Understanding and Using Inclusive Teaching Learning

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QD Form 4b Exemplar Assessment Template

Qualification Title: Award in Education and Training

Unit Title: (Exemplar)
Understanding and Using Inclusive Teaching and Learning Approaches in Education and Training
Level: Three
Credit Value: 6
Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria
1.1 Describe features of inclusive teaching and learning
1.2 Compare the strengths and limitations of teaching and learning approaches used
in own area of specialism in relations to meeting individual learner needs
1. Understand inclusive teaching and
learning approaches in education and
1.3 Explain why it is important to provide opportunities for learners to develop their
English, Mathematics, ICT and wider skills
2.1 Explain why it is important to create an inclusive teaching and learning
2.2 Explain why it is important to select teaching and learning approaches, resources
and assessment methods to meet individual learner needs
2.3 Explain ways to engage and motivate learners
2. Understand ways to create and inclusive
teaching and learning environment
2.4 Summarise ways to establish ground rules with learners
3.1 Devise an inclusive teaching and learning plan
3. Be able to plan inclusive teaching and
3.2 Justify own selection of teaching and learning approaches, resources and
assessment methods in relation to meeting individual learner needs
4.1 Use teaching and learning approaches, resources, and assessment methods to
meet individual learner needs
4.2 Communicate with learners in ways that meet their individual needs
4. Be able to deliver inclusive teaching and
4.3 Provide constructive feedback to learners to meet their individual needs
5.1 Review the effectiveness of own delivery of inclusive teaching and learning
5. Be able to evaluate the delivery of
inclusive teaching and learning
5.2 Identify areas for improvement in own delivery of inclusive teaching and learning

L3 Award in Education and Training Certa April 2014

1 Case study 10 Project
2 Written question & answer/test/exam 11 Role play/simulation
3 Essay 12 Practical demonstration P
4 Report 13 Group discussion
5 Oral question and answer 14 Performance/exhibition
6 Written description O 15 Production of artefact
7 Reflective log/diary O 16 Practice file P
8 Tutor testimony P 17 Witness testimony
9 Professional discussion 18 Examination of products of work

Assessment Criteria*
1.1 1.2 1.3 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3.1 3.2 4.1 4.2 4.3 5.1 5.2
Task 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4
4 4

L3 Award in Education and Training Certa April 2014
It is important to be able to put theory into practice; to be able to understand and draw upon theory, identify areas of strength and areas requiring
improvement in practice in order to develop expertise and confidence. Evaluation is essential for the development of teaching and learning
approaches. Evaluation often involves combining the teachers thoughts on theory and practice. For teachers, evaluation and making improvements
are essential for positive learner outcomes and in starting to develop reflective practitioner skills. For this unit of assessment you will need to build
a practice file containing evidence of the planning, delivery and evaluation of your micro-teaching session.

Task AC* Guidance for Tutors
Pre- Planning - Understanding inclusive learning practice in your
area of specialism
Write a summary of the concepts behind inclusive teaching and learning
approaches. Please note that your answers must relate to your role
as a teaching and learning practitioner wherever possible, ie, they
must be contextualised.
a) Why is it important to foster an inclusive teaching and learning
environment that meets learner needs?
b) What are the features of inclusive teaching and learning
approaches and describe how they would foster a suitable
teaching and learning environment
c) Compare the strengths and limitations of the above approaches
in meeting individual learner needs in your specialism
d) Consider a range of ways to engage and motivate learners,
which include the appropriate selection of resources and
methods of assessment
e) Explain why it is important to develop inclusive teaching and
learning approaches that can be used with learners to develop
their English, Mathematics, ICT and wider skills
Word Count 800 +/-10%. Bibliography is not included in word count.
Submission may be in alternative formats eg Braille or BSL


This unit is underpinned by the overarching
professional standards for teachers, tutors and
trainers in the lifelong learning sector.
This task consolidates knowledge and
understanding of inclusive teaching and
learning approaches prior to planning for the
micro teach.
Please note that learners should always be
required to contextualise their answers to help
avoid plagiarism, ie to prevent learners from
using answers that are available on the
Learners should be reminded that the use
of such documents without appropriate
citation, even as the basis for framing their
answer, is plagiarism, and will be dealt with
using the Malpractice Policies of Certa and
the Centre.
Plagiarism can be easily detected by typing a
sentence or two of the learners answer into
Google and checking their answer against the
documents that are listed.
Word Count 800 +/-10%. Bibliography is not
included in word count.

Practice file

L3 Award in Education and Training Certa April 2014
Task AC* Guidance for Tutors

Practice file planning the micro-teach

The teaching and learning plan should relate to the work
completed for task 1

Prepare a teaching and learning plan that justifies how the various
sections of the micro teach will meet individual learner needs. A
plan should include, as a minimum, your chosen inclusive,
teaching and learning approaches, assessment, appropriate

The plan should clearly show where and how opportunities,
methods and resources for developing English, mathematics, ICT
and wider skills are to be used that will demonstrate inclusive
teaching and learning approaches.



The teaching and learning plan should
relate to the work completed for task 1.
This builds an authenticity check into the
assessment strategy


Practice file
L3 Award in Education and Training Certa April 2014
Task AC* Guidance for Tutors

Practice file - Teaching Practice Involvement in at least one
hour of micro-teaching

Deliver a minimum of 15 minutes assessed micro-teaching
session, demonstrating the following :-
a) inclusive teaching and learning approaches
b) appropriate use of resources
c) appropriate use of assessment methods
d) effective communication skills
e) effective constructive feedback
f) creating an inclusive learning environment that engages
and motivates learners.

For the additional 45 minutes, the trainee teacher can either
deliver additional micro teaching sessions or observe the micro
teaching of others.

b) Provide evidence of peer observation of the micro-teaching of
other trainee teacher(s) up to a maximum of 45 minutes of micro-
teaching. Peer observations should demonstrate constructive
feedback skills and comment upon
teaching and assessment methods
use of appropriate resources
engagement and motivation of the learners
embedding of English, Mathematics and ICT



Trainee teachers must be involved in at
least one hour of microteaching. Each
trainee teacher must deliver at least one
15 minute micro teach and should use
inclusive learning and teaching methods
and resources that will engage and
motivate learners. All materials used in the
session, including peer feedback
documents should be in the practice file.
For the additional 45 minutes, the trainee
teacher can either deliver additional micro
teaching sessions or observe the micro
teaching of others.
Practice file




L3 Award in Education and Training Certa April 2014
L3 Award in Education and Training Certa April 2014
Task AC* Guidance for Tutors
Practice file the evaluations

Provide examples of your ability to evaluate the effectiveness of
your own delivery and identify areas for improvement on your
practice by providing

a) An evaluation / reflection of your performance in delivering
inclusive learning based on your self assessment, feedback
from peers and assessors.

b) An outline plan showing how you can make improvements
to your own delivery of inclusive teaching and learning.




Peer feedback documents from the micro
teach should be made available to the
learner to enable the learner to complete
part a) of task 4. The evaluation of practice
might use the Rolfe model which asks 3
questions about the learning:
What what did you learn
So what why is this important
Now what what is going to happen as a


Practice file

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