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Science test paper 2 levels 5-7 2004


1. A. cant be done
* the angles of incidence and reflection must be equal
* the ray must be continuous and straight with an arrow in the correct direction
Requires drawing
B1 because sound waves are transmitted making things shake. 1mark
B2. ? * The beam will vibrate or move or jump about
c. B 1mark

2. A. magnetism b. gravity 2marks
B1.12g 1mark
B2. The gravitational potential was strong that it touched the cup
any one from
* the paper cup stopped moving
* the paper cup reached the bottom magnet
C. when the iron is attracted to South Pole, It becomes a north pole.
*iron is magnetic
*iron nails are attracted to a magnet
*there is a magnetic force on the iron

3. A1. repeat the experiment
A2. Record the results
any two from
*initial temperature of water
*Exclusion of droughts
*Volume or mass of water
*Surface area (of water)

*They have not collected data about temperature
*No data recorded about temperature
C. they did not draw the line very properly. How?
The line is not straight (converse)
The line should be straight
D 6 points correctly plotted to the nearest half square
E a straight line of best fit between some of the points
F tick room 2 box
the point for room 2 are lower than room 1
The container in room 2 reaches 30g in 5 days, room 1 reaches 45g
More water evaporated in the same time
The volume goes down more quickly

4. A1. Green red or pink
A2. 8 any number greater than 0 but smaller than 7
B1. When he mixes magnesium carbonate with hydrochloric acid, it becomes magnesium
carbonate thus releasing carbon dioxide. 1mark
B2. It had been neutralized. 1mark
C. a compound 1mark
A salt
D. Because it digests and breaks down to food after we eat to prevent our stomachs from
swelling 1mark

5. A1. Vertebrates 1mark
A2. Reptiles 1mark
B. so we will be able to bend flexibly. 1mark
C. it reduces the chance of having pains with the bones AKA arthritis. Do not write about
what you think but what you were taught
To stop the bones rubbing together
To stop bones getting worn down
To cushion the bones
The biceps expand contracts and the triceps shrink relaxes. 1mark

6. A any one of: a bigger sample; more data are collected in the survey
B any two of: a time of the year or season; locations or gardens; duration of the
Ci any one of: they would need to look at the pattern in the data for more than a
year;they would need to compare data collected in another year with that available
in 2002
ii data would need to show fewer sparrows in 2002 than in earlier years

7. A1. C and eE 1mark
A2. C 1mark
A3. It enables and collects sunlight./photosynthesis 1mark
B.?i A
Bii any one from: windpipe; trachea; airways; bronchus; bronchiole; oviduct or fallopian
Biii to remove mucus
C. bB 1mark

8a He carried out practical tests in the laboratory.
He observed the environment
8b any one from: data from further away can be collected/ data from fainter objects or smaller
detailds can be collected/ data is clearer because there is no atmospheric distortion/more
information is collected/more detailed or more accurate information/wider spectrum of
information including photographs or pictures of the planet/other radiation can be detected
8c. any one from: our knowledge is increasing/our knowledge is changing
8d. any one from: new evidence which challenges ideas may becollected/there might be a new
way of thinking about how the facts fit together/new interpretations of evidence/old ideas
do not explain the observation

9Ai. 12.5 miles per second 1mark
Aii. Balanced 1mark
B? the force is greater than the backward force
Any one from: because air resistance or drag is smaller or reduced/because there is a
smaller surface area

10A1. The area where the line rises is where there is sunlight.
Any one from: the earth rotates/ the amount of sunlight varies/the angle of the sun varies
A2. 2 hours 6.0
B.i? a graph starting after 6am and ending before 6pm/a line below the existing line and
flat or reaching a miximum between 12noon and 1pm
Bii 15
11a. A and b cannot be done.
Volume or alkali in cm3 on the X axis and pH of mixture on the Y axis
appropriate scales for volume of alkali and pH of mixture
11 points correctly plotted
smooth curve of best fit
b. 9.0
12a. cannot be done. Magnesium: mg
Copper: cu
B1bi. Aluminium copper
B2 bii.? 0 any one from: two blocks of the same metal have the same
Reactivity/ there is no difference in reactivity
biii nickel and tin
13. A1ai. In football and running, she uses more energy. 1mark
A2aii. It dulls a persons senses and reduces their energy level.
Any two from: alcohol increases the reaction time/alcohol reduces co-
ordination/alcohol causes or increases errors of judgement/alcohol reduces
B? any one from: glucose can be absorbed/starch molecules cannot be absorbed/it
takes time for starch to be broken down/starch has to be digested or broken down
14a. he uses 242 plots of land. The size or area or dimensions of the plots
B any one from: to increase the reliability of the results/to be more certain of his results
C. greater number of plants and mass of plant material
the number of plants or grasses and the mass of plants or grass
D? Any one from
* The number of species of grass
* Different species
* Type of plant or seed or grass
E? Any one from
* His analysis would allow the effects of soil differences to be controlled or explained
* To provide evidence of any difference between soils
* The analysis would provide more evidence
* To check whether soils were the same or different
F.? Any one from
* Different species have different requirements so they are not competing
For the same resources
* Competition might stimulate more growth is vigorous
* One species may be better adapted to the plot or conditions
* You would get continuous growth throughout the year.

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