Randal Boyle B00440039: Raspberry Pi Internet Radio and Audio Server With An Android Client Interface

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Randal Boyle B00440039

Raspberry Pi Internet Radio and Audio Server with an

Android Client Interface
Internet Radio Average Price 86.60
Audio Server Average Price 430
Overall Aim - "to produce a low cost system made up of a single
board computer running audio server software that provides
codecs to decode digital audio files held on an external hard drive
or streamed live from the internet that can all be controlled by a
mobile phone application."
CPU Usage Comparison of Server Software
Client-Server architecture where the server provides the complex
computational functions to decodes and output audio streams while the
client provides from end controls to the user.
The intial program comes with MP3, AAC and FLAC encoding capabilities
It implements TCP sockets allowing for client-server communication over a
TCP connection.
Numerous clients can connect to a single server at the same time.
XMMS2 Inter-Process Communications
The inter-process communication part of the daemon deals with the serialization
and deserialization of messages to and from the clients.
Client-server communications come in four forms:
1. Basic Command - sent by the clients and invokes a procedure in the daemon such
as "play" or "add"
2. Results - sent by the daemon in response to commands from the client to inform
the client of the result of their command request.
3. Signal Request - sent by the clients and do not invoke any change in the daemon
but rather request information about the state of the daemon.
4. Boadcast Request - sent by the client to request a result be sent when a specific
even happens
Block Diagram Showing XMMS2 Client-Server IPC
Diagram Showing the Structure of a Client to Server IPC Command
XMMS2 Java
Client Library
Flowchart of Initial
Design of XMMS2
UML Class Diagram of
XMMS2 Client Structure

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