Jacket Journal Online Sept 22 - 26

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Welcome to the Jacket Journal Online

September 22 September 26, 2014

For additional information, visit our Enterprise School website at http://lcsd.k12.ms.us/~enterprise.
*SATP ete!tin" thi! #eek$
%on&a'( September 22
r. !i"h vs #o$d Star "ames be"in at %:&' p.m.
( )a$ * +ake sure that tops and shorts are not to revealin"
Tue!&a'( September 2)
,amo/-eon )a$
We&ne!&a' September 24
.h$ dress to the nines, when $ou can dress to the tens * S,!//# (0,123E )45
(apara66i )a$
Thur!&a' September 2*
,olle"e )a$
+ri&a' September 26
E4, vs (is"ah "ame be"ins at 7:'' p.m.
Satur&a' September 2,
Important Reminders:
-A. /eaut'0/eau Pa"eant will be held 1o2ember 1!t at Southwest ,ommunit$ ,olle"e in
Summit. For entr' 3orm! and a& in3ormation students in "rades k89 see +rs. :imm$ Eubanks in
the librar$, "rades 78; see +rs. essica (rather in room &<, and <812 see +rs. =a$less in room 2>.
)eadline for entr$ has been e?tended until September 2<
4earbook! are on sale for @%'. See +rs. =a$less in room 2> to order $ours toda$.
Aisit Jacket Pride News on8line at http://lcsd.k12.ms.us/~enterprise/BcatC<
5mportant School emin&er!6
Students with une?cused absences will -/1 be permitted to complete an$ make8up assi"nments or
tests, and will receive a "rade of ' Dpa"e 9 of the handbookE.
.ithout a note presented to the office upon arrival to school, 1O .7A18-S will be made in re"ard
to student transportation unless a dire emer"enc$ is deemed b$ the administration Dpa"e 7 of the

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