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1. To what extent was this country ruled by others? Use evidence to support your answer.

Federal Republic of Germany has been a strong proponent of Europes unity. Because
of its economic strength Germany has been often called the locomotive of Europe.

2. Which 20
century events had the greatest influence on this country? Choose two events
and explain their impact.
In the 20th century there was an expressionist and artistic movement called Der Blaue
Rieter which tried to advocate freedom of art.
Also, in the 20th century there were many different composers like, Paul Hindemith and

3. Identify the following:
Topic Details
Well known cities, regions,
or landforms
Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, and Koln are the four largest
cities. Berlin Wall is a well known landform.

Relative size (size in
relationship to another
Germany is slightly smaller than Montana.
About half the size of Russia; about three-tenths the size
of Africa; about half the size of South America (or slightly
larger than Brazil); slightly larger than China; more than
twice the size of the European Union

Description of natural
Northeast are wide plains and moors along the coast.
The southern edge is the German Alps. From east to
west running through the center are major rivers.

Population size 80.62 million
Degree of diversity
(1=homogenous; 10=very
diverse) with explanation
Germany is pretty diverse. Seven million people hold a
foreign passport which is more than the 28 other
member states. Id rank Germany a 7/10.

Languages/Alphabets German is a west germanic langauge.
Fraktur is their alphabet.

4. How does folklore influence the peoples worldview or actions? Explain your answer using
specific details.
One of the popular folklore literature is the Brothers of Grimm. Most of the folklore is
centered around magical things and pre-christian things.
5. What religion(s) is practiced in this country, and how does it impact the people?
About 68% of the people belong to a Christian church. 34% are Protestant and 34% are
Catholics. There is freedom of religion and freedom of faith.
6. Are rites of passage in this country similar to or different from rites of passage in the U.S.?
Explain your answer using specific pieces of evidence.
Rites of passage that young people undergo are religious rituals. These are similar
because everyone is going through the same rites of passage.

7. What tips on interpersonal behavior might you give to an American who is about to travel
to this country? Provide at least three.
Regional differences make it hard to pin a certain characteristic on the nation.

8. Is the standard of living in this country better, worse, or about the same as that of the
U.S.? Justify your answer with at least three pieces of evidence.
The SOL is comparatively high despite the economic challenges.

9. Is family important in this country? Why or why not? Use specific details in your response.
Family is still fundamentally important in Germany.

10. Does this country have distinctive traditional clothing? Explain your answer citing
specific details.
Clothing is similar to those in the US.

11. How has globalization impacted food and diet in this country? Explain your answer using
specific facts.
Tradition diet is filled with starch. Traditional diet is cold meats, sugary desserts and beer
which are all high in calories and cholesterol.

12. How might your educational experience in this country differ from the schooling you
receive in the U.S.?
Education is free and is from ages 6-18. Currently the educational systems are
undergoing a profound change.

13. What cultural influences or accomplishments is this country best known for? List and
describe at least three.
Germany is well known for its opera houses such as Semperopa.
German art has a long tradition of visual arts.
Germany is also known for its beer.

14. Summarize the overall economy of this country in 2-3 sentences.
Germanys economy is known to be very strong. It has a market-based economy and the
economy faces long-term challenges of European economic integration.

15. How do people of this country spend their leisure time? List at least five activities. Would
you want to live there?
Most Germans mostly enjoy sports, soccer is Germanys most popular sport.
Hiking, bicycling, camping, sailing, and swimming.

16. List (in order of significance) what you feel are the three biggest problems that this
country needs to resolve.
Reunification, school violence and dropouts, and political extremists.

17. Are all people treated equally in this country? Why or why not? Explain your answer
using specific evidence.
Mostly everyone has equal rights but there is still a problem with women having fewer
rights than men do.

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