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MOTORS Application, Wiring

& Diagnostics
Be able to identify and nderstand t!e
operational differences bet"een #otors
co##only fond in t!e $%A&'R field(
Be able to select and "ire replace#ent
#otors and capacitors for a variety of
Be able to effectively trobles!oot
co#pressor, blo"er and condenser fan
STOP Safety First!
Wor)ing "it! #otors and live electricity can be very
dangeros( Al"ays be cogni*ant of yor
&!ec) and doble c!ec) voltage+
Be "eary of disconnects and safeties t!at #ay !ave been
Be "eary of single pole contactors(
Be carefl arond #otors t!at are operating "!en t!ey
s!old be de,energi*ed or are trning slo"ly , T!is sally
indicates a s!ort(
Be a"are of blades, belts and plleys t!at #ay energi*e and
case injry(
Be carefl "!en !andling capacitors and al"ays #a)e sre
t!ey !ave been disc!arged(
A'& Motor Basics
A'& Motor Basics
A #otor is a device "!ic! transfers electrical
energy into #ec!anical energy
-oad Refers to t!e "or) "!ic! t!e #otor #st
Tor.e T"isting'trning force re.ired for a
#otor to trn it/s load
$orse 0o"er 1$02 T!e a#ont of "or) t!at a
#otor can perfor#( 345 Watts 6 7 $0
A'& Motor Basics T!e Stator
Stationary, oter section
"!ic! contains t!e electrical
&reates a rotating #agnetic
field, "!en po"er is applied
Windings are organi*ed into
coils or 8poles/ 19,792
A'& Motor Basics T!e Rotor
Rotates "it!in t!e stator
&ontains no "indings or
Magnetic poles are indced
in t!e rotor, "!en t!e
stator is energi*ed
Section to "!ic! t!e s!aft is
&alled a 8s.irrel cage/ rotor,
de to t!e Al#in# rods
"!ic! s!ort fro# t!e top to
t!e botto# of t!e rotor
A'& Motor Basics , Bearings
$old t!e rotor in position, allo"
for #ove#ent and prevent t!e
rotor fro# #a)ing contact "it!
t!e stator
9 #ain types Ball & Sleeve
Sleeve :sed on lig!ter loads
"!ere noise is a concern( May be
per#anently lbricated or re.ire
lbrication trog! an oil port( 9;
"eig!t oil is co##only sed for
lbrication dring sc!edled
Ball Typically sed for #otors
"it! !eavier loads( May also be
per#anently lbricated or re.ire
grease or oiling dring
<ailed or failing bearings restrict
rotor #ove#ent and increase t!e
effective load on t!e #otor
A'& Motor Basics , Operation
W!en po"er is applied to t!e
stator, a #agnetic field is
T!e poles in t!e stator alternate
t!eir #agnetic field bet"een
=ort! and Sot!( T!is is called a
rotating #agnetic field
T!is field indces an opposing
#agnetic field in t!e rotor
As t!e poles of t!e stator c!ange
polarity, t!e rotor #oves to re,
align itself "it! t!e stator(
Becase t!e pole c!ange in t!e
stator is faster t!an t!e rotation
of t!e rotor, t!e rotor "ill
contine to rotate in an effort to
align itself(
A'& Motor Basics , Operation
T!e process otlined on t!e previos slide otlines t!e
operation of t!e #otor "!ile it is rnning( $o"ever,
becase t!e rotor and stator are initially aligned, t!ere
#st be a different process for starting t!e #otor or
#oving t!e rotor ot of align#ent(
Additional "indings "!ic! are 8ot of p!ase/ or reac! pea)
#agnetic polarity at different intervals are re.ired to
ps!'pll t!e rotor ot of position(
>n t!e case of ? p!ase po"er, t!is p!ase difference is
present bet"een all t!ree legs of po"er(
>n t!e case of single p!ase po"er, t!ere is only one p!ase
available( A difference in p!ase #st be created, in order
to start t!e #otor(
Single'Split 0!ase Motors
Single'split p!ase #otors incorporate a 8start/ "inding, to pll t!e
rotor ot of position and start t!e #otor( T!ese start "indings are
in addition to t!e original "indings "!ic! are no" referred to as
8rn/ "indings(
0o"er t!rog! t!e start "inding needs to be 8ot of p!ase/ "it! t!e
po"er t!rog! t!e rn "inding(
Becase po"er spplied to bot! "indings is t!e sa#e 1single
p!ase2, t!e po"er t!rog! t!e start "inding #st be #aniplated
to create t!e difference in p!ase(
W!en "e !ave a #otor t!at ses separate rn and start "indings
and t!ere is a difference in p!ase bet"een t!e "indings, "e call
t!at #otor 8Split 0!ase/
Single'Split p!ase #otors #ay be 79;v, 94;v or 9;@v
Single'Split 0!ase Motors
Single'Split 0!ase Motors
T!ere are varios #et!ods of
creating t!is p!ase difference
bet"een t!e rn and start
T!e properties of t!e "inding
t!e#selves #ay be #aniplated(
<or eAa#ple, a longer t!inner
"inding "it! resistance vales
different fro# t!e rn "indings
"ill !elp to create a p!ase
A capacitor is co##only "ired in
series to t!e start "inding, to !elp
ac!ieve a p!ase s!ift(
&apacitors store and disc!arge electricity
&apacitors create a p!ase s!ift or angle
T!ere are t"o types of &apacitorsB Rn & Start
Rn capacitors are na#ed sc! de to t!e fact
t!at t!ey are intended to re#ain in t!e circit
"!ile t!e #otor is rnning(
Wired in series to t!e start "inding
:sally #etal constrcted to dissipate !eat dring
#otor operation
Typically lo"er :< ratings
:sally oval or rond
Re.ire no relays for re#oving fro# t!e circit
Becase t!ese capacitors are constantly in t!e
circit, t!ey al"ays !ave a pat! to disc!arge
t!rog!( Rarely is a rn capacitor fond 8!olding a
c!arge/( >f a rn capacitor is fond to be !olding a
c!arge, c!ec) t!e #otor "indings and "ire
connections, as it is li)ely an indication of an
inco#plete electrical pat!(
Start capacitors are na#ed sc! de to
t!e fact t!at t!ey are only intended to
be in t!e circit or energi*ed "!ile t!e
#otor is starting
Wired in series to t!e start "inding and
parallel to t!e rn capacitor 1if present2
:sally plastic constrction, becase t!e
capacitor is only in t!e circit for a s!ort
Typically !as a !ig!er :< rating
:sally rond
Re.ires a 8starting relay/ to re#ove t!e
capacitor fro# t!e circit once t!e #otor
!as reac!ed 3CD of it/s rated R0M
Becase t!e start capacitor is abrptly
re#oved fro# t!e circit, it !as t!e
potential to !old a c!arge( Bleed
resistors are co##only fond on t!ese
capacitors to allo" for self disc!arge
dring off cycles(
Dal capacitors are co##on in t!e $%A&
indstry( T!ese nits provide t"o
capacitors in one convenient casing(
Dal capacitors for $%A& are al"ays R:=
type capacitors
Ter#inals are designated &OM, <A= &
$ERM( Wit! $ERM al"ays !aving t!e
greater :f rating and <A= al"ays !aving
t!e lo"er(
T!e co##on ter#inal is t!e ter#inal to
"!ic! 8clean/ line voltage is provided(
T!e $ERM and <A= ter#inals are t!e
ter#inals t!rog! "!ic! electricity is
disc!arged fro# t!e capacitor 1to #otor
start "indings2
A C;'Cf capacitor "old indicate t!at Cf
of capacitance "as present t!rog! &OM,
<A= and t!at C;f of capacitance "as
available t!rog! &OM,$ERM
0o"er 8in/
on &OM
0o"er ot fro# <A=
to start "indings of
fan #otor
0o"er ot fro# $ERM
to start "indings of
Wor)ing Wit! &apacitors
Al"ays disc!arge capacitors before !andling
by sing a 9;,;;; O!# C Watt resistor+
:< or #icrofarads is a #easre#ent of
capacitance( Al"ays replace "it! a capacitor
of t!e sa#e :< rating+
T!e voltage rating of a capacitor indicates t!e
#aAi## voltage t!at #ay be applied to t!e
capacitor before it fails( Al"ays replace "it!
capacitors of t!e sa#e or !ig!er voltage
rating( ?3;v or 44;v is co##on(
Wor)ing Wit! &apacitors
&apacitors #ay be "ired "it! inco#ing
voltage to eit!er ter#inal and disc!arged
voltage ot t!e ot!er( >n t!e case of dal
or #lti capacitors, line voltage s!old be
"ired to t!e &OM ter#inal(
&apacitors "ired in parallel "ill provide
capacitance in t!e s# of all t!e
Total &apacitance 6 &7 F &9 F &?
EAa#ple Cf F Cf F Cf 6 7Cf
&apacitors "ired in series "ill provide less
t!at t!e s# of all t!e capacitors
Total &apacitance 6 &7 A &9 A &? ' &7 F
&9 F &?
EAa#ple 6 Cf A Cf A Cf 6 79Cf, Cf F
Cf F Cf 6 7Cf, 79C'7C 6 @(?f
Wor)ing Wit! &apacitors
Rn capacitors "ired in parallel &7 F &9 6 Total &apacitance
8&lean/ -7 po"er
Disc!arged po"er
fro# bot!
capacitors( in
series to #otor
start "inding
Wor)ing Wit! &apacitors
Rn capacitors "ired in series &7 A &9 ' &7 F &9 6 Total &apacitance
8clean/ -7 po"er 0o"er disc!arged fro#
capacitors( >n series to
#otor start "inding
Testing &apacitors
&apacitors #ay be c!ec)ed "it! an O!# #eter or "it! a
#eter capable of reading Microfarads 1M<, :f, M<D2
O!# #eters can identify open, s!orted and gronded
capacitors bt can not read capacitance( A capacitor
"!ic! is rated for 9;:f bt is only delivering C:f can not
be indentified sing an O!# #eter
W!en c!ec)ing for capacitance, readings s!old be "it!in
a certain D of t!e capacitor rating( T!is D allo"ance is
printed on t!e capacitor along side t!e :f rating(
Open & S!orted &apacitors
Gronded &apacitor
Good &apacitor Readings
A'& Motor Basics Data 0late
R-A Rated'Rn -oad A#ps MaAi## a#perage a #otor s!old dra"
"!ile trning it/s design load(
<-A <ll -oad A#ps MaAi## a#perage a #otor #ay dra" "it!ot
-RA -oc) Rotor A#ps , T!e a#perage t!at a #otor "ill dra" "!en it/s rotor
is in t!e loc)ed position( Occrs on start p and "!en t!e rotor is sei*ed( 1CA
Rotation >ndicates t!e rotational direction of t!e #otor( May be cloc),"ise
1&W2 or conter cloc),"ise 1&&W2 as vie"ed fro# t!e s!aft end or t!e
lead'bell end(
%oltage T!e voltage for "!ic! t!e #otor is designed( Spplying a !ig!er or
lo"er t!an rated voltage "ill case t!e #otor "indings to over!eat(
R0M Revoltions 0er Minte >ndicates t!e 8speed/ of t!e #otor or !o" fast
it can trn it/s load(
$0 $orse 0o"er , T!e a#ont of "or) a #otor can perfor#(
S< Service <actor >ndicates a D over t!e rated $0 t!at #ay be delivered
for s!ort periods of ti#e
A'& Motor Basics , Speed
Speed in an A'& #otor is deter#ined by 9 factorsB
T!e H of poles in t!e stator
T!e fre.ency or $ert* 1$*2 of t!e po"er spplied( >n
t!e :nited States, t!is is fiAed at 5;$*
R0M of direct drive #otor 6 $* A 79; ' H of poles
5; A 79; ' 9 6 ?5;; 1?4;;2
5; A 79; ' 4 6 7@;; 175C;2
5; A 79; ' 5 6 79;; 17;3C2
5; A 79; ' @ 6 I;; 1@9C2
Slip is t!e difference bet"een sync!ronos and actal
R0M of belt driven drives are deter#ined by t!e follo"ing
Motor R0M ' <an R0M 6 Motor 0lley Dia#eter ' <an 0lley Dia#eter
Types of Single'Split 0!ase
A'& Motors
S!aded 0ole
=o start "indings, not a split p!ase #otor(
Resistance Start, >ndction Rn 1RS>R2
$ig!ly resistive start "inding creates p!ase s!ift( Start relay re#oves start "inding fro# circit J
&apacitor Start, >ndction Rn 1&S>R2
Start capacitor provides p!ase s!ift t!rog! start "indings( Start relay re#oves capacitor & start
"indings fro# circit J 3CD R0M
Permanent Split Capacitor (PSC)
Start "indings and rn capacitor provide p!ase s!ift( Start "inding & rn capacitor re#ain
energi*ed dring #otor operation(
=o starting co#ponents'relays
Rn capacitor provides efficiency dring operation 1#otor "ill over!eat "it! ot rn capacitor2
Capacitor Start, Capacitor Run (CSR/CSCR)
Start "indings and rn capacitor provide p!ase s!ift t!rog! start "indings( Start "inding and rn
capacitor re#ain energi*ed dring #otor operation(
Start capacitor provides additional starting tor.e 1#otor #ay not start "it! ot start capacitor2
Start relay re#oves start capacitor fro# circit J 3CD R0M
Rn capacitor provides efficiency dring operation 1#otor "ill over!eat "it! ot rn capacitor2
T!is is a 0S& #otor "it! a start capacitor and relay
0S& & &SR Motor Applications
0S& & &SR #otors are t!e sa#e #otor "it! t!e only
difference being t!e addition of a start capacitor and relay
for additional starting tor.e( T!e addition of t!ese
co#ponents 1so#eti#es called !ard start )its2 convert a
0S& #otor to a &SR #otor and provide eAtra starting
0S& & &SR Motor Applications
=early all A'& #otors fond in residential $%A& are 0S& type( T!is incldes
Blo"er, condenser fan and indcer #otors as "ell as circlators( &o#pressors
are #ost co##only 0S& bt #ay be factory or field converted to &SR by t!e
addition of a start capacitor and relay 1!ard start )it2
Open type #otors sc! as blo"ers and condenser fan #otors are air cooled
and re.ire ade.ate air flo" and n obstrcted openings to ensre t!at t!e
#otor doesn/t over!eat
Sealed or !er#etic #otors sc! as a co#pressor are cooled by t!e refrigerant
vapor "!ic! t!ey p#p( Ade.ate refrigerant vapor #st be present to ensre
t!e #otor doesn/t over!eat(
Most #otors are e.ipped "it! an internal t!er#al overload "!ic! "ill open
t!e circit if t!e #otor begins to over!eat( T!is overload is "ired in series to
t!e &OM ter#inal or lead(
$eat in a #otor is t!e reslt of friction and !eat generated in t!e "indings de
to electrical inefficiency(
0S& Motors Wiring
0S& #otors co#e "it! eit!er t!ree
or for leads( >n addition t!ey #ay
co#e as 8#lti,speed/( -ets loo) at
single speed #otors first(
>n bot! diagra#s 8clean/ voltage is
being provided to t!e s!orter, rn
"inding( T!e capacitor is "ired in
series to t!e longer start "inding
>n t!e top diagra#, t!e rn
capacitor #st be "ired in series to
t!e start "inding 1t!e "inding #ay
!ave to be indentified2
>n t!e lo"er diagra#, t!e capacitor
is si#ply "ired in bet"een t!e t"o
provided leads( T!ese -eads are
sally bot! colored bro"n(
0S& Motors , Wiring
T!e diagra#s to t!e rig!t
s!o" t"o #et!ods for "iring
t!e sa#e t!ree lead #otor(
>n t!e diagra# on t!e left, t!e
rn "inding pic)s p 8clean/ -7
po"er fro# t!e load side of
t!e contactor
>n t!e diagra# on t!e rig!t,
t!e rn "inding pic)s p
8clean/ -7 po"er fro# t!e
8inco#ing/ or line side of t!e
>t is co##on practice to se
t!e co##on or line side of t!e
capacitor as a jnction point
for 8clean/ -7 voltage
0S& Motors , Wiring
>n t!e neAt slide, "iring for t"o 0S& #otors
1OD <an and &o#pressor2 are illstrated
sing a dal capacitor(
T!e diagra# on t!e left depicts sing t!e line
side'&OM ter#inal of t!e dal capacitor as a
jnction point for 8clean/ -7 voltage
T!e diagra# on t!e rig!t s!o"s 8clean/ -7
voltage being pic)ed p fro# t!e load side of
t!e contactor(
Bot! #otors are "ired in t!e sa#e #anner as
s!o"n on previos slides
0S& Motors , Wiring
0S& Motors , Wiring
T!e diagra#s on t!e follo"ing slide depict t"o #ore potential
"iring sc!e#es(
T!e diagra# on t!e rig!t indicates one "ay of "iring a for lead
#otor in place of "!at "as once a ? "ire set p(
T!e Start "inding needs to be indentified against t!e internal
connection to -7
Alternatively, t!e for "ire #otor cold also !ave si#ply !ad t!e
t"o leads "ired to &OM and <A= of t!e dal capacitor( -ead
identification "old still be re.ired
T!e diagra# on t!e left indicates one "ay of "iring a t!ree "ire
0S& fan #otor sing a separate capacitor( T!is is in t!e event
t!at only t!e <A= side of t!e dal capacitor !as failed(
8clean/ -7 po"er pic)ed p fro# load side of contactor cold also
be pic)ed p fro# line'co# side of dal capacitor
0S& Motors , Wiring
0S& Motors , Wiring
0S& Motors , Wiring
EAa#ple of identifying t!e start "inding
on a for lead 0S& #otor(
0S& Motors , Wiring
Mlti 8speed/ or $0, 0S&
-9'= connection
deter#ines speed
:nsed leads M:ST be
par)ed or capped( %oltage
"ill be present at leads+
T!e fe"er "indings
energi*ed 1t!e less
resistance2, t!e greater
t!e speed( Start to -o
speed "old offer t!e
greatest resistance(
All "iring is t!e sa#e as a
standard t!ree or for
"ire 0S& #otor 1? "ire
configration s!o"n2
0S& Motors Ter#inal
>dentify t!e t"o ter#inals
t!rog! "!ic! yo read t!e
!ig!est resistance( T!e
re#aining ter#inal is t!e
&OMMO= ter#inal(
Ta)e an O!# reading bet"een
t!e &OMMO= ter#inal and eac!
of t!e t"o re#aining ter#inals(
T!e !ig!er of t!e t"o readings
to &OMMO= indicates t!e
START ter#inal, "!ile t!e lo"er
of t!e t"o readings to &OMMO=
indicates t!e R:= ter#inal
T!e t"o lo"er readings s!old
add p to t!e !ig!est reading(
0S& Motors Ter#inal
Ter#inals on for "ire 0S& #otors can
be identified, as s!o"n previosly(
&apacitor leads are bro"n or bro"n'"!ite
on t!ese #otors and are sally easily
Ter#inals on #lti "ire 0S& #otors #ay
be difficlt to identify if t!e START &
R:= leads are not )no"n(
Speeds 1co##on'-9 leads2 can be
identified if t!e START and R:= leads are
already )no"n(
R:= to $i "ill !ave t!e lo"est resistance,
START to -o "ill !ave t!e !ig!est
T!e resistance fro# R:= to START #ay
be !ig!er or lo"er t!an t!e resistance
fro# R:='START to a specific speed( <or
t!is reason, START & R:= #st be
)no"n before atte#pting to identify
speed taps'leads
0S&'&SR Motors , Rotation
T!e rotation of a #otor is indicated by &W or &&W,
S!aft End or Bell'-ead End(
So#e 0S& #otors allo" for a c!ange in rotation by
s"apping rotational j#pers or leads in t!e bell end
of t!e #otor(
>f a 0S& #otor is rnning bac)"ards, c!ec) t!at t!e
rn capacitor is in series to t!e start "inding and not
t!e rn "inding(
Alt!og! t!is #ay case t!e #otor to rn in t!e opposite
direction it "ill eventally case da#age to t!e #otor(
Rotation on a 0S& #otor s!old only be c!anged if a
rotational plg is present
>n so#e cases, briefly rnning t!e #otor bac)"ards #ay
free a sei*ed #otor or co#pressor
0S& Motors Trobles!ooting
=o response fro# t!e #otor "!en energi*ed( 1Doesn/t atte#pt to
&!ec) t!at proper voltage is present at t!e #otor
>f no voltage is present c!ec) s"itc!es, fses, disconnects, brea)ers and
safety devices(
&!ec) t!e te#peratre of t!e #otor
Disconnect po"er and c!ec) #otor "indings sing and O!# #eter
>f t!e #otor "as fond to be !ot, O!# readings "ill li)ely indicate an open
t!er#al overload 1see sbse.ent slides2 &!ec) to ensre t!at t!e #otor !as
ade.ate cooling( >s air flo" restricted or is t!ere a s!ortage of refrigerant in
t!e circitK &o#pressors ot on t!er#al overload are typically fond to !ave
inade.ate refrigerant c!arge(
Over!eated co#pressors s!old be cooled ade.ately, to close t!e overload(
Anot!er case of over!eating in a 0S& #otor is a failed rn capacitor( A 0S&
#otor rnning "it! a "ea) or failed rn capacitor "ill over!eat and open it/s
t!er#al overload
>f R:= or START "indings are fond open t!en t!e #otor !as failed
0S& Motors , trobles!ooting
Motor trips t!e brea)er'fse "!en energi*ed
>ndicates eit!er a s!ort is present or t!e #otor is sei*ed 1dra"ing -RA2
Trn off t!e disconnect, allo" t!e brea)er so#e ti#e to cool and reset(
>f t!e #otor is sei*ed, t!e #otor #ay need to be cooled before atte#pting to restart(
Ensre t!at ade.ate voltage is available at t!e nit
Wit! an a#p #eter installed, trn on t!e disconnect and energi*e t!e #otor( Observe
"!et!er t!e #otor dra"s a#perage before tripping t!e brea)er(
>f t!e #otor does not dra" a#perage or atte#pt to start before tripping t!e brea)er t!en a
s!ort is present eit!er in t!e #otor or t!e po"er "iring( &!ec) all po"er "iring for s!orts
and'or proper "iring before testing t!e #otor "indings "it! an O!# #eter( &!ec) all
ter#inals to grond( 1s!o"n in follo"ing slides2
>f t!e #otor dra"s a#perage and atte#pts to start before tripping t!e brea)er t!en t!e
#otor is eit!er sei*ed or t!ere is a proble# "it! t!e start circit 1"indings and'or capacitors2
&!ec) t!at proper voltage is present at t!e #otor
Test capacitor and replace if failed
Test "indings sing an O!# #eter( >f t!e START "inding is open t!en t!e nit "ill dra" -RA and
trip t!e brea)er 1or open it/s t!er#al overload2( >f t!e start "inding is open, t!e #otor !as failed
&!ec) for a loss of lbrication 1for co#pressors eAa#ine line set for potential proble#s flood
bac) or oil traps "ill case a loss of lbrication in t!e co#pressor2
>f t!e "indings are in tact , Sei*ed #otors #ay so#eti#es be started by adding a !ard start )it
1converting to &SR "' start capacitor and relay2 or #y stri)ing "it! a rbber #allet( Briefly rnning
t!e #otor in t!e opposite direction "ill also so#eti#es free a sei*ed #otor(
>f t!e proble# is in t!e otdoor nit, it #ay be easier to disconnect eit!er t!e
co#pressor or fan #otor fro# po"er and trobles!oot t!e #otors one at a ti#e(
0S& Motors , Trobles!ooting
Motor is dra"ing greater t!an R-A
&!ec) capacitor & ensre t!at it is si*ed according to t!e #otor data plate
Ensre proper voltage is present and t!at no voltage drops are present
&!ec) lbrication or potential for oil loss if t!e #otor is a co#pressor
Motor is over loaded
Bearings are failing
Motor only starts "!en #anally trned
&!ec) voltage
&!ec) capacitors
&!ec) start "indings
Motors are rnning bac)"ards
&!ec) for proper "iring
&!ec) t!at a #otor "it! proper rotational direction "as installed
&!ec) t!at t!e capacitor is "ired in series to t!e START "indings(
Reverse plgs, if available
O!# #otor "indings
Motor rns constantly
&!ec) for defective starting devices sc! as stc)'"elded contacts
&!ec) #otor "indings for s!orts to grond 17 pole contactor2
&!ec) ot!er #otors for s!orts to grond A fan #otor on a single pole contactor #ay !ave a
co#plete pat! t!rog! a s!orted co#pressor "inding
Motor s!ts off inter#ittently
&!ec) for proper voltage and or voltage drops across contactor'relay
&!ec) R:= capacitor
&!ec) for ade.ate cooling of #otor "indings
&!ec) A#p dra"
0S& Motors Electrical
0S& Motors Electrical
0S& Motors Electrical
0S& Motors Electrical
0S& Motors Electrical
0S& Motors Electrical
&SR Motors
&SR'&S&R #otors are identical to t!e
0S& #otor discssed earlier( T!e only
difference is t!e addition of a start
capacitor and relay
:nli)e t!e 0S& #otor "!ic! !ad a t!ree
and for lead configration, t!e &SR
#otor ses only a t!ree lead
T!e co#pressor is t!e only load in a
residential $%A& syste# "!ic! #ay be of
t!e &SR #otor type(
0S& #otors #ay re.ire conversion to
&SR "!enB >nco#ing voltage is lo", a
reciprocating co#pressor is paired "it! a
non,bleed TL%, !ig! starting a#ps case
lig!ts to di# on start p or co#pressor
eA!ibits difficlty starting(
&SR Motors Start Relays
>n addition to t!e start capacitor 1discssed earlier2 &SR
#otors re.ire a start relay "!ic! is designed to re#ove
t!e start capacitor fro# t!e circit once t!e #otor !as
reac!ed 3CD of it/s rated R0M(
T!ere are t!ree co##on types of 8start relays/ "!ic! can
be sed for t!is prpose(
8$ard Start Mits/ generally refer to a start capacitor &
relay "!ic! are #anfactred in one convenient !osing(
May incorporate any of t!e t!ree types of start relays
0re configred for ease of installation 1sally only t"o "ires are
placed in parallel to t!e rn capacitor2
&SR Motors 0otential Relays
0otential relay T!e #ost co##on and preferred starting relay(
T!is relay contains a set of nor#ally closed contacts "!ic! allo" t!e start
capacitor to disc!arge t!rog! t!e start "inding(
A coil, "!ic! is in parallel to t!e start and rn "indings is energi*ed by t!e bac)
voltage generated by t!e #otor, once it co#es p to speed(
Once t!e coil is energi*ed, t!e contacts "ill open and re#ove t!e start capacitor
fro# t!e circit(
T!e rn capacitor and start "indings "ill re#ain energi*ed dring #otor
&SR Motors 0otential Relays
Belo" is a "iring eAa#ple for a potential relay( As "as t!e case "it! t!e 0S& #otors, t!ere is #ore t!an one "ay to "ire
t!is #otor(
Rn & Start capacitors are s!o"n s!aring 8clean/ -7 connection "it! t!e Rn "inding
Ter#inal H9 is t!e jnction point for t!e start "inding( %oltage disc!arged fro# t!e R:= capacitor !as a direct pat! to
t!e start "inding
T!ere is a nor#ally closed set of contacts bet"een ter#inal Hs 7 & 9( %oltage disc!arged fro# t!e START capacitor is
connected !ere and !as a pat! to t!e start "inding( W!en t!e contacts open, t!e connection bet"een t!e START
capacitor and t!e start "indings "ill be severed( T!e connection bet"een t!e R:= capacitor and t!e start "indings "ill
T!e relay coil is present bet"een ter#inal Hs 9 & C( T!e coil is po"ered by line voltage bt is not energi*ed ntil t!e
bac) voltage fro# t!e start "inding is added( At t!is point t!e coil "ill energi*e and t!e contacts bet"een ter#inal Hs 7 &
9 "ill open, re#oving t!e START capacitor fro# t!e circit(
&SR Motors 0otential Relays
A potential relay #ay fail in 9 general "ays
T!e contacts bet"een ter#inals 7 & 9 do not #a)e contact and t!e
start capacitor is never introdced into t!e circit
T!e #otor #ay fail to start or !ave difficlty starting
T!e #otor is ot on t!er#al overload
T!e #otor trips t!e brea)er on start p
T!e contacts bet"een ter#inals 7 & 9 fail to open and t!e start
capacitor re#ains in t!e circit, once t!e #otor !as co#e p to speed
T!e start capacitor "ill li)ely eAplode, if left in t!e circit for to long( >f a
start capacitor !as eAploded, do not si#ply replace t!e capacitor( T!e isse
#ay be t!at t!e relay failed to re#ove t!e capacitor fro# t!e circit( T!e
relay #st be tested(
T!e start "indings #ay brn open( >f a &SR #otor is fond to !ave failed
"it! open start "indings, c!ec) t!e start relay( T!e relay #ay !ave failed
and )ept t!e start capacitor in t!e circit, casing t!e #otor failre( >f t!e
#otor is replaced and t!e relay left in t!e syste#, t!e ne" #otor #ay
eAperience t!e sa#e failre(
&SR Motors 0otential Relays
Testing t!e potential relay
Wit! po"er off, disconnect "ires fro# t!e relay(
Checkin for close! contacts" An O!# reading
bet"eens ter#inals 7 & 9 s!old be close to ; O!#s( >f
O(-( is read or a significant O!# reading is fond t!en
t!e contacts are pitted or dirty and t!e relay s!old be
Checkin the coil" An O!# reading bet"een ter#inals
9 & C s!old read so#e"!ere bet"een ?,;;; and 75,;;;
O!#s( Be sre to c!ec) yo scale+ A reading of O(-( or
infinity indicates an open coil and t!e relay s!old be
replaced( ; or a very lo" O!# reading "old indicate a
s!ort and t!e relay s!old be replaced( A s!ort in t!is coil
"ill case t!e brea)er'fse to trip and s!old be c!ec)ed
"!en loo)ing for s!orts(
Checkin that contacts open" T!is final c!ec) #st
be perfor#ed dring #otor operation "it! t!e relay
correctly "ired and po"er applied( 0lace an a#p probe
on t!e "ire bet"een t!e start capacitor and ter#inal H 7(
Energi*e t!e #otor( A#p dra" s!old be present( Once
t!e #otor co#es p to speed, t!e contacts s!old open
and crrent flo" s!old cease( >f crrent flo" contines
once t!e #otor is p to speed, t!e relay s!old be
&SR Motors &rrent Relays
Anot!er poplar and reliable start relay(
&ontains a coil "ired in series to t!e R:=
"inding 1#ay or #ay not also be in series to
t!e start "indings as s!o"n on rig!t2 and a
set of nor#ally open contacts bet"een t!e
start capacitor and start "indings
W!en po"er is applied to t!e #otor, !ig!
crrent "ill be dra"n t!rog! t!e rn
"indings and crrent relay coil(
T!is !ig! crrent "ill activate t!e coil and
close a set of nor#ally open contacts,
providing a pat! for t!e start capacitor to
disc!arge t!rog! t!e start "indings(
Once t!e #otor !as reac!ed 3CD of it/s
rated R0M, t!e crrent t!rog! t!e rn
"indings "ill sbside and t!e crrent relay
"ill re,open it/s contacts, re#oving t!e start
capacitor fro# t!e circit(
So#e crrent relays se gravity to open t!eir
contacts and re.ire t!at t!e relay be
#onted in a specific position
&SR Motors &rrent Relays
T!e start capacitor/s pat! to t!e start "indings is #ade or
bro)en bet"een 8S/ and 8-/ ter#inals on t!e crrent relay(
T!e relay coil located bet"een t!e 8-/ and 8M/ ter#inals is
in series to t!e R:= capacitor and start "inding as "ell
as t!e rn "inding
&SR Motors 0T& Relays
0ositive Te#peratre &oefficient
10T&2 relays are t!e least reliable
#et!od of re#oving a start
capacitor fro# t!e circit(
Wor) off of !eat
&o##only fond in less eApensive
!ard start )its( T!ese devices !ave
a reptation as being a 8deat!
sentence/ for co#pressors
<ailre to re#ove t!e start
capacitor fro# t!e circit at t!e
proper ti#e pts stress on t!e
#otor "indings and can lead to
pre#atre #otor failres
&SR Motors 0T& Relays
:sally not fond otside
of a pre fabricated 8!ard
start )it/( T!e )it is placed
in parallel to t!e rn
capacitor, as s!o"n on
t!e rig!t
&SR Motors , trobles!ooting
T!e process for trobles!ooting a &SR #otor is identical to t!at of a 0S&(
T!e only addition is t!e capacitor and start relay( Refer to t!e
trobles!ooting 0S& #otors section or to t!e specific start relay for
A 0otential relay t!at !as a s!orted coil "ill case t!e brea)er or fse to trip,
as t!is is a !ig! voltage load(
Difficlty on start p indicates a proble# "it! eit!er t!e start capacitor, start
relay, start "indings or voltage(
>t is reco##ended t!at t!e start relay and capacitor be replaced toget!er so
as to avoid repeat failres(
W!en a #otor eAperiences an electrical failre 1especially in t!e start
"indings2, t!e start capacitor and relay s!old be c!ec)ed and replaced "it!
t!e #otor if necessary
&o#pressors "ill sei*e or over!eat "!en t!ey !ave inade.ate lbrication( flood bac) de to overc!arge, poor airflo", or poor line set design can
s"eep lbrication fro# t!e co#pressor( Oil traps or eAcessive vertical lift in
t!e sction line 1condenser above evaporator2 can create a sitation "!ere
oil is nable to retrn to t!e co#pressor(
T!ree 0!ase Motors
Rns on t!ree legs of po"er "!ic! are 79;N ot of p!ase "it! one anot!er
:sally in ?O applications t!e co#pressor is t!e only ?O load "it! t!e blo"er and fan
#otors being single p!ase( >n so#e cases t!e blo"er and condenser fan #otors are ?O
as "ell( T!e presence of a capacitor is an easy "as to identify "!et!er a load is ?O or
single O(
Re.ire no start "indings
Re.ire no capacitors
Direction #ay be c!anged by reversing any TWO po"er connections to t!e #otor
>f t!e #otor fails to start
&!ec) for proper inco#ing voltage bet"een all t!ree legs of po"er
&!ec) for voltage drops across starting co#ponents
&!ec) for voltage i#balance 1see !andot2
&!ec) lbrication &!ec) all refrigerant piping and airflo" as discssed previosly
&!ec) #otor "indings
Resistance bet"een all "indings s!old be t!e sa#e
A difference in resistance bet"een any of t!e "indings indicates a proble# "it!in t!e #otor
&!ec) for proper voltage or a voltage i#balance as a potential case of da#age to t!e "indings
&onversion of L,7? Motor to
0S& L,7? Diagra#
P S!o"ing 99;v Air
&onversion of L,7? Motor to
0S& &onverted to 0S&
P S!o"ing 99;v Air
&onversion of %ariable Speed
Motor to 0S& %S Diagra#
&onversion of %ariable Speed
Motor to 0S& &onverted to 0S&
Relay coil #ay be "ired to eit!er W, Q7'Q9
or G depending on "!ic! #ode t!e nit
needs to be operating in( $eating #ode is

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