /persos/admin_ui. Follow the steps
given below to configure Systems and Roles to users.
1. Launch transaction /PERSOS/ADMIN_UI (This needs Personas Admin
2. Choose User Maintenance.
3. Enter any selection criteria to select users.
4. Choose User Details.
Available user names are displayed in the table.
5. Select required user and choose Manage System.
A popup appears where you can select the systems that the user has to access. For
every system, assign a Role from the drop down list. For more information on Roles,
refer to Maintain Roles [Page 18]
SAP Library
SAP Screen Personas Configuration
2.10 Getting URL to Access Personas from the
Installed System
Personas can be accessed from the users PC using a shortcut URL. This URL can be
generated by following the below steps:
1. Go to transaction SICF.
2. Select the following filters and choose Execute.
1. Hierarchy Type SERVICE
2. Service Path /sap/bc/bsp/persos/mainapp/
3. Select mainapp service, right click and choose the Test Service.
A GUI Security dialog pops up.
4. Select Allow this one time and choose Ok.
You would be taken to the Personas application in the default browser window. This
URL can be used as a shortcut to access Personas.
SAP Library
SAP Screen Personas Configuration
2.11 Maintain Whitelist URLs
This can be accessed at SPRO SAP Customizing Implementation Guide Cross-
Application Components SAP Screen Personas Maintain Whitelist URLs .
This is a place where the allowed websites inside the HTML control should be maintained. A
URL can be used at runtime only if this Whitelist is maintained. For more information, refer to
the IMG document in SPRO SAP Customizing Implementation Guide Cross-Application
Components SAP Screen Personas Maintain Whitelist URLs
SAP Library
SAP Screen Personas Configuration
2.12 Maintain Global Groups
This can be accessed at SPRO SAP Customizing Implementation Guide Cross-
Application Components SAP Screen Personas Maintain Personas Global Settings .
Personas provide a capability to group flavors. Groups can be created and maintained via
Admin transaction. Flavors can be assigned to Groups which in turn get distributed to the
users assigned to this Group. In case the Admin wants to distribute flavors to all users in a
system at once, a Global Group helps. The Administrator can define a Group as Global in this
configuration. By doing so, all users can access the flavors assigned to this Group by default.
SAP Library
SAP Screen Personas Configuration
2.13 Maintain Controls for Control Specific
This can be accessed at SPRO SAP Customizing Implementation Guide Cross-
Application Components SAP Screen Personas Maintain Personas Global Settings
Here users can add new controls and new properties for the controls, apart from the SAP
delivered controls, for which the control specific profile-wide settings will be applied. Profile-
wide settings allow users to make changes available for all screens in a system instead of a
screen by screen basis.
This configuration is a two-step process:
Maintain Control Details Provide the Control Name and Control ID
Maintain Property Details Select a control created in previous the step and double
click the property details node on the left side.
Here you can add new properties for the selected control. Once you have entered the details,
save the configuration. More details on Profile Wide settings can be found under the same
header in Application help document available at
SAP Library
SAP Screen Personas Configuration
2.14 Maintain Screen ID Overwrite Logic
This can be accessed at SPRO SAP Customizing Implementation Guide Cross-
Application Components SAP Screen Personas Maintain Personas Global Settings
This customizing is to maintain Transaction, Program, Original Screen Number, and New
Screen Number. If for some reasons two or more screens are visually appearing similar, this
customizing activity will enable Personas to handle these screens as one. The entries for this
configuration are part of the delivered customizing in Personas.
SAP Library
SAP Screen Personas Configuration
2.15 Maintain Control ID Overwrite Logic
This can be accessed by using the transaction /n/persos/admin_ui and navigating to
General Actions Maintain Control Id Overwrite Logic . This customizing is similar to the
section where you maintained overwrite values for screen ID. Here you need to maintain
overwrite values for controls in the screen. You have to specify Transaction, Program, Screen
Number, Original Control ID, and New Control ID.
If it is required that two or more controls that are dynamically generated on the same are
handled as the same then they need to be maintained here. Some SAP screens are using
sub-screens with different ids as wrapper for other controls. These sub-screens are invisible
for the user; therefore, it can lead to unexpected behaviors if changes are applied to children
that dynamically change their parent sub screen. To map these controls to the same id, it is
possible to define control overwrite logic for specific control ids. This logic supports strings as
well as standard .NET regular expressions. An example for this is the transaction IW32 where
the parent of the tab container changes when switching tabs. The SAP Screen Personas Add-
On contains the following default entries to solve this issue for IW32 IW32, SAPLCOIH, 3000 ,
OIH\w+$, ses[0]/wnd[0]/usrUSRAREA/MainTabContainer.
All the delivered configurations during installation process are copied to client 000. A
client copy is needed to bring in these values to the client where Personas is used.
SAP Library
SAP Screen Personas Configuration
3 Performance Considerations
Changing Value Set for Parameter em/global_area_MB
One of the possible options to improve performance is to check the value set for the
parameter em/global_area_MB to overcome performance issues. Ensure to check the size
of memory of the application server machines before you change the value of this parameter.
If it is 64 or 128 GB, allocating 1 GB to this parameter would be safe and can
increase performance.
It is suggested that you increase the value at first on one of your application servers and test
it adequately.
Please find a sample scenario with sample size for the application servers as well as the
recommendation of this parameter:
Sandbox=4GB > em/global_area_MB= 300
Development=6GB >em/global_area_MB= 300
Quality=6GB >em/global_area_MB= 300
Production=24GB >em/global_area_MB= 1000
If you get a warning about low memory, you will again have to increase this to a higher value.
Please refer to 1888428 for sizing guidelines of ITS.
Delta Rendering
Another option to improve performance is to enable the Delta Rendering technique.
Do consider using other customizing options of the effected transaction to size down
screens in order to get better performance output.
Delta Rendering is a data transfer optimization technique that enables Personas to send
minimal data between the client and server. Enabling delta rendering could help in improving
performance for certain complex scenarios especially those that involve multiple cached tabs.
This can be performed from transaction /persos/admin_ui. By default, Delta Rendering
will be disabled for all the transactions and flavors. Delta Rendering can be enabled in two
For the complete transaction (all flavors)
For a specific flavor in a specific transaction
SAP Library
SAP Screen Personas Configuration
To launch the Delta Rendering screen, launch transaction /n/persos/admin_ui and go to
General Actions Enable Delta Rendering .
To Enable Delta Rendering for a Specific Flavor
1. Choose the (Insert transaction code and flavor ID) icon.
A list of flavors for the relevant transaction codes appears.
2. Select the required row and choose Enter.
The record is now visible in the Delta Rendering screen.
3. Choose Save to enable Delta Rendering.
To Enable Delta Rendering for a Specific Transaction
1. Choose Insert Transaction Code button.
2. Select the required row and choose Enter. The record is now visible in the Delta
Rendering screen.
3. Choose Save to enable Delta Rendering.
To Disable Delta Rendering
1. Select the transaction from the Delta Rendering table and choose the (Delete row)
The record is now be deleted from the Delta Rendering screen.
2. Choose Save.

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