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Joel Christine

Address: 12 Wicker Avenue, N6 S45

ate o! "irth: 2#$#6$1%&&
'mail: email(email)com
*o"ile: #&&%++#&&45
1%%& , 2##4 St) -aul.s /ospital, Southampton
(Childrens Department)
Matron (2002-present)
Responsible for:
Managing shifts, stafng
Supervising nurses of the Childrens Department
Controlling the service ualit!
"raining of the ne# nurses, coaching
$ssisting b! operations
S%ills gained:
$bilit! to establish respect among other nurses despite !oung
&nspiring ne# sta'
$bilit! to creat an efcient and friendl! team of eight nurses
(eadership s%ills
)peration assistance uali*cations
Nurse (1997-2002)
Responsible for:
Medicine application, conducting basic e+aminations and tests
,atient care: bod! functions monitoring, #ashing, night vigil,
,roviding positive reinforcement for patients, morale
S%ills gained:
$bilit! to establish a relationship #ith children
-er! good stress management
Self.con*dence and abilit! to transfer optimism
My approach:
01 derive
satis!action "2
helpin3 others4
Photo Here
/0012/003 4ile! 5urse School, Southampton
6raduated #ith distinction
/007 8 /003 Stanport Comprehensive, 4inchester
/003: $.levels 9iolog! ($), Mathematics (9), :istor! (9)
/00;: 6CS<s 9iolog! ($), Mathematics ($), :istor! (9),
=rench (9) and $rt (9)
Other Skills
6ood command of =rench
9asic $rabic
6ood managerial s%ills
,C literac!
Clean driving license
$dvanced )peration $ssistance Course for 5urses,
)rthopaedist Spetialisation, ,ortsmouth, >77>
Morale and Patients Psychology "raining, organised b!
:art#ig Medical ,s!cholog! $ssociation, (ondon, /000
E!tra-curriculum acti"ities
Member of Mdecins Sans Frontires (Doctors Without Borders).
,articipation in the several missions, including $fghanistan
(>77?), Sudan (>777) and Somalia (>777)2 &n total over one !ear
spent in overseas programmes of the MSF2
$ddtionall!, permanent involvement in a fe# initiatives in @nited
Aindgom, especiall! i!e "ealthy and Sa#e "olidays among pupils
of Bor% primar! schools2
Coo%ing (=rench and $frican cusine)
$ncient histor!

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