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Designed by Katia Sherman

Learning Shapes and Colors can be challenging for some kids. Start with basic shapes at first. Once
your child masters them add 1 or 2 more. ou will be ama!ed how fast they will learn "LL of them.
#efore $ knew it my 2 year old mastered all 1% shapes. &e are now learning 1% colors.
&ith younger kids 'age 2()* $ recommend to learn all 1% Shapes first. &ith older kids 'age +,* you
can start learning comple- colors. #ut again. all kids learn differently. so use /Shapes and Colors0 the
way that best fits your child.

1. 6rint each shape on different color card stock paper. $ use te-tured card stock paper from
7obby Lobby. 2hey ha8e 9:; sale on all paper a lot and that is when $ go stock up for
pro<ects like this.
2. Cut outside the line. $ like it when the shape has black outline. =akes it look nicer.
). 4se them>
27$S $S 7O& $ "SS$?1@D COLO3 2O " S7"6@5
1. Circle A 6urple
2. "rrow A &hite
). Diamond ( Oli8e
+. 7eart ( 3ed
9. Star ( ellow
B. "rc A Cuchsia 'hot pink*
D. 3ectangle ( ?reen
%. O8al ( Orange
E. SFuare ( 2an
1:. Cross ( #lue
11. 2riangle ( #rown
12. Octagon ( Lime
1). 6entagon ( #urgundy
1+. Crescent A 2eal
19. Semi(Circle A Cyan 'light blue*
1B. 6arallelogram ( ?ray
1D. 2rape!oid ( 6ink
1%. Swirl ( #lack

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