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Emily Smith

Table Quiz
Your task is to create a table. You may use notes, the help
(?) menu or any previous assignments to assist you. Your
table will display the first name of four people and list
their favorite food, TV show, animal, and baseball team
(Surely it will be Red Sox).
!bout "y #amily
#irst $ame #avorite %&
'ad (aseball 'ogs )hicken Red Sox
*ncle +im $),S )ats )lams Red Sox
-randma -S$ )ats -rinders Red Sox
.mily 'isney )ats /i00a Red Sox
1. ,ndent the paragraph above.
2. "ake the line spacing 1.2 instead o3 single spacing
3. (elow the paragraph create a table with five columns and four rows.
. )omplete the chart making sure you record the necessary data.
!. )reate and center column headings, 3ont si0e 14.
". "ake an appropriate title, 3ont si0e 15 in a merged row.
#. *se 3ont si0e 16 3or the body o3 the table.
$. *se )entury Schoolbook 3or the 3ont 3or all data in the table.
%. %ype your name and class in a header.
1&. "ake your directions si0e 7.
11. ,nclude a photo 3rom the internet. )ite and caption it.
12. /R,$% /R.&,.8 (watch 3or large areas o3 whitespace9 check to see it 3its on one page).
13. /rint this :ob on the ;aser printer.
This is my amilies avorite Base!all

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