November Monthly Journal

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Monthly Journal

November 2013
Rural Health Unit
Ditsaan Ramain
Alibasher Dereposun Macalnas
Community Health Team seminar training conducted at
Noramis Function Hall for 3 days.
CHT practicum held at Pagalongan, Ramain.
Filing up of PHC forms.
!ssisting mid"i#es in their functions.
!ssisting maternal deli#ery "hene#er possible.
The rest of the remaining days of the month "ere greatly spent in
assisting the RH$ personnel in their routine ser#ice pro#ided to the
clienteles such as the follo"ing%
&'panded Program on mmuni(ation e#ery )ednesday of the
Health &ducation on clients.
!ssisting the RHP in Consultation+ ,eneral Chec*-ups.
!ssisting mid"i#es in Pre and Post Natal Chec*-ups.
!nd many more.
This month ha#e fully reali(ed the importance of holistic approach of
inter#ie"ing the patient during the Community Health Team mobili(ation.
)e ha#e undergone seminar and training on proper filling / up of the CHT
Community Health Team focuses on the health of the poorest of the
poor especially those households belong to CCT or the so-called 0P1s. t
encompasses different health ser#ices the RH$ is pro#iding.
The problem no" is the delayed salary of the RNheals. )hereas, the
region said that RNheals salary "ere ne#er delayed in the region. !s much
as "e "ant to help other, the delayed salary immobili(es us in doing so.
am appealing to the appropriate agency to ha#e resolution on the
abo#e issues and+or concerns. Than* you and more po"er.
Prepared by%
!libasher D. 2acalnas, RN
3ic. No. 4560735
Noted by%
Norol-!nah D. 2acapodi, RN, R2
Public Health Nurse
!ppro#ed by%
Normallah 2. Dimalotang-!lonto, 2D
Rural Health Physician

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