12th Biology Bio Botany 75 Mark Lesson 1 Test em TM

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Njd;kyh; Nky;epiyg;gs;sp
myFj; NjHT- [_d; -2014
tFg;G: 12 capupay; nkhj;j kjpg;ngz; fs;:75
gpupT- m / SECTION-A
rupahd tpiliaj; NjHe;njLj;J vOJf. 14 x1 = 14
Choose and write the correct answer
1. fpshNlhLf;F xU vLj;Jf;fhl;L:
m. gpy;yhe;j]; vk;gpspf;fh M. up]pd]; fk;A+dp]; ,. [hl;Nuhgh FHf]; <. A+/NghHgpah
An example of cladode is .
a. Phyllanthus emblica b. Ricinus communis c. Jatrpoha curcas d. Euphorbia tirucalli
2. nge;jk; kw;Wk; `_f;fh; tifg;ghl;by; jw;fhy Jiwfs; ,t;thW miof;fg;gl;ld.
m. tupirfs; M. Nfh`hHl;Lfs; ,. Jiwfs; <. FLk;gq;fs;
In Bentham and Hokker classification of plants, the present day orders were referred to by them as..
a. series b. cohorts c. orders d.families
3. gwitfspd; nrhHf;f kyH vd;wiof;fg;gLtJ.
m. kpA+]h ghub]pahfh M. ];nlupypl; rpah nu[pNdh ,. uhtndyh klfh];fhupad;rp]; <.
n`ypNfhdpah rpw;wpdk;
The bird of paradise flower refers to.
a. Musa paradisiaca b. Strelitzia reginae c. Ravanella Madagascariensis d. Heliconia sp
4. jw;Nghija mfpy cyf jhtutpay; ngaH #l;Lr; rl;lk; eilKiwf;F te;j Mz;L
m. 1930 M. 1975 ,. 1978 <. 1982
The current system of intenational Code of Botanical Nomenclature was adapted from.
a. 1930 b. 1975 c.1978 d. 1982
5. Vngy;kh];f]; v];Fyz;l]; jhtuj;jpd; fdp
m. l;&g; M. gpsTf;fdp ,. nuf;kh <. #yf miw ntbfdp
In Abelmoschus esculentus, the fruit is
a. drupe b. schizocarp c.regma d. loculicidal capsule
6. `_tpah gpNurpypad;rp]; jhtuj;jpd; ,iyfs;
m. jdpj;jJ M. %d;W rpw;wpiyfisAila $l;biy ,. fhk;gw;wJ <. mq;if tbt
In Hevea brasiliansis , the leaves are ..
a. simple b. trifoliately compound c.sessile d. palmately lobed
7. A+dpnrf; RNty; ]; vd;w tupirapy; cs; s FLk;gk;
m. nrhyhNdrp M. A+/NghHgpNarp ,. khy;Ntrp <. kpA+Nrrp
The family included under the series unisexuales is..
a. Solanaceae b. Euphorbiaceae c. Malvaceae d. Musaceae
8. nrhyhNdrp ,lk; ngw;Ws;s Jiw
m.khy;Nty; ]; M. ghypNkhdpNay;]; ,. A+dpnrf;RNty; ]; <. uhNdy;];
Solanaeae is placed under ..
a. Malvales b. Polemoniales c. unisexuales d. Ranaels
9. ..jhtuq;fspd; NtHfs; KiwNa ff;Fthd; ,Uky; kw;Wk; tapw;Wg;Nghf;fpid
Fzg;gLj;jg; gad;gLfpd;wd.
m. mGbyhd; ,z;bfk; M. nj];ngrpah ghg;Gy;dpah ,. fh]pg;gpak; `pH#l;lk; <.
My;jpah Nuhrpah
are used for treating whooping caugh and dysentery respectively
a. Abutilon indicum b. Thespesia populnea c. Gossypium hirsutum d. Althaea rosea


10. ,Unrhw; ngaupL Kiwia mwpKfg;gLj;jpatH
m. fNuhy]; ypd;Nda]; M. fh];ghHL gh`pd; ,. rh; N[hrg; lhy;ld; `_f;fh; <. mlhy;g;
vq; sH
The botanist who introduced binomial sytem is
a. Carolus Linnaeus b. Gaspard Bauhin c. Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker d. Adolf engler
11. gh];l; ehHfs; ngwg;gLk; jhtuk;
m. i`gp];f]; Nuh]hirdd;rp]; M. i`gp];f]; rg;lhup/gh ,. mGbyhd; ,z;bfk;
<. i`gp];f]; nfd;dhgpd];
yields bast fibres.
a. Hibiscus rosasinensis b. Hibisucs sabdarifa c. Abutilon indicum d. Hibiscus cannabinus
12. itj;jhdpah rhk;dpnguhtpy; cs;s kQ;rup
m. Nfhz irk; M. ];fhHg;gpaha;L irk; ,. n`ypfha;L irk; <. mk;gy;Nyl; irk;
The type of inflorescence seen in Withania sominifera.
a. axillary cyme b. Scorpioid cyme c. Helicoid cyme d. Umbellate cyme
13. gNah Bry; jahupf;fg; gad;gLk; jhtuk;
m. [hl;Nuhgh fh]pg;gpNghypah M. [hl;Nuhgh FHf]; ,. up]pd]; fk;A+dp]; <. n`tpah
Bio-diesel is extracted from.
a. Jatropha gossypifolia b. Jatropha curcas c. Ricinus communis d. Hevea barsiliensis
14. jhtuj;jpd; ,iyfs; kw;Wk; Nth;fs; ghk;Gf; fbf;Fk; kw;Wk; njhONeha;f;Fk; kUe;jhfg;
m. up]pd]; fk;A+dp]; M. [l;Nuh/gh FHfh]; ,. [l; Nuh/gh fh]pg;gp/Nghypah <. khdp`hl;
.. are used in the treatement of leprosy and snake bite.
a. Ricinus communis b. Jatropha curcas c. Jatropha gossypifolia d. Manihot glaziovi

gpupT-M / SECTION B 7 x 3 =21
Fwpg;G: VNjDk; VO tpdhf; fSf;F kl;Lk; tpilaspf; fTk;.
Note : Answer any Seven questions
15. ,U nrhw;ngaupL Kiw vd;why; vd;d?
What is Binomial nomenclature?
16. lhl;Nlhdpk; tiuaW.
Define tautonym. Give an example
17. khy;Ntrpapd; tifg;ghl;L epiyia vOJf.
Mention the systematic position of Malvaceae.
18. ml;Nuh/gpd; vd;why; vd;d?
What is Atrophine?
19. A+/Nghh;gpNarp FLk;gj; jhtuq;fSs; ,U ,ug;gh; jhtuq;fspd; ,Unrhw;ngaupid vOJf.
Mention the binomials of two rubber plants of Euphorbiaceae.
20. ghypNfk]; vd;why; vd;d? vLj;Jf; fhl;L jUf.
What is Polygamous ? Give an example.
21. kpA+Nrrpapd; tifg;ghl;L epiyia vOJf.
Write the systematic position of Musaceae.
22. fpshNlhL vd;why; vd;d? vLj;Jf; fhl;L jUf.
What is cladode? Give an example
23. nrhyhNdrp jhtuq;fSs;> czTj; jhtuq;fs; %d;wpd; ,Unrhw;ngaupid vOJf.
Write any three binomials of food plants of solanaceae.
24. Gwg;Gy;yp tl; lk; vd;why; vd;d? ,J mGbyhd; ,z;bfk; vd;w jhtuj;jpy; cs;sjh?
What is epicalyx? It is present in Abutiolon indicum


gpupT-, / SECTION C 4 x 5 =20
Fwpg;G: VNjDk; ehd;F tpdhf; fSf;F tpilaspf; fTk;. tpdh vz;: 25 f;F fl; lhakhd
tpilaspf; f Ntz;Lk;
Note : Answer any four questions including Question No. 25 which is compulsory.
25. n`HNgupaj;jpd; Kf;fpaj;Jtj;ij vOJf.
Bring out the significance of Herbarium.
26. nrhyhNdrp FLk;gj; jhtuj;jpd; nghUshjhu Kf;fpaj;Jtj;ij vOJf.
Give an account of the economic importance of the family solanaceae.
27. up]pd]; fk;A+dp]; jhtuj;jpd; Mz; kyupid tptup.
Describe the male flower of Ricinus communis.
28. kpA+]h kw;Wk; uhtndyh jhtuq;fSf;fpilNa cs; s NtWghLfis vOJf.
Write the differences between Musa and Ravanella
29. mfpy cyf jhtutpay; ngah; #l;Lr;rl;lj;jpd; Kf;fpa mk;rq;fis Fwpg;gpLf.
Write any five salinet features of ICBN?
30. khy;Nt]p jhtuq;fspd; nghUshjhu Kf;fpaj;Jtj;ij tptup.
Give a detailed account on economic importance of Malvaceae.
31. kpA+Nrrp FLk;gj; jhtuq;fspd; nghUshjhu Kf;fpaj;Jtj;ij vOJf.
Write the economic importance of members of Musaceae.

gpupT- < / SECTION D 2 x 10 = 20
Fwpg;G: VNjDk; ,uz;L tpdhf; fSf;F tpilaspf; fTk;. Njitahd ,lq;fspy; glk; tiuaTk;.
Note: i. Answer any two questions ii. Draw diagrams wherever needed.

32. lhl;^uh nkl;ly; jhtuj;jpid fiyr;nrhw;fshy; tptup. kyupd; tiuglk; tiue;J kyupd;
tha;g;ghl;bid vOJf.
Describe Datura metal in technical terms. Draw the floral diagram and write the floral formula.
33. kpA+]h ghub]pahftpid fiyr;nrhw;fshy; tptup.
Describe Musa paradisiacal in technical terms.
34. nge;jk; kw;Wk; `_f;fh; tifg;ghl;bd; ml;ltizia tptup.
Describe the outline of Bentham and Hookers classification of plants.
35. jhtu tifg;ghL Kiwfspd; tiffs; ahit? Xt;nthd;wpw;Fk; Fwpg;ngOJf.
gupNrhjid tifg;ghl;bid tiuaW. Tpupthd Fwpg;G jUf.
What are the types of classification of plants? Add note on each type. ii. Define Biosystematics.
Briefly write a note on it.

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