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Battle of Verdun Over After Ten Months.

French Narrowly
overtake the Germans.
By: Jacob Hall

HAMBURG, December 25, 1916- The ten month long
bloodshed at Verdun ended earlier this week. The battle began
on February 21st, when the German soldiers fired close to one-
million shells at the unsuspecting French. By the second day of
the battle one of the French colonels, Emile Driant was easily
eliminated. However, as the battle went on the heroic German
soldiers began to face serious adversary. By March 30, over
20,000 brave soldiers had been wounded or killed fighting for the
Fatherland. The German attacks began to lack surprise and
became slowly less effective. By June, the Germans gained some
momentum. On June 22, the Germans fired over 116,000
Diphosgene gas shells at French artillery and caused about 1,600 casualties. Even though the
Germans put up a noble effort against they were no match for the brutal and savage French. On
December 17, the French led one final push. After one last bombardment the French led an
offensive which led to the death and capture of nearly 100,000 German soldiers. This was a
hard fought battle by the brave Germans but all of it ended in vain.

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