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Lab Activity 1.1 : Observin an! Rec"r!in Server Tra##ic
Learnin O$tc"%es
Observe and record the way in which traffic moves to and from the servers on the
&ac'r"$n! ( Pre)arati"n
An enterprise has installed servers containing sales and human resources information at the
Access Layer of their network and an intranet web server and a DNS server in a server farm
off of the Core Layer of the network. his activity will observe the flow of traffic between a
typical !C at the Access Layer and three of the servers in the network.
Ste) 1: *eri#y c"nnectivity t" t+e servers in t+e net,"r'.
a. "rom the desktop of !C HR-. ping the HR server at #! address $%&.$'(.)*.&.
b. "rom the desktop of !C HR-. ping the Sa/es server at #! address $%&.$'(.$*.&.
c. "rom the desktop of !C HR-. ping the Web server at #! address $%&.$'(.*.+.
Ste) -: Observe an! rec"r! t+e ,ay tra##ic %"ves in t+e net,"r'.
a. Switch to Si%$/ati"n mode. Click the A$t" Ca)t$re ( P/ay button to send a packet
between !C HR- and the HR server and back. Count the number of intermediate
devices the packet passes through.
b. Switch to scenario T" Sa/es. Click the A$t" Ca)t$re ( P/ay button to send a packet
between !C HR- and the Sa/es server and back. Count the number of intermediate
devices the packet passes through.
c. Switch to scenario T" Web. Click the A$t" Ca)t$re ( P/ay button to send a packet
between !C HR- and the Web server and back. Count the number of intermediate
devices the packet passes through.
Lab Activity 1.- : 0sin Re!$n!ant Lin's "n Server 1ar% Devices
Learnin O$tc"%es
Determine how redundancy affects server availability.
&ac'r"$n! ( Pre)arati"n
he physical topology of the first network ,opology $- has been designed without redundancy.
o test the fault tolerance of the network. links should be removed to test the effect on the
network and to determine if the network can recover from the removed link.
he physical topology of the second network ,opology &- has been designed and redundancy
has been incorporated into the design. o test the fault tolerance of the network. links should be
removed to test the effect on the network and to determine if the network can recover from the
downed link.
Ste) 1: E2a%ine t+e net,"r' an! t+e stat$s "# t+e /in's in T")"/"y 1
opology $.
b. 1iew the network and the active links within the network.
c. Note which links are active and which links are blocked.
d. Open !C$2A. At the command prompt. enter a command to send $** #C3! re4uests to
Server 5eb2A. he command format is )in 3n 144 15-.167.-.8.
Ste) -: Test sin/e )"int "# #ai/$re in net,"r' ,it+"$t re!$n!ancy
a. Since switches do not have power buttons. delete the link between 6outer2A and switch
$. Click the red 7 located in the right panel of the !acket racer screen.
&. Click the cable between 6outer2A and switch Server2A.
b. 1iew the network and note the active links within the topology.
c. here is no network redundancy and therefore a single point of failure within the
network. here is no longer a route to the servers.
Ste) 8: E2a%ine t+e net,"r' an! t+e stat$s "# t+e /in's in T")"/"y -
a. /0amine opology &.
b. 1iew the network and note the active links within the topology.
c. Open !C$28. At the command prompt. enter a command to send $** #C3! re4uests to
Server 5eb2A. he command format is )in 3n 144 15-.167.9.8.
d. Open !C&28. At the command prompt. enter a command to send $** #C3! re4uests to
Server 3arketing28. he command format is )in 3n 144 15-.167.9.6.
Ste) 9: Test net,"r' re!$n!ancy
a. Delete the link between switch Server$28 and switch Server&28.
$. Click the red 7 located in the right panel of the !acket racer screen.
&. Click the cross2over cable between switch Server$ and switch Server&.
b. 1iew the network and note the active links within the topology.
c. Spanning ree should recalculate and automatically begin using the alternate links.
d. Delete the link between switch Server+28 and switch Server928.
$. Click the red 7 located in the right panel of the !acket racer screen.
&. Click the cross2over cable between switch Server+28 and switch Server928.
e. 1iew the network and note the active links within the topology.
f. he topology should reconfigure and automatically begin using the alternative links.
Lab Activity 1.8 : Observin Net,"r' C"nverence
Learnin O$tc"%es
Connect and configure 5AN connections.
Configure /#:6! to advertise specific networks.
Observe the convergence of the network through the CLI window when an interface is
shut down and brought back up.
/0amine the /#:6! packets in the Si%$/ati"n :"!e as the network converges.
&ac'r"$n! ( Pre)arati"n
;ou have been provided a topology in which <=. 8ranch$. 8ranch&. and 8ranch+ are pre2
configured. A new router has been added to the topology ,New>8ranch- that is partially
configured. ;ou will need to connect New>8ranch to <= and 8ranch$. complete the
configuration of the new router. and then e0amine the convergence of the network.
Ste) 1: C"nnect an! c"n#i$re WAN c"nnecti"ns "n Ne,;&ranc+ r"$ter
a. Connect interface S*?*?* on New>8ranch to S*?$?$ on <= ,DC/-
b. Connect interface S*?*?$ on New>8ranch to S*?$?$ on 8ranch$ ,DC/-
c. Configure interface S*?*?* with the #! address $@&.$'.+.&$(?+*
d. Configure interface S*?*?$ with the #! address $@&.$'.+.&&$?+*
Ste) -: C"n#i$re EIGRP t" a!vertise s)eci#ic net,"r's "n Ne,;&ranc+ r"$ter
a. Configure New>8ranch with /#:6! and the autonomous system number +.
b. Advertise specifically the directly connected networks.
c. ;our completion percentage should be $**A. #f not. click C+ec' Res$/ts to see which
re4uired components are not yet completed.
Ste) 8: Observe t+e net,"r' c"nverence in t+e Rea/ti%e %"!e
a. 5hile in the CLI window of New>8ranch. you can observe the convergence in the
6ealtime mode. As the network converges you will see that /#:6! develops adBacencies.
b. After the network has converged. shut down interface S*?*?* on New>8ranch.
c. Observe the changes in the network.
d. 8ring interface S*?*?* back up.
Ste) 9: Observe t+e net,"r' c"nverence in t+e Si%$/ati"n %"!e
a. Click Si%$/ati"n :"!e.
b. Set the /vent List "ilters to show only /#:6! packets.
c. :o to CLI interface window of New>8ranch.
d. Shut down the interface S*?*?$.
e. Click the A$t" Ca)t$re ( P/ay button to start the simulation.
f. 6e2open the CLI window and observe the effects.
g. Allows the simulation to run for a brief period. then click the A$t" Ca)t$re ( P/ay button
to pause the simulation.
h. /0amine some of the packets in the Event List.
Ste) <: Observe t+e a##ects "# an inter#ace bein br"$+t $)
a. 6e2start the simulation by clicking the A$t" Ca)t$re ( P/ay button again.
b. 8ring interface S*?*?$ back up and observe the convergence through the CLI window.
/vent List. and topology.
c. Stop the simulation.
Lab Activity 1.9 : De%"nstratin Distrib$ti"n Layer 1$ncti"ns
Learnin O$tc"%es
Demonstrate the functions performed by the Distribution Layer devices.
&ac'r"$n! ( Pre)arati"n
1LANs can be added to a network for security purposes and traffic control. Devices on separate
1LANs are unable to communicate unless a router has been configured to help with this
communication. Observe how packet filtering and route summariCation traverse the network
using simulation mode.
Ste) 1: Set$) Si%$/ati"n #i/ters t" ca)t$re r"$tin )r"t"c"/s
a. /nter Si%$/ati"n mode in !acket racer.
b. Click the E!it 1i/ters button.
c. Select /#:6!.
d. Click the Reset Si%$/ati"n button.
e. Click A$t" Ca)t$re(P/ay.
f. Observe the /#:6! updates.
Ste) -: Test c"nnectivity bet,een t+e net,"r' !evices $sin Rea/ti%e %"!e.
a. "rom !C* ping !C$. !C&. !C+. and !C).
b. "rom !C$ ping !C*. !C&. !C). !C+
Ste) 8: Test c"nnectivity bet,een t+e net,"r' !evices $sin Si%$/ati"n %"!e
a. Switch from Rea/ti%e mode to Si%$/ati"n mode.
b. Create a simple !DD from !C* to !C$. Click Ca)t$re(1"r,ar! until the !DD has made
the complete trip to !C$ and back.
c. #n the Event List. view the !DD events.
d. Create another !DD from !C* to !C&.
Lab Activity 1.< : E2)/"rin Access Layer 1$ncti"ns
Learnin O$tc"%es
Describe the function of the Network Access Layer including e4uipment usually
installed in the wiring closets.
&ac'r"$n! ( Pre)arati"n
/4uipment installed at the Network Access Layer usually consists of Layer & switches. hese
switches connect to workgroup servers. workstations. and other end user e4uipment. he
Network Access Layer switches then connect to Layer + devices. such as routers and multi2
layer switches. at the Network Distribution Layer.
A new office space is being created for users in the Sales and 3arketing departments of an
organiCation. the !Cs have been set up and configured in the office area and a Layer & switch
has been installed in the wiring closet. ;ou will connect the switch to the end user devices
and to the router in the Network Distribution Layer. ;ou will then configure the switch and
verify connectivity to key devices in the network.
Ste) 1: C"nnect t+e Access Layer s,itc+.
a. Dsing the proper cable. connect 1astEt+ernet4(1 on switch Access1& to
1astEt+ernet4(1 on router Distrib$ti"n1.
b. Dsing the proper cable. connect !C Sa/es- to the ne0t interface on switch Access1&.
c. Dsing the proper cable. connect !C :ar'etin- to the ne0t interface on switch
Ste) -: C"n#i$re t+e Access Layer s,itc+.
d. Dsing the CL# on switch Access1&. configure the interface that connects to router
Distrib$ti"n1 to carry traffic for all 1LANs.
e. Dsing the CL# on switch Access1&. configure the interface that connects to !C
Sa/es- to carry traffic for only 1LAN $$.
f. Dsing the CL# on switch Access1&. configure the interface that connects to !C
:ar'etin- to carry traffic for only 1LAN &$.
g. ;our completion percentage should be $**A. #f not. click C+ec' Res$/ts to see
which re4uired components are not yet completed.
Ste) 8: *eri#y c"nnectivity.
h. "rom !C Sa/es-. ping server Sa/es at $%&.$'(.$*.&. !ing server HR at $%&.$'(.)*.&.
!ing server Web at $%&.$'(.*.+. All pings should be successful. if not verify the
i. "rom !C :ar'etin-. ping server Sa/es at $%&.$'(.$*.&. !ing server HR at
$%&.$'(.)*.&. !ing server Web at $%&.$'(.*.+. All pings should be successful. if not
verify the configuration.
j. "rom the Web &r",ser on !C Sa/es-. re4uest a web page from D6L
httpE?? ,in !acket racer the D6L is case sensitive-. he page
should be displayed.
k. Switch to Si%$/ati"n mode. "rom the Web &r",ser on !C Sa/es- click the G"
button to re4uest the page again. Click the A$t" Ca)t$re ( P/ay button to observe the
flow of traffic from the Access layer through the hierarchical network to the server
Lab Activity 1.6 : Creatin Access T")"/"ies
Learnin O$tc"%es
Create a network with a star topology.
&ac'r"$n! ( Pre)arati"n
;ou have been given the task of designing a network using a star topology. he star topology
is one with a central point of connectivity. he central device should be a switch.
Ste) 1: Create a net,"r' $sin a star t")"/"y.
a. Add a &%'* switch to the network topology between the Distribution& router and the
b. Connect the switch to the Distribution& routerFs fa*?* interface.
c. Connect the switch to each of the !Cs.
d. /nable the fa*?* interface on the Distribution& router.
e. ;our completion percentage should be $**A. #f not. click C+ec' Res$/ts to see
which re4uired components are not yet completed.

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