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1) Packages required to install latex in windows

a) Latex Complier ----- MiKTeX

b) Viewer and Converter ----- ghost script and ghost view
c) Editing Environment ----- WinEdt
d) Converting Figures/ Images ----- gimp

2) Installation of Latex

a) Installation of MiKTex

I. Run MiKTex setup file
That setup file is setup-2.8.3553 double click this and then run it
II. In task menu select install MiKTex option
III. In package set select basic MiKTex
IV. In MiKTex distribution directory specify the path of MiKTex 2.8 setup folder
V. Install MiKTex

b) Install ghost script by running gs902w32 application file
c) Install ghost view by running gsv50w32 application file
d) Install WinEdt by running winedt70 application file
e) Install gimp by running gimp-2.6.11-i686-setup-1 application file

3) Preparing Report in Latex

a) Run WinEdt
b) Go in file open all .tex files specified in a folder named TE SeminarLATEX
c) Modify the contents of following files as per requirement
i. Prelude.tex
This file contents title page, certificate and acknowledgment.
In Title page you have to change title of the Seminar, name and roll
number of student, name of the guide,
Certificate will be created automatically
Acknowledgment:- write your acknowledgment
ii. Abstract.tex
Write your abstract there

iii. Chap_intro.tex
This is a sample introductory chapter. Following things are demonstrated in
this chapter
Creating a paragraph
Providing citation
Writing an equation
Creating section and subsection
Creating Tables
Bullets and numbering (itemize)
Inserting a figure
[Create chapter on your own as per need]
iv. seminar.tex
This is a main file which invokes the class file vitelexdiss and other files viz
prelude.tex, Chap_intro.tex, References.tex, All the chapters should be
called from this file
v. References.tex
This file contents all the references along with label. Reference should be
cited by their labels in main chapter


1) Dont modify vitelexdiss class file
2) If during compilation of project.tex file, if winedt ask for additional packages then
install these packages from the folder MikTex 2.8 setup by specifying it as a local

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