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Name _________________________ Class __________ Date ______________

My Special Number
In this unit, you will choose a special number and take notes on it in your My Special
Notebook note packet attached.
At the end of the unit, you will demonstrate your knowledge in a creative presentation of your
choice (such as a poster, PowerPoint presentation, or a story). Please refer to a rubric given to
you by your teacher.
You will demonstrate the ability to:
Recognize and use properties of prime and composite numbers.
Recognize and use properties of even and odd numbers.
Recognize and use properties of square numbers.
Find the least common multiple of two whole numbers less than or equal to 12.
Find the greatest common factor of two whole numbers less than or equal to 100.
Write and evaluate numerical expressions involving whole number exponents.

This project is due Friday, October 3, 2014.


The Special Number is:

This number is special to you because:

Is your number odd or even? Explain and show how you know.

Is your number prime or composite? Explain and show.

What are the proper factors of your number? Demonstrate how you reached your answer.


What are the multiples of your number? Demonstrate how you found them.

Use a factor tree to find the prime factorization of your number.

Write the prime factorization of your number in exponent form if possible.

Is your number a square number? Prove it below.


My classmates special number is ____________. What is the greatest common factor of your number
and your classmates number? Demonstrate how you found it using both the traditional method (i.e.,
rainbow) and the prime factorization method.

My classmates special number is ____________. What is the least common multiple of your number
and your classmates number? Demonstrate how you found it using both the traditional method (i.e.,
listing multiples and the prime factorization method.

If you had chosen your number first during the Factor Game, what score would you get? What would
your opponent get? How do you know?

What divisibility rules apply to your number?

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