Orlando Bloom Is in It

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Components of a Movie Important Language/Examples

Can you name a movie . . .?

. . . that is a sci-fi?
. . . that is a horror?
. . . that is an action movie?
. . . that is a romantic comedy?
. . . with Brad Pitt in it?
. . . that is starring Julia Roberts?
. . . with Mike Meyers in it?
. . . starring ean Connery?
. . . that takes !lace in s!ace?
. . . that takes !lace in ""##?
. . . set in $sia?
. . . set on a train?
. . . that takes !lace in the %&''s?
. . . set in the countryside?
. . . that takes !lace in (uro!e?
. . . about !eo!le who fall in love?
. . . about !eo!le who take drugs?
. . . about !olice who are corru!t?
. . . about someone who wants to
destroy the world?
"hat kind of movie is it? #t)s a **********************
#t)s a comedy. #t)s a sci-fi. #t)s a horror.
#t)s an action movie. #t)s a romantic
"ho is in it? *************** is in it.
"ho)s starring in it? *************** is starring in it.
Orlando Bloom is in it.
"here does it take !lace? #t)s set in ***************.
"hen does it take !lace? #t takes !lace in **************.
Its set in New York in the 60s.
It takes place on the moon in the future.
It takes place in a prison.
"hat)s it about?
"hat ha!!ens in it?
#t)s about ***** who **********.
Its about two young people who fall in
loe on a sinking ship. Its about a meteor
that is going to destroy the !arth.
+ow does it end? #n the end, ******************.
"hat ha!!ens in the end?
#n the end, the ring is destroyed.
#n the end, +arry decides he really loves
"hat did the critics say?
"hat kind of reviews did
it get?
-he critics *****************.
#t got *********** reviews.
-he critics said it was good. -he critics
!anned it. -he critics raved about it. #t got
great reviews. #t got !oor reviews.

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