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Michele Waters

33 Encina Avenue, Apt. 534, Palo Alto, CA 94301

650.630.5406 (cell)
Job Objective: A ome ealtcare or care#iver position tat allows me to utili$e
m% e&tensive e&perience, as well as m% warm, supportive, an'
nurturin# personalit%
(ome ealtcare e&perience, inclu'in# )ut not limite' to* pi+uin#, overseein#
me'ication 'osa#es, temperature an' )loo' pressure trac,in#, evacuation care an'
%#iene, clotin# an' appearance, transportation to appointments, companionsip,
an' overseein# -inances
.olunteer at a omeless one/stop center, were 0 serve upwar's o- 115 p%sicall%
an' mentall% 'isa)le' people ever%'a%2 0 elp wit meal preparation an' 'istri)ution,
inventor% an' stoc,in#, cleanin# an' sterili$ation, an' laun'r%
3ue to e&ceptional customer service s,ills, promote' to te 4en5s 6ear 3epartment
4ana#er at 7oss 3ress -or 8ess a-ter onl% si& monts, wic was tree times -aster
tan m% mana#erial peers
9tili$e' attention to 'etail an' or#ani$ational s,ills to process an' sort appro&imatel%
35,000 utilit% )ills per mont wile wor,in# -or te Cit% o- Palo Alto
0 ave a -rien'l%, carin#, an' ener#etic personalit%, an' 0 am a ver% #oo' listener2 0
#et alon# e+uall% well wit patients (-rom te omeless to senior citi$ens), co/
wor,ers, an' supervisors
Employment History:
:anta Clara Count% (ousin# Autorit%, Palo Alto, CA
Cit% o- Palo Alto ; 3epartment o- 9tilities, Palo Alto, CA
Processing Specialist
7oss 3ress -or 8ess, 4ountain .iew, CA
Customer Service Specialist (Assistant 4ana#ement trainin# pro#ram)
/ 0. 3osa#e Certi-ication, :tan-or' 9niversit% (1009)
/ Certi-ie' <ursin# Assistant, =ootill Colle#e (199>)
/ (i#tstown (i# :cool, <ew ?erse%, 3iploma 19!6
/ 4erc% Count% Colle#e, 8a) @ecnician A C<A, 19!! / 19!>, @renton, <?

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