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Appendix I: Questionnaire

SECTION A: Instructional time use information

Instruction: Please answer or tick () as appropriate
1. How much time do you have per subject? min. How many subjects per day do you
teach? . In your opinion, is the time allocated per subject adequate? (Yes / No).
(a) Are there instances in which youve not ade!uate"y covered the curricu"um sy""abus #or a
$iven subject tau$ht due to time constraint? I# %es& what measures did you use to
compensate the time?
(i) Deployed additional time or syllabus co!era"e. (iii) Issued assi"nments to students.
(ii) Ne!er completed the syllabus. (i!) #thers. $tate
(b) 'n avera$e& how much time do you a""ocate to:
(i) &eacher tal'? %.. min. (ii) $tudent (cti!ity %.. min.
(iii) (cti!e student (cti!ity %%min. (i!) )assi!e student acti!ity %..min.
(. '# the tota" time& what is the avera$e time "ost per subject? . (minutes)
(i) *ased on your response in part + abo!e, ho, ,ould you rate time used per subject in
your class? (a) -.cellent (b) /air (c) 0ood (d) )oor (e) 1ery poor.
(ii) In your opinion, are there speciic aspects o time use you ,ould li'e an impro!ement on
done? (please list)

)*+,I'- +: ,ime use and per#ormance

Instruction: Answer or tick () as appropriate
.. In your opinion& does time use a##ect your per#ormance in c"ass?
(a) I yes, is the eect ne"ati!e or positi!e?
(b) -.plain2 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%..
(c) #n a!era"e, ho, much time do you thin' ,as lost/ not properly used in the learnin"
process? %% min. (re there means o co!erin" the lost time you3!e put in place?
(Yes/ No). I Yes, please state %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%.
(d) Is the time used in the class,or' adequate or curriculum implementation and
syllabus co!era"e? (Yes/ No).

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