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My Story

I am Bernadette Yuson a Mathematics teacher at Cajon High

School for 12 years and 9 months. This is in resonse to the issue
!eing circulated in the media that started on the Sun ne"saer on
Setem!er 12# 2$1%.

This is the truth to the
&n Setem!er '# 2$1%# I "as teaching my (eriod ) *1+%,-
2+',m. C/HS00 Math Suort Class.
Before the !ell rang# a male student of mine dragged my chair
a"ay from my ta!le and sat on it.
1hen the !ell rang at 1+%,# m# I re2uested him to return my
chair# !ut he argued disresectfully !efore 3nally returning it.
1hen I too4 attendance of the class# he 4et on mum!ling on his
seat# "ords I couldn5t hear nor understand from "here I "as
/s I "as ta4ing the roll and e6laining their tas4 for the day# the
student stood u and shouted to his classmate across the room
the "ord 7n888a.9
I "as distracted and distur!ed of "hat he said# so# I 2uestioned
him and as4ed# 71o": ;888a< Is that a good "ord<9
I said this to him to let him 4no" indirectly that this "as an
imolite remar4 he5s ma4ing in class.
The student 2uestioned me if I referred it to him.
I said 7;o: I did not refer it to you or any!ody else# !ut I am
as4ing you if the "ord you shouted to your classmate "as a good
"ord. I "as just reeating the "ord you said to clarify if it "as a
good "ord< 9
/t 1+,= .m.# he "al4ed out of my classroom "ithout as4ing
In resonse to the issue a!out the seating lan# yes# I had a ne"
seating lan "hich is my right as a teacher# !ut it "as not only to mo>e
!lac4 students around. It "as intended for the "hole class to lessen
tal4ing to one another.
I ha>e al"ays lo>ed my teaching jo!. I ha>e al"ays tried to do my
jo! e?ciently and e@ecti>ely. I do disciline my students# !ut I al"ays
see to it that it is "ithin the !ounds of "hat should and should not !e
done inside the classroom and school remises. I don5t tolerate racism#
!ad "ords# disruti>e !eha>iors# utting some!ody do"n and anything
that "ill hinder my students from learning.
Aastly# I "ould li4e to ta4e this oortunity to than4 my family#
relati>es# friends# students# and colleagues for their "holehearted
suort# rayers and faith in me. This gi>es me strength. I !elie>e that
all things "or4 together for good to them that lo>e Bod and that

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