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Grade Individuals and Societies
Teachers: Aaron DeLane and Kerri Ater
Dear Students,
Welcome to 6
grade Individuals and Societies (Formerly know as Humanities)! I hope you find
this years program exciting, fun and challenging at the same time.

The program this year will look closely at issues around the world with a focus on current events.
The units will span the continents of Asia, Europe, and Africa
Required Materials
Please make sure you come to class prepared with
Small binder or folder for any handouts
(during some periods involving mapping, it will be necessary to have colored pencils (pencil crayons)

About Homework and Grading
Homework is not assigned regularly. It is used primarily when class work is not completed during
the class time. It may also be assigned to reinforce skills and concepts covered it class. Lastly, homework
is expected for completing large projects and studying for tests.

Your course evaluation will be based primarily on major tests, projects, and assignments but day-
to-day classroom work may influence the final evaluation.

Rubrics clearly indicate the expectation for each assignment.
is based upon a standard, not upon a comparison of students
is designed to encourage excellence
is often diagnostic, to show ways you can improve
includes a self-assessment strand

If questions arise, please do not hesitate to ask for clarification or help. Both you and your parents have
many ways to get in touch:
ask in class, or in a note
E-mail: Our email addresses are and E-mail is an especially good
way to keep in touch.
Telephone: Please keep in mind that we do not have phones in the classroom. The offices are distant,
and messages sent through Mrs. Walther will take a while to reach me.
Individuals and Societies Department office: telephone number is 0211- 9406 - 739. Conferences are
by appointment.


Mr. DeLane and Mrs. Ater, August 2014

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