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Parklands, Tel: 0151 338 2220

Little Sutton Fax: 0151 348 1738

Ellesmere Port,
!es!ire "## 3$L
"eadtea%!er: &rs $ Flanders
Dear Parent, 19
September 2014.
Please find enclosed the curriculum newsletter from our child!s teacher showin" what our
child will be learnin" this term. # hope this is useful and informati$e.
%our child!s current tar"ets for readin", writin" and mathematics are also enclosed. #n
response to feedbac& from parents and children, we ha$e chan"ed the tar"et settin" sstem
so that tar"ets are clearer and easier to understand. Please as& our child re"ularl what their
tar"ets are as we hope that pupils will be clear about and remember what the need to do to
impro$e their learnin".
The tar"ets can be discussed with our child!s teacher at Parents! '$enin" on 1
( 2

)ctober. Please contact school if ou ha$e not recei$ed a letter to arran"e an appointment.
Please do not hesitate to contact school if ou ha$e an *uestions or re*uire an additional
information in the meantime.
Than& ou for our continued support of the school.
%ours sincerel,
+. ,landers

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